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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. made new glass....sorted...no idea why it happens...ah well...
  2. I know what u mean m8....the glass is mapped flat on my hawk glass tga... I think the xform reset is the way....
  3. tried normals route....nothing....redid polys same result...short of making new glass...im outta ideas why the deleted ares show up like this...
  4. Think \i ll rebuild it as doing that I still get the patchy polys
  5. "Someone stole my Phantom....I bet its a Russian Conspiracy"...WIP
  6. set them up in 7 and I can export the max file for you to LOD
  7. This is from tw exporter for max 2009 TW Exporter Dec2010-C <Top and what textures are used in the LOD 10 Materials: ( 1) 5 - Default: Reflection=1.00 Red Arrows2014.jpg HawkNORM.jpg (bump map) ( 2) Material #170: Transparency enabled Reflection=1.00 frontglass.tga frontglass.tga (specular map) ( 3) Material #151: Transparency enabled ( 4) 7 - Default: Transparency enabled HUDGlass.tga ( 5) Material #156: Reflection=0.00 Red Arrows2014.jpg ( 6) Material #259: Transparency enabled Lights.tga ( 7) Material #427: Transparency enabled Lights.tga ( 8) 20 - Default: Transparency enabled Reflection=1.00 RearGlass.tga rearglass.tga (specular map) ( 9) 2 - Default: Red Arrows2014.jpg ( 10) 11 - Default: Transparency enabled Lights.tga specular does work.. I cant remember what was exported with max 7.. max models prior to 2009 can be loaded and exported for you by someone with max 9 2009 dels m8 and set bumps for you... This is excerpt from the max 6 7 and 8 exporters on spec maps....btw....worth reading.. Specular Highlights – both Specular Level and Glossiness data specified in this section are transferred directly to the game engine. To allow for customized skin, these values may also be adjusted by a separate external file. Soften value is not used. 4. Maps Only three map controls have any effect on how the object would look once it is exported into the game. Diffuse Color, Specular Level, and Reflection. All other map controls are not used. Texture map should be applied on Diffuse Color channel, and the Diffuse Color box should be checked ON. The Amount adjusts how much of the color comes from the texture map and diffuse color – at 100 (default), the color will come strictly from texture map and diffuse color is ignored, and at 0, the diffuse color is used and texture map is ignored. The Specular Level check box is used to specify where the material should get its specular data (both Specular Level and Glossiness). If the box is checked OFF (default), the material will use the specular data defined in a user-defined external text file, if such file is present. If it is checked ON, the material will always use the values set in the Specular Highlights section under the Blinn Basic Parameters. The value specified in the Amount is ignored, Specular Level should be set in the Blinn Basic Parameters section. This allows for user to customize specular level of the material to match his texture map without having to modify the 3D model itself, yet at the same time, the model builder can specify certain part of the model to always have a fixed amount of specular level. For example, the model builder might set the specular level for material used by the engine exhaust or gun barrel, so they are not affected when the user sets specular level to 0 for his low-visibility camouflaged paint scheme. To make the Specular Level fixed at zero (i.e., no specular level), check the box ON, and set the Amount to 0. Reflection check box works similarly to the Specular Level check box. If the box is checked OFF (default), the material will use the reflection data defined in a user-defined external text file. Check the box ON, the model builder can specify a fixed reflection value (as defined in the Amount). Actual reflection map need not be specified in the model, as an appropriate reflection map will be assigned at run-time to all models depending on the environment. 5. Diffuse Color Map UV Tiling and UV Mirror options can be checked ON or OFF to control how the map is applied outside the texture area. They should both be checked OFF for most cases. Important: if the UV Tiling is kept ON (which is the default in MAX), you might see a line at the edge of texture as the texture gets filtered across to the other end. To avoid seeing this, make sure to turn UV Tiling OFF. Under the Bitmap Parameters, Filtering options can be set to Pyramidal or Summed Area, or to None. If it is set to either Pyramidal or Summed Area, the game will perform filtering (exact type depends on the card), and if this is set to None, the game will perform no filtering on this material.
  8. another thing...the migs were flankers lol
  9. good idea monty ive lost a few max files of a\c ive made....would be good to import LOD and be able to salvage the model.
  10. worth watching but....unlimited aim 9`s didnt he get at least 9 kills a2a ?..lol
  11. If a texture is altered mue...is it possible to refresh LOD and it will update?...or need close and open it every time alter texture?...ty...good to see its the mig 29 I updated you chose...lol
  12. RF-4B.....

