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Everything posted by CowboyTodd41

  1. I'm pretty sure in SF1 the hangar sounds were two or three sound files playing simultaneously, like there was one track that was the old radio, then a couple of different jet fly-bys. In SF2 there is only sound file that will play on each screen. You could certainly extract those sounds from SF1 and run them through a sound editing program to combine them back together and make what sounds like the same thing but combines those three tracks into one audio file and set that as the hangar noise, but no the way it worked in SF1 is not the way it works in SF2
  2. I know on the iOS version of modern combat, TK released a huge update with a ton of nations added, like Brazil with an AMX, and I know that he added an F-14D in one of those updates so I think it should be in this one (but it's TK and he certainly moves in mysterious ways) As frustrating as it can be to see him no longer working on SF2, I'm with you... I think he created a great thing with this series and he deserves our money.
  3. I'm not sure how the soundlist would cause a game crash... what was the exact situation that was the cause of the issue? The soundlist file is less important in SF2 than 1 as you can direct files to sounds that don't necessarily need to listed in the soundlist... though if you want to change the parameters of those sounds in the game you have to write them up in the ini. Even if the soundlist.ini isn't in the mod folder the game should revert to using the soundlist file in the game .cat files, may have issues playing added sounds but I don't think I've ever encountered a ctd from a soundlist issue. Have you added in any new terrains or are running a new mod install? Because I think those are a more typical candidate for a ctd. I looked through your .ini file up there and I don't see any issues with that stand out to me (it's actually super organized)... you're sure it's being put into the correct folder? What's your general file structure look like? When you remove the soundlist from the mod folder, does the game work like it should, and only CTDs after you put the modded soundlist.ini back in the mod folder?
  4. Yeah, it's a different thing from SF1 but once you get the swing of things it's soooo much easier to mod SF2.
  5. All I can say is... WOW
  6. Holy crap. Total game changer! Way to go!
  7. So wait... did you find a way to actually include radar bombing?
  8. Can a passenger land a plane?

    I think there's a mythbusters episode where they did this. Someone may have posted it but my work blocks links to youtube so I don't know They put the guys in the simulator and had one try to land with no help, and then one land with help from ATC and airline pilot over the radio, Airplane! style. Not exactly rigorous scientific testing and control, but it did show that the person with help over the radio stood a MUCH better chance of getting the plane on the ground safely.
  9. Midway remake to start filming in September

    Roland Emmerich may not have any clue how a story is supposed to work, but at least he can do disaster porn well. So at the very least it will look pretty. I don't really have high hopes though.
  10. AFAIK there is no Tu-160 for the SF series, unless one happens to over at "that other place" but I don't go there so I do not know. I guess you could always try painting a B-1 white and using eastern bloc weapons on it, size would be way wrong but the general shape is there.
  11. Area 88 skins?

    oh jeez, well forget everything I just said lol
  12. Area 88 skins?

    They should be able to work in SF1 and SF2, provided the LODs are correct. Also will probably need to change the .bmps to .jpgs.
  13. Sukhois

    'scuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor
  14. ThirdWire Site

    I just went to the site... store seems to be loading fine for me.
  15. Hi, guys...

    The mod packs I've downloaded for IL2 in the past have been pretty easy to get up and running, I'd highly recommend it!
  16. ThirdWire Site

    I've got all the modules, and my codes to get to the downloads, and was just going to get new PC ready... am I totally sunk on ever playing SF again?
  17. Would it be possible to use this same method to change the nose gear strut on the Phantom so that it is fully extended for carrier launches?
  18. Rear cockpit looks amazing!!! Excited to try this soon!
  19. Sweet! Thanks for the reply!
  20. I was curious if anyone had a template for the Sea Harrier FRS.1 or possibly a skin for the early 1979-1980 paint scheme. The early, high-vis blue scheme.
  21. Mister Mulligan

    I had the great pleasure of knowing pilot Harold Neumann when I was younger, who won the 1935 Thompson Trophy in this aircraft. He kept a Monocoupe (the inspiration for the Howard) painted like the DGA-6 called "Little Mulligan" in the hangar behind my family's. So amazing to see this! Thank you!
  22. El Al skin... Gal Gadot is Israeli, also plays Wonder Woman... I think everything is actually working correctly?
  23. After 25 years the Ark Royal is complete

    When the prop on the Gannet AEW cranked up I straight up fell in love
  24. SALE: Cold Waters & Atlantic Fleet

    isn't this shameless self promotion I can't wait to get ahold of Cold Waters, Atlantic Fleet is my number one game played on my phone. I have a friend at work that we use the custom mission thing to play each other. I enjoy sinking his Hood with my Deutschland

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