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Everything posted by Edward

  1. Hi Norrin.  I'm about to try your VR setup for Strike Fighters 2 and I have some questions, if you don't mind.  Do I have to install all three programs, or for the first two do I just copy the files into the SF2 directory?  I also have a HP Reverb G2 headset.  Do I have to use Open Track, or can I skip using that with my headset?  Thanks in advance for your help.  I would really love to try out SF2 in VR.  Thanks for  your efforts.  They are greatly appreciated.



    1. norrinor


      Hi Edward, 

      Firstly, I just realised that I still had the original version of the file (v1.0.0) linked via the download file tab in the Combat Ace download section, this has now been corrected so please make sure you get the v1.0.2 version as this hopefully has a slightly better explanation and a few additional details regarding troubleshooting.

      As you said, for the first 2 steps there's no need to install these programs, you just need to copy the relevant files from the downloads into your strike fighters 2 directory, that is the one that contains the SF2.exe files.

      Installing Opentrack with your headset is optional; however, headtracking won't work in VR, that is you'll still need to use the  mouse to look around the cockpit etc. So I highly recommend you install it, that way when you turn your headset your view will change in game. The easiest way to do this is to use the SteamVR settings as shown in image D of the instructions. If you do this, don't forget to set up a dead zone in the mapping options of openTrack.  There's a really nice explanation describing how to set-up OpenTrack here: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/34403-a-complete-guide-to-set-up-head-tracking-opentrack/

      I hope this helps,

      Best wishes,

      Simon (norrin)






    2. Edward


      Hi Norrin

      Thanks so much for the help.  Your instructions worked perfectly.  I got the 3D cockpit and everything.  Looks great.  Open Track is working well.  Only on last thing.  When I move my head and look around I can still see the edges of the game screen.  I have tried to adjust the screen size and curvature and it works but at the very extreme I can still see the edges of the screen.  I'm used to playing Il-2 1946 in true VR without seeing the screen edges.  Is there any way to fix that.

      Thanks again for setting all this stuff up.  It works perfectly except for the screen edges.



  2. Version


    Flanders Terrain for First Eagles Terrain by Me. Tiles by Bill Gates, Third Wire, and Me. Static Aircraft and other bits by the A-Team. Ground Crew and other ground objects by Geo. Moored Zeppelin by Hinchinbrooke. Hi Res Buildings by Max188. Special Thanks to TK for a Great Flight Sim and the A-Team for doing twenty-one really great WWI aircraft; and Aladar, MontyCZ, EmlD, Bortafarm and others for many more spectacular aircraft. Let me personally thank Charles, Capun and Geo for all their help and support with this. These fine gentlemen make modding a lot of fun. Installation: 1. Put the Flanders folder in your Terrain Folder 2. Select in Menu 3. Fly To Delete just remove the folder. Known Issues: Nothing in Life is Perfect. COMING SOON First Eagles Flanders 1916-1918 Campaign for the Royal Flying Corps, Royal Naval Air Service and German Air Service to follow. It will include all the great available aircraft. Edward
  3. WOE 1950's AAA Mod v1.0

  4. WW2 North Africa Terrain

  5. WW2 Tunisia/Malta Terrain

  6. 91 sqn dolphin

  7. 54sqn pup

  8. Le Grand C To fix the solid object .tga issue using FE2 go into the wwiVosges.data.ini file and replace the Solid Object Texture Material lines with this: [solidObjectTextureMaterial] DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=TRUE RenderedInOrder=TRUE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=TRUE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=TRUE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0.000000 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE Then all should work as advertised. gterl: Fantastic job on this terrain Really great work Edward
  9. View File Korean Air War Complete Mod This is a complete Korean Air War Campaign and COMPLETE PLANE SET AND OBJECT SET for Strike FIghters Project 1. No more hunting and installing aircraft. ALL NEEDED AIRCRAFT ARE ALL INCLUDED IN THIS MOD, TOGETHER WITH ALL OBJECTS NEEDED. You can fly the F-86 Sabre, F-84 Thunderjet, F-80 Shooting Star, F-51D Mustang, AD-4 Skyraider, F9F-5 Pantherjet, F2H-2 Banshee, and F4U-4 Corsair for the USAF, USN, USMC, and RAAF. Carrier Campaigns included. ALL YOU MUST DO to utilize the campaign and all the aircraft is 1. Make a fresh install of SFP:1 and Patch it to SP3.2, then delete EVERY SINGLE stock aircraft. 2. Put the latest version of the Weapons Pack in the Objects folder, 3. Put the Korea terrain file in the Terrain folder, and 4. Unzip the provided files to a Temporary Directory. Copy the Campaigns, Flight, Menu, Objects, and Sounds folders to the Strike Fighters Directory, letting them overwrite the existing files. Then you can go fly, and smash the Communists. Have Fun, S! Edward Submitter Edward Submitted 07/28/2005 Category User Made Campaigns  
  10. Version