    Make new layer on nose bmp.... paint the anti-glare area.....put white square each corner of the layer...this keeps size of the layer copy layer as new image...make it into tga and assign to the fuselage as decal scale 1.0 did this for old p47n as experiment...it works
  13. You can animate afterburner node with tga...made ab nozzle cylinder added tga and animated it to match outer nozzle...linked it to te main ab and it works opens and closes with main ab nozzle...
  14. Salut! to the French GIGN!

    3 down 1 to go....she is doomed... Good job French Services.
  15. No words

    Good point... My one word would be.... Revenge.
  16. [Fictional] P-47N IDF Skins

    This version of the jug is solely sf2,when I revamped the old model,it was for SF2 I didnt add it to sf1 lol...
  17. Some models do look good enough low poly.....heres some I think need higher polys to get the "Look" right...some aircraft that are very curved etc need smoother modelling,or it looks like some old game model...while not everyone can fly the model most maybe can....I have a good system that luckily runs anything.....my older system just did too...still can run sf well btw...lol I model something fore most for myself...a\c that I havent seen in any sim ,but can now with sf series get them flying...and share with others....if their systems cant handle slightly higher res models...maybe its time for upgrades lol...if TK had kept going I think the game may have needed better pc`s to run it...anyways thats supposition...I will continue to mod stuff as best as I can for as many people a possible,not all will be able to use them,thats really unfortunate but thats beyond my scope... I like good details and cockpits too...as thats where we do most of our flying....my hawk pit for example,is as low poy as I dare use without it looking blocky and its over 30,000 polys now...and still a lot to make...such as the canopy is only just started.. why my models in future will be high res...
  18. Not out yet but my SU-16 is not for you then... will try to get the early low poly one done too.. Num Nodes: 270 Total: (105395 polys, 316185 verts) Mesh Max: (5010 polys, 15030 verts) and thats with no skin yet I tend to model as best detail as poss,with as few polys as possible...sometimes tho high poly counts cant be helped mind you my system can handle it ,and I tend to model what I want foremost and for you guys here too...
  19. F4E-15 (15 is code for 2015 upgraded) I must admit,ive made this as a "stolen and copied F4e ,for Russian Navy" All glass canopy... dont know why canopy is refracting ive checked polys etc but it still looks as if theres dodgy polys any ideas ? ive checked the normals...they seem ok...
  20. Does 26 K have bomb bay ?....remodelled B to K and started to add some details.... prop to redo as blades are flat tips... gear doors looked odd so adding some polys to make them less blocky new engine on left new wheels on left added curves to tail,fuselage...added a few more vertices to smooth curved areas.... nose slightly too long...will pull that back a tad..removed turret....and adding better detail to glazed mid top fuselage
  21. if an air force only has one squadron in the list then that will always appear as default...depends what order they are posted in the squadronlist.ini.......you need add other squadrons to the sqd list ...which is located in pilotdata folder...if not you need extract it... heres some I added and some others [squadron470] Name=35th Squadron DisplayName=35th SQD Bashar AB Nation=Bangladesh [squadron471] Name=727RDAF DisplayName=Esk 727 Nation=Denmark [squadron472] Name=730RDAF DisplayName=Esk 730 Nation=Denmark [squadron473] Name=308th TFS DisplayName=308TFS Nation=USAF [squadron474] Name=138th TFS DisplayName=138th TFS NYANG Nation=USAF [squadron475] Name=54 Squadron. DisplayName=54 SQD Nation=RAF [squadron476] Name=2457th AB BP DisplayName=2457th AB BP Nation=SOVIET [squadron477] Name=279th Fighter Regiment DisplayName=279th Shipborne Fighter Aviation Regiment Nation=RUSSIAN NAVY
  22. Happy New Year...from me....and also a virtual Happy New Year from The Red Arows.
  23. if in uk you can get summat far better for a few quid extra 16.99 will get u a 2046mb geforce card dd3 or this MSI Radeon R7 240 "Low Profile" 2048MB GDDR3 PCI-Express Graphics Cardfor a few pounds more. link below....at 44 quid...just to show u can shop around and get more bang for your bucks so to speak.. http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-231-MS&groupid=701&catid=56
  24. http://combatace.com/topic/84946-drag-chute-tutorial-quick-n-easy/

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