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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Will do....I did start to sort it out to upload before I moved home.....will dig it out now.
  2. David Bowie passes away at 69

    Very sad,first I noticed was a tribute to him on tv...I thought,why...then saw news....he was a music legend and a trailblazer in his genre and he gave birth to a new style of music,im sure nealry everyone liked his contributions.
  3. "In Formation"....(Fightin Omars) "Roger".....(Rabbit)
  4. In my Mig 15 decal folder I have are... INSIGNIA029c.Tga etc from pack By Paulopanz etc...Read me below....look for the pack in D\L`s
  5. Ive remodelled the F4E and removed the rear seat,cockpit\canopy etc...Its unique atm to the Red Arrows skin as I had to remap some areas...but ive modded the template....im doing a few more bits and all being well should be able to release the Red Arrow version of what Im calling the F-4ES_85........S as in Single seat..85 as in 1985 lol... F-4ES-FGR and The F-4ES_85 (Red Arrows F-4E variant made specifically for thethem)
  6. I think the link above is these I have....works fine in SF2
  7. Display team they may be,But they are still an operational frontline unit too ! (New Nose....twaeked skin\mapping)
  8. R.A.F.`s Red Arrows....Go Supersonic
  9. I use paintshop pro. 7.04 for most of my stuff...and ps for other bits... psp is sometimes more user friendly....there is a version out there free to use.on a site that has abandon ware...I forget the site name..I have it if you want it.... small vid to show how easy to copy areas you need repeat easily... 2016-01-02-23-54-50.wmv Paint Shop Pro 7.04 Anniversary Edition RETAIL.7z
  10. I love the JU-88,junkers built an a\c that was nearly as good as the mossie,but no where as fast....JU-88 had nice lines....hope you are doing the night version? c-2 or c-6 zerstorer?...
  11. "The Phantom Menace"...as star wars is hot news atm...
  12. Just saw it on news....Fucking hell....what a loss....loved lemmy...sad day...R.I.P. lemmy
  13. Im too lazy to add objects manually...send me all yer modded terrains lol
  14. Heightmap bmp....you need edit the tga VIETNAMSC50C.Tga....as kev says
  15. no problem it wont affect the exporting ...so long as I ake sure all the textures are assigned ok....you may need fine tune the pitch angles in the ini.....Im just checking the max model,and will post it to you asap
  16. hows this ?.only tested in air....will look on ground in morning.....all that was wrong was the pitch pivot wasnt aligned to world.... not sure if ive set muzzle correct as test game hasnt any enemy a\c I need to enable all the textures in max as i only enabled the main skin will check it in morning that its all exported correctly ignore pilots etc as this was tested in my test game...which has only a few essential basics... mean while....
  17. Prototype yellow oxide painted....did ages ago...but SU-33 aint released yet
  18. sorry,been busy....ive time to look at it atm yeah
  19. if the gun is doing opposite of the ini statements...it might be the pivot isnt set \ aligned correctly in max....is the max file available?
  20. Ive added a\b effects and bump mapping to the S-5... are the only differences to the 3d model of the S1,S3 and S4 and the M2000-5F ...just the antennaes and the pylon arrangements?....obviously the skins differ slightly but are all basically mapped the same.. if the 2 differences are just the antennaes and pylons then I can make the antennaes and remove the un needed pylons to export the model I have ,so I can add the effects to the S1,S3,AND S4 and the 5F cheers
  21. Bump maps are created easily with nvidia photoshop plugin...and spec maps are edited texturess,lighter the are ,the more "shiny" that area....darker areas are more matt... https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-adobe-photoshop 2 vids to show basics of normal map and spec map creation... I always use a jpeg with the template and a uniform grey colour,with tha a\c details but minus shading,dirt and decals etc...as you dont need them to show in the bump maps and spec maps...only wear and tear,and rust and flaky paint and shiny ordull rivets etc are requiring the spec mapping making the spec and bump maps.wmv spec and bump maps in max.wmv
  22. Russian Navy Trials,and Chase plane...somewkere over Russia 2014

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