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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Or Geary...another way.. pasting into a layer,set opacity etc,and maybe add some base colour over panel areas to get some diversity... .using a texture like so...this isnt one I used,but you get the idea.. Texture... Textures on template.. and in max with bumpmaps
  2. lol yeah....was toying with calling it Mig22 and left the logo on...
  3. Sukhoi Su-19K 'Fisher' II- Soviet Naval Aviation, 1985 Thnx spinners m8...had similar idea.
  4. Do what I do...use real metal photos etc and copy n paste bits into ur skin...like so
  5. So this is the b*stard responsible for pop ups!

    I`d stick a pop up up the douches ass sideways.
  6. Russkies copy everything... canopy is being revised,rest will stay as is...mostly.. Tail details...
  7. You cant say more than...60 years anniversary and still going....says it all...
  8. I was going to go for nvidia,780 series but stuck with amd... Bought a Radeon R9 280x Vapor-X oc 3072mb GDDR5 card. exact same spec as a 439 quid SAPPHIRE HD 7970 GHz Edition 3GB GDDR5 VAPOR-X )
  9. Very "enterprising" of you...ahem...n1
  10. Robin Williams Found Dead!

    He was severely depressed apparently...asphyxia...hope he didnt die in car using exhaust to kill himself...what waste,he was so good ...sad day. Must be horrible that he felt like that..RIP m8
  11. Done similar way and it works fine copy mod folder to other drive,mines D:\SF2\blah blah blah*** in ... saved games\Thirdwire\SF2\blah blah blah\DELETE EVERYTHING EXCEPT options.ini options ini portion [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=D:\SF2\blah blah blah< ***make sure path named exact same Editors=StrikeFighters2 [screenShots] Directory=D:\SF2\blah blah blah\ScreenShots Format=JPG
  12. Same treatment to my fmk6 and 1a,1a here,complete new fuse,engines,other bits more detailed...wip
  13. Im waiting for pcb board for the damaged hd,hopefully that ll fix it,as it seems its board error not drive... I will check models here ive got now,and se if they are the last I did,I think I have the bits smoothed out(intakes etc ) on these models...will let you know when Ive taken a look...bit busy at home atm,but will squeeze in some time to check .and try and get a bit more finished.
  14. Large bmp files are fps killers,any large formats do for that matter,I prefer compressed jpgs as size is 1\4 of a bmp..its a pity we cant use other formats for skins etc.
  15. I will upload 3ds max files for what ive got to modders section in a day or two,no time myself atm
  16. Name The Plane

  17. A man has been arrested on suspicion of making a hoax bomb threat after RAF jets were alerted to escort a passenger plane to Manchester Airport. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-28662561
  18. Im not running out of steam...its time for me...Im trying to finish a lot of stuff here,to clear the decks,so to speak...trying to get 3 or 4 items done ,swapping between each after doing a little more on each..
  19. I agree ant...here is why I bump map a\c...hawk for example has a lot of panels,rivets that are prominent on skin..also a lot of gaps in panels,and dents and raises etc in the aluminium.some good examples here...also older soviet a\c were just held together ,with huge gaps between panels...
  20. yeah dave good item to have,I have several for skinning aid.
  21. correct...polys get flipped....3ds also puts polys in odd places...a lot will need deleting form some conversions of 3ds files.
  22. Normal maps (bumpmaps) along with specular maps,makes hell of a difference to even simple skins.. This ok for those without photoshop...standalone Bumpmap tool. http://www.crazybump.com/
  23. 28/07/1914... Austro-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

    you can edit the wav,or find a better wav,find wav you prefer and just change name of the gun in the data.ini me109e gun data.ini [Gun01] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=20MM_MGFF <<<look in sound folder and you will see 20MM MGFF.wav if you want to use the 20MM MGFF for example...or what gun you prefer sound of...easy.. ty for the good words btw.
  24. People do leave themselves open for abuse sometimes lol....couldnt resist the obvious...reply...lawl

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