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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. I have 3 installs on 3 drives lol...as long as options points there...no problems....one benefit of copying a fresh install to another drive...so far game hasnt tried to default anything...because its not a system install...so to speak.
  2. IIRC game reverts to default...I think it assumes extraneous files are errors....try write protecting them.
  3. yeah logan is a gent...dont want to keep pestereing him tho lol... mues editor is god send for checking stuff heres so far... gauges fine now...just mirrored pivots.. panel lights are via H key (unused arrester hook key in this exterior models case...) needs tweaking as I used the gauges as lights...only prob is...moving gauges like compass wheel are wrong when lights on as the compass(light) mesh wont turn... I have an idea how to fix this...by using a transparent tga coloured for lights so gauges visible through the "light" thats why adi`s have no light...the way I propose will allow lit adi`s too....also lights for gauges etc is quite low in poly count too,which is a bonus. rollbar pivot needs tweak too...
  4. Lights sorted....altimeter sorted to a degree...why wheels rotate wrong way when set pivot properly odd....just needed to flip em...ok at least my probs sorted so far...
  5. I ll start...link to pages that show what terms available and some different info... https://combatace.com/forums/topic/89454-cockpitini-list-of-items-and-documentation-for-creating/
  6. shitty pc = shitty performance etc etc.
  7. sometimes I have opposite they barely lift off before runway ends lol....probably an ini issue. more often than not tho they lift off ok...unless base under attack
  8. yea ..with decs does FA for pits except make them bigger in MB lol as I found out...latest pit with decs 5.80 mb...without 2.08 I think export with decs..."paints them om mesh so as to prevent bleed etc and allows dec to look less placed on rather than painted on actual a\c
  9. Stuff like landing gears I usually find vids of real plane if possible....to see how they work..or if not looking at pics of them helps you see where they fold...rotate, or are "pulled up" by pistons etc... Flaps...depends on ac\ how the fold......some hinge top some bottom,some extend out the rotate down... basic way is to set pivot to bottom edge...looking from front....then in local view adjust the pivot so its"level " with the edge...so when its animated.....it looks even.... animating is easy...in local view rotate down to proper angle,use the transform type tool in the edit toolbar to rotate the flap as the tool gives you degrees moved. when rotated to proper place...uncheck animation,and move the animated segments to 1 and 10..in anim timeline.....or 11-20 etc....so flap is closed when the timeline is at 0.. basically same for ailerons,rudders etc,except not animated...rudder is obviously collision points...set them so the mesh is in and invisible box...like so in pics. i name the points like wingcol01 wingcol02 ...as the 3rdwire exporter as you know exports points.
  10. Looks like a laser gun fight scene from star wars lol... oblig screen...ello!
  11. View File DC-3 Cockpits.7z DC-3 \ C-47 Cockpit for SF2 Converted from FSX Freeware DC-3 model.from http://flyawaysimulation.com I remade quite a few bits as they were poor...some parts remapped and moved...there are some recoloured pit textures too...will upload when later after ive altered them to fit what Ive moved... 2 versions included.... pilot only.. and with copilot. Install............ Drop selected cockpit folder into stock C-47A folder,after 1st deleting any cockpit installed.... IF using as C-47A cockpit... Copy over details in suppled DC-3.ini to the C-47A ini and replace them with the lines supplied... CockpitDataFile=DC3_COCKPIT.ini then add supplied DC3_Cockpit.ini into C-47a folder..... If using Pilot only just copy cockpit folder in the C-47A folder supplied if using copilot LOD, replace the line in the cockpit.ini ModelName=DC3 cockpit.LOD with... ModelName=DC3 CoP.LOD Then move the DC3 CoP.LOD into cockpit folder ...................................................................... or,if converting to a DC-3. (uses stock c47a.data.ini until new DC3 available) ....................................................................... Rename C-47A Main Folder DC-3,and the C-47A.ini to DC-3.ini then replace some lines with these.. [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=DC-3 "Dakota" AircraftShortName=DC-3 CockpitDataFile=DC3_COCKPIT.ini then add supplied DC3_Cockpit.ini into C-47a\DC-3 folder..... If using Pilot only just copy cockpit folder in the DC-3 folder supplied if using copilot LOD, replace the line in the cockpit.ini ModelName=DC3 cockpit.LOD with... ModelName=DC3 CoP.LOD Then move the DC3 CoP.LOD into cockpit folder Thats it... Windows open and close with gears as no option to link them... Animated.....Pilot feet,Rudder pedals,Flap,brake and gear levers... When I get around to doing the DC-3 will update the cockpit. lights...some are always on...ie,oil,fuel lights.... autoplilot,gears and cab doors lights work but not manually...nightlight does work as I based this cockpit.ini on basically default entries. any problems feel free to pm me and will try to answer asap... hope you like it and enjoy flying it...I think it looks good in game....im very happy with it... Thanks to...below for assistance and guidance..after me pestering them lol....not done many pits so thanks gents. Logan4... Yakarov79... Crusader..... Swambast....... cheers Russouk Update.... coloured cockpits for the DC-3 \ C-47A Russian style green and blue... simply drop in Cockpit folder...back up original Douglas_DC3_1_C.bmp if you want to keep it..... Douglas_DC3_2_C.bmp meanwhile is a higher res (1024x1024) Submitter russouk2004 Submitted 05/10/2020 Category Prop Cockpits DC-3Alternative cpit colours.7z
  12. Yeah found out its an altimeter causing problem.....only 1 instrument caused it ...I removed all the entries...excepst the instrument list...added them back few at a time...and found the wonky altimeter
  13. new cockpit its right size...all parts that needed resetting have been and checked for backfacing and pivots to world... linked fine...no typos as far as I can see....gets to 100% pauses 2 secs crashes... file is only 2.88mb...and about 45k polys...far less than my c47 etc...scaled it against c47 and dc3 cockpits in max...thats fine...been all afternoon since 2pm and still crashing... all jpgs and tgas....I even unlinked everything and reset any major parts that would cause issue....might try just loading frames seat and panel with instruments to see if it works.... any ideas?...im sure instruments wouldnt cause this...they would just not work...weird.
  14. Smaller size cockpits....old 5mb ish these are 2.8mb or thereabouts. incl pilot only or pilot and co-pilot for stock C47\Dc3 and the modded RAF DC3 copilot andpilotDC3Cockpit.7z DC3 RAFPilotonlyCockpit.7z
  15. google "RAF Martlesham Heath" and I found loads of ww2 over field pics also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAF_Martlesham_Heath
  16. My dc3 and c117 pits were 4.5 mb and one im making now was 5.6 mb...guess why... I tried exprt no decals and 5.6 mb is now 2.88 I assumed with decs gave better results...it does for a\c but not pits... so not gonna use export with decs now lol
  17. I concur....working here too now...had new drivers since day of release...didnt think to check though lol.
  18. Sun Shelter single hangar Drop files in folder into terrain,of choice then add below to types.ini to use. lights in roof but inactive. [TargetTypeXXX] Name=Sun Shelter Hangar FullName=Aircraft Shelter Single ModelName=SUNSHELTER.lod TargetType=HANGAR ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=50 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=100.0 ArmorValue=5000.0 ArmorType=1 RepairRate=0.050 StartDetectChance=20 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=8000.0 CollisionMesh=SH_Collision.LOD DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=LargeShortStructureCollapse DestroyedModel=hangar2_destroyed.LOD SecondaryChance=100 SecondaryEffect=MediumFire tried uploading but edge playing up when adding screens... added collision LOD add the name to the ini above like so Sun Shelter Hangar.7z SH_Collision.LOD
  19. Terrain editor...or I think you can do it via the target types ini....using the co-ordinates. ? just knocked this up. has lights in roof but not active. uploading now...
  20. reminds me of the old days in late 70`s early 80`s at RAF St Athans...see them do that often....buccs and F4`s too.. oblig screen
  21. looking good deniss...reminds me of my hawk....
  22. Looking for a crazy aircraft

    I remember that prog...I have several pdf books on soviet,german japanese and russian x planes....secret a\c etc ...like the sub plane etc.

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