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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. seem to lost em...below...20 mins and a few layers....like so.. heres the one just made for the 600gal tank...psd Tank_F-4_600-psd.7z
  2. Ive got some somewhere....will dig em out
  3. New radome..not so blocky... added rwr ecm to tail...also a camera...arrowed.. any suggestions for getting it to be used as a tv in cockpit if I add it to a 3d pit I have to try it.? if not will set it to F5 view.. low level,pop up and shoot...and get the hell outta dodge...
  4. Ive got marcelos flanker max file,but wont be doing anything with it as I only borrowed the file from marc,and promised him not to use it apart from making skins... it has mapping errors on top and sides,maybe when have time can make new flanker model.but not for the foreseeable future
  5. Not yet no....lost iles for the templates when had my hd crash,so rebuilding them.. RAE F4E-FGR6 Test a\c for covert ops with 99sqn ..on trials with the RAE Hawker...
  6. Really like your style with ships sam m8 really nice ships
  7. All I find for history etc is FEKKING weather for assad ap...jeez....I think it was opened in 80`s maybe 82 ish
  8. Test Test and Test again...RAE Hawker P-1211 and ETPS F4E-XF accompanied by 99 sqd(ninety Niners) F4E-XS on trials...
  9. This game just never tires...dcs ?...who needs it?...
  10. with some trial and error you can repaint the background sky jpegs or bmps...I experimented with them,I found 360 degree panoaramic skiy pictures that I tried for the back ground...with some fiddling to match them up....it can be done..
  11. in sue data.in on the weap station for the tank,(pylon) is it named like so? from my F4E single seater FuelTankName=Tank370_F4 if tank part of 3d model then add an entry like so FuelTankNodeName=droptank_wing_L this is from the SEM 4 usue data.ini,no mention of a tank...so have you added the name ? you will have to add a ne station ID too,for the tank to use the pylon alone...so the pylon shows up too [LeftInPylonTK] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=8 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.503,-1.2,-0.34 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-2.0,0.0 LoadLimit=855 AllowedWeaponClass=FT FuelTankName=ST_FT6252 AttachmentType=FRANCE ModelNodeName=Left_Main_Pylon PylonMass=42.62 PylonDragArea=0.04 /MinExtentPosition= /MaxExtentPosition= [RightInPylonTK] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=9 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.503,-1.2,-0.34 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-2.0,0.0 LoadLimit=855 AllowedWeaponClass=FT FuelTankName=ST_FT6252 AttachmentType=FRANCE ModelNodeName=Right_Sec_Pylon PylonMass=42.62 PylonDragArea=0.04 /MinExtentPosition= /MaxExtentPosition=
  12. sounds like texture memory running out......
  13. RAF No 99 COS SQD "99ers"....hence the ice cream cone sqd emblem,("COS" Squadron ,"Covert Ops") F4E_FGR7S (S=Single seat version) Special Operations sqd created with unique special codes,for secret missions any where in the world they are needed,currently they fly over Afghan,on night sorties along side US "Special Forces\USAF\US Intelligence services,the squadron is based in a highly guarded and special area at RAF Coltishall hence Tail code "C" pilots are selected from RAF`s top squadrons,and do not mix with normal aircrew of the RAF in general,these aircraft do the work that the UK Government "Deny" take place,they are technically the flying arm of the UK Military secret services. 2 a\c on test flights,rarell seen in the air during daylight hours.
  14. some vertices may need welding too...smooth modifier,and polygon ID`s in groups then smooth each group,to sort diferent areas.... send max file if u are stuck
  15. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    hmmmm,might dust off my copy of IL-2\46
  16. good pic geezer...lok at shadow on rivets...shows how far out they protruded
  17. orrible little jet,looks like they stitched a few bits onto a pucara....looking at the real a\c...ive changed my mind...it looks sexy....especially this red \ white polish jobbie...2nd model ed much bettero http://i.ytimg.com/vi/29382d_DcO8/maxresdefault.jpg
  18. couple of days mebbe...depending on work
  19. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=de&u=http://users.skynet.be/exotic.planes/htm/other/schemes.htm&usg=ALkJrhjnoe6hGkNU0BSNyGmiSz2StTSg8A
  20. rotate the pivot in max so Y becomes Z axis ahh see u have fixed it...I used fake invis gears so it seems to float off ground...outside disc rotated around the "Fuselage" (circular body),you can even use harrier data for vert take offs etc,lights were a pain,so used self illuminated strips...a bit like the lights on the mothership in close encounters
  21. mue....how are you at making a tool that can mix data in an ini file?....Ive been trying to merge 2 versions of a squadronlist.ini...trying not to copy the same entry twice.....any way you could see if it could be done?...if poss... lod viewer excellent m8
  22. Im going round in circles...no in depthe info found...copied stock enrty but still no go...god im dense...lol if greyed out is that because only 1 unit ? heres my quandry... ini entries.. [TextureSet001] Directory=57 Name=57th Adversary Tactics Group (Flogger) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS Squadron=57th ATG Specular=0.100000 Glossiness=0.050000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet002] Directory=64 Name=64th Aggressor Squadron (Flogger2) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS Squadron=64th AGRS [TextureSet003] Directory=65 Name=65th Aggressor Squadron (Flanker) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS Squadron=65th AGRS [TextureSet004] Directory=Splinter Aggressor Name=57th Adversary Tactics Group (Splinter) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS Squadron=57th ATG USAF AGGRESSOR shows up ok in nation... name does too...unit wont show...ive obviously made error but cant see where lol...any help will be great ty.. sqd list ini... [squadron480] Name=57th ATG DisplayName=57th Adversary Tactics Group (Flogger) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS [squadron481] Name=64th AGRS DisplayName=64th Aggressor Squadron (Flogger2) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS [squadron482] Name=65th AGRS DisplayName=65th Aggressor Squadron (Flanker) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS [squadron483] Name=57th ATG DisplayName=57th Adversary Tactics Group (Splinter) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS lastly texture.ini entries.. [TextureSet] Name=57th Adversary Tactics Group (Flogger) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS Squadron=57th ATG Specular=0.100000 Glossiness=0.050000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet] Name=64th Aggressor Squadron (Flogger2) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS Squadron=64th AGRS Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.450000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet] Name=65th Aggressor Squadron (Flanker) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS Squadron=65th AGRS Specular=0.100000 Glossiness=0.050000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet] Name=57th Adversary Tactics Group (Splinter) Nation=USAF AGGRESSORS Squadron=57th ATG Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000

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