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Everything posted by ST0RM

  1. RA-5C Vigalante SF2 V1.1



    Ver. 1.1 Adjusted the nose gear strut to get rid of the bouncing nose gear and stance. And fixed the Engine2 ID to make the gauges display the correct data.
  2. Such an amazing place. Your photos bring back so many memories from my visits there. My last, being on the 60th Anniversary of the Bulge. Congrats on your successful trip. -Jeff
  3. The virtual squad I fly with did a M2000C training session last night in NTTR. I dont have it, so I opted to fly as OPFOR in the MiG-15. The two of us held our own for a while as we played low and used terrain masking to defeat their BVR shots. Once in visual, we did ok with our guns, but often died from an IRM. The Mirages couldnt get a guns kill on us and to use the vertical to get out of a jam.
  4. Must be a former C-17 pilot. That was way too perfect of a wheels up landing.
  5. Bridge of Spies

    Saw this on Black Friday. A really great movie that kept my attention throughout. -Jeff
  6. Unless you actually want to play it. Downloads are taking 24+ hours if you're lucky. I gave up after my 3rd try and only getting 4Gigs of 24 in 10 hours.
  7. Blue Flag 2015

    That would have been amzing to see in person. Thanks for the link. -Jeff
  8. FastCargo's Helicopter Lesson

    Great story FC. And now a great memory. -Jeff
  9. But what hasnt been mentioned is the terrain. Thats not Vegas. I think we just got a preview of the Hormuz scenery. The city in the background looks to be Dubai. The HAS' were a giveaway for me. They are similiar to what are at Al Dhafra. -Jeff
  10. Great editing. Really enjoyed it. Reminded me of some of the CSAR exercises I ran. -Jeff
  11. From the website: "RAZBAM Vought A-7 Corsair II TackPack Edition is available at this time only as a pre-release sale." This has been in pre-sale since last December. Thanks Dave.
  12. Nice interview, but it raises a few more questions. With Ron saying they'll close the Mil FSX/P3D line to focus on DCS, does this mean that the promised TacPack A-7 Corsair and Harriers are dead?? Thanks, Jeff
  13. As I posted elsewhere, beware of pre-order without an actual release date.
  14. Kim-Jong-Un Tweets out

    Hornswoggler is an old moniker for someone who purposely misleads others. So, you see how I find this fitting.
  15. Just going off my own knowledge, but the Navy was leading much of the F-4's early development. The AF trended toward podded ECM systems, vs. internal systems with the USN. Not sure how close I am, but that is what sticks out. -Jeff
  16. Kim-Jong-Un Tweets out

    "Ignorant hornswoggler"... thats actually pretty accurate for both P & VP
  17. I feel ya. I've always had a thing for the early MiGs. The 15/17 in the right hands can be murder WVR. I'll wait for the next round of sales.
  18. Missed the MiG-15 by hours. For $15, I'd have done that.
  19. Eric, I don't think that was pointed at you, but more directly at RAZBAM & ED. -Jeff
  20. F-35 pilot says it can't dogfight

    performed with "cheerful readiness"??? Nice try with the sophisticated word. In Green Flag, and in nearly every other engagement, the F-35 used it's LO abilities and engaged from BVR. Lobbing simulated AIM-120s from a distance while maintaining stealth. Sure, I get it. That is, like the Raptor, what it was built to do. Now, the questions come out as to what happens when the fight comes to the merge and becomes a WVR. This is not the first report of it being poor in a turning fight, with a lot of energy bleed. However the source trying to compare the heavy F-15E is laughable.
  21. The last release/update has been years. They keep saying they are TacPacking the A-7s, but so far nothing released, save for some screen shots that dont prove a thing.
  22. RAZBAM has ceased being relevant in FSX and DCS. They've announced so much, and yet delivered nothing for many years.
  23. F-35 at Green Flag 2015

    No so much. As I said above, it's current performance is NOT what was sold to the DoD. The requirements were rewritten several times when L/M could not meet what they said the jet could do. Weight (B&C-model especially), it's VFR ONLY, the gun cannot be fired due to incompatible software/helmet, the engine has a lower time to failure rate than the F-16 it's replacing and the list goes on.

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