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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. SP9.2 readme final!!!

    I reinstalled USAF Friday night in prep for 9.2 and I must say, I forgot how much fun this sim is! I've been having a ball with it this weekend, and I recommend anyone that has this still on the shelf to get it reinstalled in preparation for SP9.2.
  2. BiohazCentral Screenshot Contest

    Time for a new BiohazCentral contest! With the 63rd Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, we thought it would be fitting to have that as the theme. So, create your best Pearl Harbor-inspired screenshot and submit it to BiohazCentral. Anything goes, you can Photoshop, use non-period aircraft, etc. Just use your imagination! The staff will pick the best 5, then put them up for a member vote. The winner will receive a promotional copy of Pacific Fighters. But you have to act fast, all submission must be posted by December 6th at 6PM Pacific Time (-8 GMT). At that time the staff will choose the best 5, then I will put them up for everyone to vote. The open voting will start at 12AM on December 7th and be open for 24 hours. I will announce the winner on December 8th. All submissions must be posted with the following info: What sim and graphic tools you used to create the screenshot Pic Title Any other notes or thoughts on what inspired you are welcome Please post your submissions in this thread. You can either link to your pic remotely, or upload the image in a post here on the forum. You can enter as many pics as you like. Once all the submissions are received I will move the top 5 to a new thread with a poll for voting. Biohaz Staff are not eligible. If you have any questions please post them in this thread. Now get to work, and good luck to all you artists!
  3. Navy Chief is back online!

    Actually, they go out of their way to call it a DTR (DeskTop Replacement). From this point on I'll be referring to it as simple "The Beast"... ;) I was hoping to get it today, but it looks like it will be tomorrow morning. At least I'll get it for the weekend. Can't wait to install LOMAC on it, should run it full settings.
  4. Look in the new download area, the link on the top right corner of the forum that says Download...
  5. BiohazCentral Screenshot Contest

    It was a close vote, but in the end the winner was: RIP-88 and his entry "Surprise Attack" Congrats to RIP-88! You can see the results of the voting here: Voting Results Rant Mode ON On a side note, I just wanted to post my disappointment at the lack of participation with this contest. I thought a chance at a shot at a free copy of Pacific Fighters would get a lot of interest, but instead we had a handful of entries and only about 38 total votes on the contest. I had some more stuff to give away, but if this is all the interest we are going to generate then maybe I should just forget the whole thing...
  6. Navy Chief is back online!

    Chief, looks like we are both playing the waiting game. I just ordered a new work laptop, so I figured I would go whole-hog: Sager 9860 Specs http://www.sagernotebook.com/pages/noteboo...roductType=9860 Read the review: http://notebookforums.com/showthread.php?t=49132 I picked up a Sager 9860, and this thing is a monster! 12 lbs of 17" Widescreen portable gaming goodness. It's the same chassis as the Alienware Ultimate rig. I'm supposed to get this tomorrow, and I'm really jazzed. Here's the specs I ordered: 3.6Ghz P4 2Gb DDR2 RAM 2 - 60Gb SATA drives in a RAID 0 (Striped) config nVidia 6800 Go PCI-Express DL DVD Burner Built-in Wireless/BlueTooth I'll be doing a review on this baby once I get it here.
  7. BiohazCentral Screenshot Contest

    All submissions are in and I have posted a copy of all pics in the Gallery. Please go here to view them all and vote on the winner: Pearl Harbor Screenshot Contest Voting I will announce the winner December 8th at 9PM Pacific Time (-8GMT) Now get in there and vote on your favorite.
  8. I've been doing some router swapouts here this week and the FSHost has been down. It's now back up and moved onto a real server, so hopefully it will be a little more stable. Take note! The URL has changed. The new URL for the server is: http://fshost.game-host.org/ All other site links have been updated to reflect the change.
  9. Hello

    Welcome! Always nice to see a new face.
  10. Re-Hi

    Welcome back! The patch does show as 1.02 on the splash screen IIRC. It sounds like the patch didn't install for some reason. Just to make sure you can DL the 1.0 to 1.02 patch from the file area and try again.
  11. Posting

