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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. I hope before christmas also all have now crrect rear canopies...G had standard framing C D E etc had the different framing.
  2. decs to do...a\c of 6./ZG2 France circa 1940 other pic shows this a\c but as in IL2(please not this is NOT using the IL2 skin I repainted the skin from scratch,as did the total remake of templates)..) working on G version...adding radars etc...hope to release them as pack of C,D E and the G nightfighter versions.
  3. yeah...noticed mapping isnt exactly that accurate between meshes...good tho
  4. works ok in LOD viewer check the ini is correct
  5. is that the island ?..rather build planes lol
  6. BF110E-3 W Nr 2408 of 2/Aufkl Gr14...(recon group) N Africa was taken from 2/Aufkl Gr 123...note...they left badge of Gr123 on a\c and covered over prev units code 4 U .. also this has the different canopy at rear...(Remade the canopy for models that used it)
  7. Left yes so pilots could transfer to other country a\c without further training....
  8. painted aim 9D to look like russkkie aims..
  9. yep...tga is ok for some things if mesh is perfect...any blemishes and it stretches,pinches etc.....my sharkmouth painted on is same as the tgas ...but tga warped painted on doesnt... I had same probs as you with my su-9 lost psd file and the skin wasnt finished so I added layers like a patchwork quilt lol...panel line or two here,rivets there ...some camo there etc etc...blended in using opacity etc etc...pain yeah but if it saves you work fine.
  10. ahhhh yes u can but might be very awkwards to get the scale right...it might not fit the model lenghtwise but will heightwise...i had that problem with a sharkmouth on the 110 its stretched where didnt want it to..so painted it on texture...why not just add as layer to the jpg or what ever instead...this is pic of exactly that....i forgot to add some layers so rescued it by adding new layer...
  11. im a fan of psp 7.4 as its easy...I do use ps for some more detaieled tools and tga`s etc but prefer this paint prog for basics... its easier to use than ps ans gimp....as its basic but quite good tools and results.
  12. yeah ...add new layer to the tail texture paint rivets set opacity of layer(right side ) to how you want then save as...save as psd too so you have the layers to go back to if you need to alter anything.
  13. oh I dont know...some good skinning skills m8
  14. II./NJG1 Night Fighter Gruppe..
  15. nice...always liked the sluf...
  16. have look around check six forums...might find what you want. http://www.checksix-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=298&start=30
  17. brmmmmmmmm brmmmmmm brmmmmmmmm
  18. 6-ZG1 110C-7 quite like this skin..(bottom shot DCS Version)
  19. I read from Hahn that they were so reduced gruppes in45 they used their own colours if only few left ...to see what m8 was still alive after a fight.
  20. Know what you mean...these just 2 of many for the 109G`s
  21. Bit more....decals are quite a pain as Gruppes use mostly same letters and numbers but mixed colours...lol but im enjoying doing them. 3rd pic shows a small sample.
  22. ahhh didnt realise thats what he meant...if he did lol

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