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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 <<-- # of the button,possible is # 1 to 10, set (or check for them) in the games controller commands menu DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=3.0 AnimationID=6 I think you are familar with the rest .. ;-)
  2. F-1C has 135 rounds per gun = 270 rounds total. The recce version F-1CR has only 1 gun, the left one is deleted to make room for recce stuff.
  3. thanks man, really a big chunk of serious work done on those kites edited to add a smilie ... LOL
  4. recolor the small air intakes on the fins .... ;)
  5. Its no problem. Thats the place where Navy F-4's have their CM dispensers installed One trapdoor each side.
  6. This skin is WIP by the MF to the best of my knowledge ... no ETA.
  7. add to the data.ini ... to the sections.. : [Fuselage] ... SystemName[020]=ChaffDispenser SystemName[021]=ChaffDispenser2 then down after the weapon stations : // Countermeasures ---------------------------------------------------- ... [ChaffDispenser] SystemType=DECOY_DISPENSER EjectPosition=-1.00,0.10,0.50 EjectVelocity=-6.00,0.00,5.00 NumChaff=30 NumFlare=0 [ChaffDispenser2] SystemType=DECOY_DISPENSER EjectPosition=1.00,0.10,0.50 EjectVelocity=6.00,0.00,15.00 NumChaff=0 NumFlare=30
  8. its easy to fix the animation of parts with false movement direction check for this entry int he data.ini or add it ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE use TRUE or FALSE, I think if the entry is not there then the game recognizes it as "FALSE" by default ...
  9. nonono.. that red bug is "alight" .. not lite.... you see....
  10. LOL jokes aside.. its the DiameterLimit on your Sparrow Stations thats preventing you from loading the pods. Increase it ;)
  11. Looking For A Pic

    UH-1F http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1098081/L/ http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0523209/L/ tststs....
  12. original plane is at avsim.net - free account needed for acces.. iirc
  13. This topic is watched by the INI MASTER SUPERGOD! If you cant find the solution for that DAMN LP thingo in 24 hours, then the thread will be DELETED by Higher Forces!!!1 :yes:
  14. ... just that damn pneumatic gun charging and feeder system sucked big time....
  15. 807 - G (in red) http://kits.kitreview.com/images/Mirage-family-profile.jpg
  16. nice shades of blue & gold Flanker562 :yes:

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