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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Im currently doing a few things as you may know,but THIS a\c is going to be finished ...lol...I am determined now to get one done at least before xmas....lol... I am busy at work etc,so most things are being done slowly...this model has priority now to get completed. When I started it there wasnt much info on it...found more since...but its too far along now to alter ,but id say it was about 90% accurate to what ive seen...
  2. What u thinking of kev?...I bet ur wrong.....lol will post some pics in a bit....
  3. RAF Hercules

    Creating the camo is easy peasy....its the aligning the seams thats a mare
  4. RAF Hercules

    I did start an RAF scheme but as its a pain trying to match up on the model in game,with the paint .paint edges....go in game....too far away....go out repaint...back in game...oh no...not close enough...back out...etc etc...so.....I gave up...if I had the 3d model I might have more patience....
  5. Happy Turkey Day

    As American as apple pie...NOT...lol (British had apple pie wayyyyy before u lot of nutters were even thought of....lol) have a good day yanks...:)
  6. I have a new model which...while in air after take off,go to retract gears and says cannot retract as on ground...when im clearly NOT....lol anyone had this in the 3d moddeling world here?... I have made sure all meshes have been ResetXform`d and are correct realworld size..(game world) I cannot see where ive gone wrong.. any fellow 3d a\c modeller got a spare hour to look at this 3d model for me...?..also will supply the a\c in game stuff too... also needs an fm as it flies like a turd... did ask fubar about fm,but hes busy and he dont really need the hassle...lol cheers Russ
  7. Just normal take off.....I try to get to 100ft and it just says on ground when try to retract.
  8. call of duty 4 grapics problem

    check ur directx is up to date too......also check your nvidia settings arent over riding the games settings....check anything as in drivers,bios,also I think u must have SP3 for xp with cod4...dunno if that has any effect
  9. G4 Super Galeb Looks like the Bae Hawk...similar.
  10. I donated the model of my Bucc to the DS team....dont know its progress tho...I hope it hasnt been passed around without my permission tho...ahem... :black eye: good luck with it syrinx...lol
  11. Buccaneer isnt dead...its still alive and ongoing...tho Ive not much time to do it...but will finish it asap
  12. WIP Strutter

    Mirror the wires in "view" mode.....unlink them so they are "scene roots"...move them into place...then relink them....this should sort the animation out...
  13. CoD World at war is OUT!

    Excellent game....MP is great...I am in a clan who started on UO...cod4 is really a totally diff game and in its field...brilliant.. cod 5 is fantastic for us clans etc...only bit that is a bad mistake I think is the online profiles....as server was down sunday for 5 hours so no one could get their profiles\settings to go online...I think they need to rethink this and do the profiles as per cod4....on your pc.... If you still want to play cod5 in 10 years time...will they still have the servers holding profiles?...i doubt it... this is a cock up as far as im concerned...
  14. 5.0,5.0,5.0 means.........in 3d world of 3ds max....... 0.0,0.0,0.0 being the centre of the model so, first 5.0 is 5 metres to left or right is -5.0 2nd 5.0 is 5 metres forwards of centre... and 3rd is 5 metres up the minus before the 1st number... eg: -5.0 ..... means to left of centre and 5.0 means to right...
  15. OMG!

    What a dog !! ps...take that as you will....
  16. I cant see the point u are making..what you are trying to do?...I map my stuff on one bmp if possible...if you need to apply different diffuse \reflections etc ,i use another mat editor slot to apply the bmp again with the different settings to get what I want ...IE matt tyres...from the bmp,while getting glossy parts such as dampers,which are supposed to be chrome effect.......using one slot of the material editor it cant be done,but applying the texture to another slot,then assigning it to the parts I get individual severaleffects from one bitmap... if you detach both sides of a tail,when you are mapping you can apply the texture how you like ...I dont use subobjects as it doesnt seem to work as you prefer.. you dont need to split tail to apply the damage effect...just map the polys of each side,one side at a time....then you can use different damage effects to either
  17. I have some decals set thus... Created 2 Folders for each sqd, called No5,No11,containing all the Fmk6 decals ....in main game Decal folder.. and added this to decal ini Fileformat=No5\Roundel works fine
  18. MiG-19S WIP

    whats that 40,000 polys?
  19. Ive got 20mb cable BB and its still only d\l ing at 17kb sec...cod4 d\ls files at 3mb+ \sec...MS sucks..
  20. Slow as arseholes is microsnott,,,bill gates is a tight fekker...get more bandwidth u noob..fek sake 10\kb a sec on 20mb Broadband...ffs
  21. You can only put 4 decals on a mesh...anymore the mesh is transparent....try making 2 decals as one if close together...if they are decals that are a common item...paint them on the texture...
  22. What do you fly?

    Lightning Fmk2 SU-16A Buccaneer smk2
  23. Funny u should say that veltro.... got it flying too...

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