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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Those them there pics are old....the new nose starts from ..line in front of the pivot on lower pic just above the 55 on the timeline bar on bottom
  2. Looks like a totally new nose\fuselage rebuild... top pic shows slight movement of vertices to rough shape.. so many polys are not needed and too many gaps... 2nd pic nose gear needs new different doors... new engines antennaes etc nose obviously will rebuild add the new obvious parts too... might be a major rebuild... USAF S version V and W P+w for the S or are they RR ? RAF W version with RR`s ive started on new nose...fuse is ok where needed,bit will cut then add new nose... get it started then on weekend got 3 days off to devote to it...
  3. who actually made the 3d models for them?...
  4. http://combatace.com/topic/63073-what-if-screenshot-thread/page-108
  5. Still working on it...time allowing....as im waiting for permission to use some items etc....hope to get it and the hawk out just after xmas Reason I asked about the cockpit was maybe using the max file to make my su-16 cockpit rather than the F16 one
  6. Go on then....shoot..its really just nose forewards of wings and antennaes to add,looks like shouldnt be too big a job
  7. yup.... see...this is how my saved games\ folders now look with all the options .ini`s pointing to new location... bottom of each ini is.... [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=D:\Games\Strikefighters2\Great Britain Editors=StrikeFighters2 [screenShots] Directory=D:\Games\Strikefighters2\Great Britain\ScreenShots Format=JPG btw ...what patch level are you using? mines latest...jul2013
  8. try these emitters.....open f18 data.inis and try the viper ones instead the folders in users\saved games is the mod folder... unless you mean an install other than stock?... non stock mod... go to main thirdwire folder,where original exes are C:\Prog files\thirdwire\ copy and paste a new exe you want to make a mod folder of.. rename the copy to your choice....IE...UK.exe .create a shortcut on desktop and run it.and it will start game....close game when completed loading to main screen look in users\saved games\thirdwire\sf2\ you will then see new folder called UK...thats a new mod folder...you will need to add missing folders and extract what files you may want...Terrains for instance.....then you can add any aircraft terrain etc you like when I put the modded folders on my D drive...all I did was copy the whole Folder StrikeFighters2 folder and contents to present location....deleted all the content in each game folder in old saved games\Thirdwire\Strike fighters2 \ apart from options.ini and version.ini... these are needed to show game where ive moved the files to... various emitters.zip
  9. kiev....in sf2 euro I modded it to uk...heres the light mod added drag n drop and it works fine...my mods are on my 2nd hdd rather than in c:\users\name\saved games\Thirdwire\SF2\ options.ini points to it so...but it is same priciple...drag n drop folders from the carrier lights mod folder to my mod instal folder on D drive D:\Games\Strikefighters2\Great Britain\Effects this needs though to have the path... [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=D:\Games\Strikefighters2\Great Britain Editors=StrikeFighters2 [screenShots] Directory=D:\Games\Strikefighters2\Great Britain\ScreenShots Format=JPG
  10. hmmmm no wonder some of your fuselage emitter wont work...you need check you have them obviously you dont lol FA-18E uses the vipervortex emmitter VortexEmitterName=ViperVortexEmitter FA-18F_RAAF and the FA-18F_BlkII uses VortexEmitterName=BuccVortexEmitter //VortexEmitterName=F18FuselageVortexEmitter FA-18F_BlkI uses... VortexEmitterName=F18FuselageVortexEmitter carrier lights works fine...just dropped folders int mod dir and fine...you have definitley mad error somewhere screenshots in night always turn out darker ...hmmm
  11. list items you are installing...I ll install them and see if I get the problems you have...im patched up to july2013
  12. Always build a model as low poly as you can,keeping the quality you desire ...its easier to add detail,than take it away...
  13. ty...adding forward IRST and few bits....
  14. your best bet is to ...move the stuff to a new folder...delete all the folders apart from the Thirdwire folder in your users\saved games folder...recreate the folders by running the exe again and move each folder into correct place and try again ?
  15. First British RC-135W arrives at RAF Waddington in November 2013 seen one of these..awesome...If I had the time...hmm oh well..
  16. you have either wrong path in your options.ini... or folders wrong order...heres mine...My mod folder on 2nd HDD but same applies...if you have it as mine,apart from the different path... theres no reason it wont work [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=D:\Games\Strikefighters2\Great Britain Editors=StrikeFighters2 [screenShots] Directory=D:\Games\Strikefighters2\Great Britain\ScreenShots Format=JPG
  17. T-34 T-90...need to add spec maps etc...and make data.inis etc...2 weeks..
  18. your folder structure on left should look like the one on right options.ini in main mod folder ,bottom of ini...should also point to so...or whatever path you have [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=C:\Users\your name here\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic Editors=StrikeFighters2 [screenShots] Directory=C:\Users\your name here\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic Format=JPG
  19. Few more...ironed out a few wrinkles...data.in was a pain and found all errors..flies well now... now to map and skin..
  20. Can a russian speaker help please....could you donate some time to translate to Russian for me this below... also need some bits checked to see if ive done it correct... see pics for what I need checked... top pic I need text translated....for 3ds max cockpit ..ive installed russian font but dont know if its right ...thnx

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