    Here is the Korean Air War Mod Terrain and Campaign Update. My thanks go to TK for such a great sim, FNG2k for his groundbreaking work in this area, and especially Charles, Capun and Gramps (the A-Team) for all their help and support. This is a redone Korea Terrain and Campaign V2.0. I used all new tiles plus got rid of all those "sea mountains"and fixed the water and runways to give them a more 1950's look. Special thanks to Polak for his water mod, which I have adapted for this terrain. I stongly recommend you download and use Polak's sky mod with this terrain as well. Installation 1. Delete your old Korea Folder in the Terrain Folder and replace it with this new one. 2. Delete the old Korean War Folder in the Campaign Folder and replace it with this one. 3. Fly.
  11. Version


    This is a complete Korean Air War Campaign and COMPLETE PLANE SET AND OBJECT SET for Strike FIghters Project 1. No more hunting and installing aircraft. ALL NEEDED AIRCRAFT ARE ALL INCLUDED IN THIS MOD, TOGETHER WITH ALL OBJECTS NEEDED. You can fly the F-86 Sabre, F-84 Thunderjet, F-80 Shooting Star, F-51D Mustang, AD-4 Skyraider, F9F-5 Pantherjet, F2H-2 Banshee, and F4U-4 Corsair for the USAF, USN, USMC, and RAAF. Carrier Campaigns included. ALL YOU MUST DO to utilize the campaign and all the aircraft is 1. Make a fresh install of SFP:1 and Patch it to SP3.2, then delete EVERY SINGLE stock aircraft. 2. Put the latest version of the Weapons Pack in the Objects folder, 3. Put the Korea terrain file in the Terrain folder, and 4. Unzip the provided files to a Temporary Directory. Copy the Campaigns, Flight, Menu, Objects, and Sounds folders to the Strike Fighters Directory, letting them overwrite the existing files. Then you can go fly, and smash the Communists. Have Fun, S! Edward
  12. Version


    Here are some replacement tiles for the stock First Eagles Terrain. They are modified Flight Simulator 2004 tiles. They are not perfect, and there are still a few misplaced trees. These tiles change nothing else about the stock Verdun terrain except the look. All roads, villages, rivers and trenches are intact. To install simply copy all the files into your wwiVerdun folder inside the terrain folder. To delete simply delete all the files from the folder. My sincere thanks to the A-Team for all their advice and support, and to TK for creating such an excellent flight sim and for the terrain design tools. Edward
  13. Version


    WW2 New Guinea 1942-43 Terrain by me. This Terrain is Full Scale. Tiles by Microsoft CFS, FS, Wilson and Polak. Ground Objects by Kesselbrut, Geo and the A-Team. Static aircraft by the A-Team. Special thanks to Capun, Charles and Gramps for all their help and support. To install just drop into your Terrain folder in your Strike Fighters Folder. To delete just remove the file. Known Issues: Nothing in life is perfect. Edward
  14. Thanks Veltro for the re-model, but does anyone know how to fix the Props?? Edward
  15. File Name: Korean War Mod Update File Submitter: Edward File Submitted: 14 Oct 2006 File Category: SF Missions/Campaigns Here is the Korean Air War Mod Terrain and Campaign Update. My thanks go to TK for such a great sim, FNG2k for his groundbreaking work in this area, and especially Charles, Capun and Gramps (the A-Team) for all their help and support. This is a redone Korea Terrain and Campaign V2.0. I used all new tiles plus got rid of all those "sea mountains"and fixed the water and runways to give them a more 1950's look. Special thanks to Polak for his water mod, which I have adapted for this terrain. I stongly recommend you download and use Polak's sky mod with this terrain as well. Installation 1. Delete your old Korea Folder in the Terrain Folder and replace it with this new one. 2. Delete the old Korean War Folder in the Campaign Folder and replace it with this one. 3. Fly. Click here to download this file
  16. Raven This stuff in the screens of Burma has been available to you for about a year These are the Vietnam tiles I did for Razbam copied into the Burma Map available at Avsim. Sorry you didn't know All you need to do to experience it is: 1. Go to Razbam and purchase the Vietnam Terrain 2. Go to Avsim and download the WW2 Burma Terrain 3. Copy the Vietnam tiles into the Burma Terrain folder For additional fun, you can go to Razbam and purchase my Korean War terrain and go to avsim and download the WWII China terrain. Copy the korea tiles into the China folder and you'll get this: You will need a few additional tiles I did for the WWII China Terrain which I could send to anyone. CA_Stary Those new trees look fantastic And I must say your WWII effects are fantastic as well. They really made me start flying WWII planes almost exclusively. Thanks so much for doing them. They really make the sim so much better I think YAP2 is coming out soon as well with some great looking forest trees as well. ES Edward
  17. Thanks Raven I'll try that. But the trees seem a bit out of scale. I prefer Deuces tree mod, which looks like this: And how's this for Burma ES Edward

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