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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. I ll try the compression entry first if it fails will go the other route.
  2. I beg your pardon I did the mk IV A and J ...my bad
  3. Monty I did ,and have a Pzkw II A model if u need it. Its Skinned etc and all inis done.
  4. 1, No u cannot. 2. No idea 3, yes here ..http://marcfighters.combatace.com/page18.htm
  5. In Kulbit80`s 3rd picture,in front of the 109 are two doves at altitude dodging the props lol
  6. ive removed all Shadow.SHD lods from any\every add on a\c I have,,....took ages lol
  7. The mod folders use a copied original exe,and these are NOT modified by updates,you MUST delet them and copy the newly updated original exe for it to work,as ive said 3 times now
  8. Thnx wrench,I too had such shad probs on korea map,know I know why.
  9. Ive always liked the early 109`s,good job monty
  10. Right as you may know,you copy the original sf2.exe and the copy when executed,becomes your modded game,created in users\saved game folder path ok?.original folder and the new mod folder. so you just need to delete the mod exe,then copy the newly updated exe,rename it to whatever you call your modded exe.
  11. Ok heres a fix for modded installs that wont work after the update delete the old exe you used for the modded exe,copy the SF2 exe,rename to whatever,then go to the options.ini in both folders,in (heres mine in win7 for example) C:\Users\Iron Maiden\Saved Games\ThirdWire\SF2-Modded in normal SF2 folder in above location. Open options.ini,scroll to the bottom and make sure the path is to your mod folder. as below [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=C:\Users\Iron Maiden\Saved Games\ThirdWire\SF2-Modded Editors=StrikeFighters2 [screenShots] Directory=C:\Users\Iron Maiden\Saved Games\ThirdWire\SF2-Modded\ScreenShots Format=JPG then just create new shortcut via the newly created exe.
  12. My modded installs now no workee Sounds drop in external views F6 views sometimes only go to F5 view
  13. Beats me....win 7 ulti here and fine
  14. If you can guess what this a\c is I`ll put it up for d\l when complete.Originally a single seater(supplied too)
  15. On this model,the sun causes shadows of exterior parts to show through the fuselage and the burner can as below...also the intake,the daylight seems to come thru the model and cast shadows where they shouldnt show...any idea to cure it.? another thing...drop tanks in drop tanks folder dont show in game,but they do in weapons folder...why is there a drop tank folder in sf2?
  16. I was looking to do it but have way too much to do...
  17. All of my models are on my hard drive or cds from start of model to finish and are in various forms of completion,my p47 for example,ive probably got 10 maxfiles of it from day one.?...ive once or twice inwittingly used a texture that wasnt clearly marked by a name(to me anyways) and when ive been informed by creator that I cant use it ,ive apologised,and pulled the item,one example was a pilot bmp of diegos ,which I promptly deleted when he told me he wasnt happy(fair comment diego).I can prove ALL my models are mine. And totally agree on people who blatantly "hack" someones work and name as their own,should be exiled.
  18. Ed it may be the dome meshes pivot point isnt aligned to world...I just has same prob with some airbrake animations im doing
  19. as the tower has windows,u shud be able to see thru em...ive done it with a ship deck
  20. It will do ed...just move the key to the slot you are using.as you would when animating any item.the first key will start at 1

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