    I've seen that one before, but it's a must-see and should be required reading for anyone new to the forums...
  12. Mirrored here at Biohaz now that I'm back from Thanksgiving...
  13. Version


    *********************************** Japanese Aircraft Pack for Strike Fighters : Project 1 by Armourdave *********************************** build 27-11-2004 *********************************** Installation *********************************** Unzip the japanese_aircraft.zip to your \objects\aircraft folder Move the nations.ini to your \flight folder. *********************************** Pack introduction & History *********************************** ******* A6M ******* The Mitsubishi A6M Zero-Sen legendary status mirrored the fortunes of the rising sun, in which four years, the sun would finally set. For the Japanese and its former enemies, the A6M was the symbol of Japanese air power. The A6M fighter marked the beginning of a new epoch in naval aviation and was the first shipboard fighter capable of surpassing land-based aircraft.1 With its tight turning radius, it was an extremely deadly weapon in a dogfight, and was famous for its ability to outmaneuver, Brewster F2A Buffaloes, Curtiss P-40s and Grumman F4F Wildcats. As early as 1937, Claire Chennault, the author of 'The Role of Defensive Pursuit,' warned the USAAF about the dangers of Japanese air power. Apparently his warnings were ignored, as the superiority of the A6M was a complete surprise to the American forces.2 As leader of the Flying Tigers, Chennault constantly stressed to his pilots, 'Never try to turn with a Zero. Always get above the enemy and try to hit him with the first pass.'3 Because of the A6Ms exceptional range and performance, it was to bear the brunt of the action, of almost every military engagement in the Pacific, until the end of the war. 4 ******* Ki-43 ******* The Hayabusa was a sleek little dogfighter, relatively slow and lightly armed (just two fuselage-mounted machine guns at a time when other fighters were carrying multiple machine guns or even cannon in their wings). At first, these weaknesses seemed not to matter, but as time went on, the Hayabusa was totally outclassed by its opponents in every respect except tight-turning dogfighting. And even that advantage counted little against enemy aircraft that refused to meet the Hayabusa on its own terms. Unfortunately for Japan, the Hayabusa had to continue on as a front-line fighter to the end, because its successor-the Ki-84 Hayate (which see)-was never available in sufficient quantities, and was not as reliable as the older fighter. Interestingly, design work on the Ki-43 began even before its predecessor, the Ki-27 Nate, entered service with the JAAF. In December 1937, the Army told the Nakajima company to design a new fighter to supercede the Ki-27. The new plane would be faster in level flight (300+ mph), swifter-climbing (5 minutes to 16,405 ft.), longer-ranged (a radius of action of 500 statute miles), with the same armament and maneuverability as the earlier fighter. The Nakajima team, led by Hideo Itokawa, worked steadily for a year, and the new plane was first flown early in January 1939. ******* G4M2 ******* Designed to an incredibly demanding 1938 Navy specification, the G4M family (given the code-name "Betty" by the Allies) was the Imperial Japanese Navy's premier heavy bomber in World War II; yet the insistence on the great range of 2,000 nautical miles (3,706 km) with full bomb load made the saving of weight take priority over defence and the aircraft was highly vulnerable and not very popular. The wing was of the same Mitsubishi 118 section as the Zero-Sen and boldly designed as an integral fuel tank to accommodate no less than 5,000 litres (1,100 gal). The company kept recommending four engines and being overruled by the Navy, which, during the early flight-test stage, wasted more than a year, and 30 aircraft, in trying to make the design into the G6M bomber escort with a crew of ten and 19 guns. Eventually the G4M1 was readied for service as a bomber and flew its first missions in South East China in May 1941. More than 250 operated in the Philippines and Malayan campaigns, but after the Solomons battle in August 1942 it began to be apparent that, once intercepted and hit, the unprotected bomber went up like a torch (hence the Allied nickname "one-shot lighter"). Total production reached the exceptional quantity of 2,479, most of them in the many sub-types of G4M2 with increased fuel capacity and power. Finally the trend of development was reversed with the G4M3 series with full protection and only 968 gal fuel. *********************************** Known Issues *********************************** * Hires textures might cause you problems if your graphics card is from the previous century * Ki-43 has no fast prop. * G4M2 is AI only so dont even bother *********************************** Aircraft Files *********************************** All aircraft models, cockpit models and cockpit textures authored by David (AD). All flight models authored by Wolf257 This pack contains 4 aircraft and 6 skins. Aircraft Skin A6M2 - White (Volksjaeger) White (Lansen) A6M5 - Camo (Volksjaeger) Green (Volksjaeger) Ki-43 - Green (Volksjaeger) G4M2 - Green (Volksjaeger) All Hangar screens and A6M2/5 loading screens by Kevin "Wrench" Stein *********************************** Thanks to *********************************** Jason "Volksjaeger" Brash Jim "Wolf257" Farmer Kevin "Wrench" Stein Lansen Whoever hosts this pack
  14. I had a couple of reports that users could not edit their own posts. That issue has been resolved and you should be able to edit your posts now. Sorry for the inconvienence folks...
  15. Ejection audio

