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Everything posted by CowboyTodd41

  1. hi i am new

    Welcome to the club dude, make yourself at home.
  2. Flatulants Roll Call

  3. How the heck did you come up with that?

    And am I ever glad you PCS'd from Sheppard before I got there and you had a chance to pull all of my 341's You aircrew guys with your flight suits and your callsigns and the whatnot's Annnnnnyway, my name comes from high school when I used to do a quite good impression of Woody from toy story during quiet moments in english class, thus I became Cowboy Todd. Not a real cowboy though...I grew up in the suburbs.
  4. I've got about two hundred more...so choosing is tough, lol
  5. Robin Olds

    I got to meet him at Oshkosh a couple of years ago, just before I left for basic, talk about a motivator to do good in the Air Force! It's sad see such a great man go, but I know he's in a good place, probably with a '51, an '86 and an Phantom in a hangar in a hangar nearby...with a sky full of bandits of course.
  6. RFA 07-02 Update

    One of the Alaska Vipers taxied behind one of our B-1's today and got tipped onto it's right wing. Eat it hard fighter pukes!
  7. RFA 07-02 Update

    Yeah, the Eagle driver punched out and he's allright, the Viper did make it all the way back to Eielson, I heard he hit the F-15. The Eagle was from Langley, the Viper, an agressor from Nellis.
  8. Red Flag Alaska

    Hey all, I'm heading up to Eileson for Red Flag, so I'll try get some nice pictures for ya'll when I get back, see you in a couple weeks.
  9. Red Flag Alaska

    I'll give it a shot, dont know how much I'll be able to snap on the flight line though. About half the jets will be at Elemdorf, I'll be at Eileson, so we'll see what I get.
  10. Red Flag Alaska

    The man is indeed correct. I'll try to get some pics of everything up there though, French Mirages, Agressor Eagles and Falcons and so forth.
  11. New Computer Background

    Hey guys, spent about four hours in photshop earlier tonight, and came up with this awesome 50's cheesecake radness. Hope you all enjoy it. Big thanks to the "Battlestations Midway" team for that hot pin-up. I also have a version with out the girl, incase some of you older guys' wives don't approve
  12. New Computer Background

    Rapid City's allright (pretty cold though!) Working flightline swingshift is the way to go though, lol. It's nice to work somewhere where you can the results of your labor on the nightly news. Glad you you like the background.
  13. Where did Chicago Meigs go?

    Yeah, it's a real shame... I donated to the Save Meigs Field guys (still have a poster in my room back home) and it looked like they had it, then the city went in at night and plowed up the runaway, cowards. Such a beautiful airport ruined destroyed by opportunists
  14. Whoa...

    This certainly is sort of a galaxy far far away from the rest of the forums. Anyway, I was just crurious if anyone here still plays Freelancer, I remember it was big here back when this was Biohaz, just wondering if anyone still played.
  15. NEWS: PCPilot hits the big 5-OH

    Wow... that's like my parents Happy Birthday man!
  16. How not to get 'Boned' flying the Bone.

    Fast low level intrusion missions.....I can just hear all of my DAS equipment failing, lol. Speaking of...do you know if TDS is going to be modeled, I haven't heard much about the SF Bone ad-on.
  17. Hope to make friends with you~

    Indeed, this a great site for anyone. I've been around awhile and have always found the community (save for the three or four who shall remain nameless and are long gone) to always be helpful and friendly. Hope you have a good time here with all of us.
  18. Look Who's 35 Today....USAFMTL

    Happy B-Day Sarge
  19. Tarr Chronicals..read the preview and get ready

    Oh man...looks like it's time to re-install Freelancer to get my junkie fix before this comes out. Looks really freaking rad though.
  20. NCAA Tourney '07

    Who are you rooting for? All I have to say is, "Rock Chalk Jayhawk! GO KU!" Too bad Duke ruined my bracket
  21. Ya'll Take Care

    Hey good luck man.
  22. 300 The Movie

    Holy damn that movie rocked some face. Zack Snyder's directing Rainbow Six btw, or at least that's the word.
  23. Gotta love the BONE

    Maybe it's just Ellsworth jets suck. I've been told the Bone loves long sorties, but around we only fly for two or three hours at a time and they always come back broke. Also, I work on DAS, so having a system that was designed sperate, then just shoved into any nook and cranny on the jet they had left doesn't help much either.
  24. Gotta love the BONE

    Gotta love...if you don't work on it. That jet's more high maintnence than Lindsay Lohan two weeks before rehab man.
  25. If all you love is the outside of someone...

    Wow...that reminds me of what my friend's fiance looked like after his Bradley hit an IED...as bad as it looks, theres a good chance he'll look much better soon. And good on her for sticking with him. Best of luck to them both.

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