    That was an excellent recording, I would love to read more on that.
  16. Solomon Island Terrain Add-on



    Solomon Island Terrain Add-on. 1. Create a folder in your main terrain folder named paw1. 2. Move the contents of this zip file into that folder. 3. Copy the desert.cat file from the desert folder to the paw1 folder and rename it paw1.cat. 4. Unzip the AAA.zip file to your Objects folder.
  17. I'm currently putting the finishing touches on BiohazCentrals Pacific Fighters Review and will have it posted (hopefully) this upcoming weekend, but I'll throw in my two cents here. PF can be standalone or installed with IL2/FB. When flying online you can only fly with other like installs, i.e. standalone with standalone. If you install with FB you have the capability to fly with all the planes from both packages. This will cause a lot of arguments im sure, but I think the FM's are a little tweaky. Some of the planes you can fly full-throttle and never stall, others are so twitchy that I can't imagine the real-life planes was ever that touchy. Just an IMHO... Rudder pedals are a must for WWII-era and Helo sims IMHO. You fly with the rudder a lot more than you do with a modern jet sim like LOMAC.
  18. If you haven't noticed, the Latest X Threads is once again displayed on the frontpage.
  19. Forums Maintenance/Cleanup

    In case you didn't notice or was wondering where some forums went, I've been doing some cleanup/streamlining of forums today. A lot of the older/stagnant forums were closed and forum posts merged into the sections General discussion. In some other cases I integrated like forums into one, such as the Pacific Fighters/IL-2 forums and the WoV/Project-1 General discussion forums. Hopefully this will go a long ways towards streamlining things. I have also seperated the File Announcemt forums into a forum under the associated sim's Forum Category, such as LOMAC and Strike Fighters. All new file announcement messages will be posted in those forums from this point forward. If you have any questions/comments, please feel free to PM me. :)
  20. In an effort to streamline the forums I've decided to merge the WoV and Project-1 forums. With the codebase of the two sims being pretty much interchangable, it's just not worth having seperate forums. All the existing posts from the WoV forum were moved here and are still intact.
  21. Homebuilt sim cockpits.

    That looks like an interesting project. I've never really felt that I was "geeky" enough to build a pit specifically for sims, but after looking at that one I might have to rethink that a little bit. Looks like it would be easy enough to collapse and store when I got tired of tripping over it in my den.
  22. Cool! Sorry, I didn't look, should have done that before I started asking questions...
  23. Thanks for the upload, is now approved and in the SF add-on section. Do you have a skin template for this one?
  24. Cool, thanks for the tips! I'll mess with that maxtextures setting here as well.
  25. Why HL2 is kool

    I just got to the buggy this morning and then had to stop. So far I think they've got a real winner on their hands, the immersion is just incredible.

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