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Posts posted by gartht63

  1. Great Mod! Never thought I would see a Skyray in the sim since it's such a little known aircraft. That being said I'm having one minor issue with the invisible drop tanks has anyone else had this issue, and my sim has been upgraded with the latest patch. I noticed that the fuel tank bitmaps are in the squadron folders where I assume they belong. Any insight on my issue would be greatly appreciated.




  2. Its called the Elephant Cage. Its a series of antennas used to eavesdrop and also what Typhoid said. When my dad was stationed there that was his baby, along with various aspects of the DEW line. He is the real expert on it though.


    Yep the old Elephant cage, my Dad used to work with FLR9 back at Misawa AB in the late 60's and through the 70's. That brings back memories, I didn't know they still had those things up, They had one down at Clark AB back when I was stationed there, and I know they had em at Incirlik and Chicksands as well. Who knows MTL we might have hung out at some of the same spots as kids back in the day, FLR9 people were not a large group.

  3. You can benefit from both applying the following method


    before anything (and supposing you have a weaponspack already installed) rename weaponsdata.ini into old_weaponsdata.in


    then, and only then install MF pack normally


    then using weapons editor, open the weaponsdata.ini installed (it's the new MF one)


    use now the merge function and look for the old_weaponsdata.ini file (this will reimport all weapons not found in our pack, but will avoid duplicates)




    you're done

    Thanks Sony, that answers my question of applying the changes to the new weaponsdata file

  4. Here's some oldies from around 1990, or as I like to call them the good ole days before the first gulf war....lol

    First one I'm sitting at my panel on the old C-141


    Second one was taken after we landed at Kingsford Smith in Sydney.....lot's of fun on that trip


    Third one is from my even older C-130 Loadmaster days this one i'm on the ramp at RAAF Amberley


    Final one is somewhere over Korea at some ungodly hour in the dead of winter about to drop some Korean paratroopers


  5. Supporting this site because it costs money is something I think we all can understand. As a "newbie" I'm not sure I understand the link between money and number of participating users, but I would certainly support a approach that covers the costs of this very fine and community supporting site. If this is the way then fine. As I said before, for me it is more about "knowledge, skill and confidence" not necessarilly about "time".


    Hey if people want to continue using this site then they shouldn't have an issue with paying a small fee for the chance to access content, I for one would pay a membership fee to keep the site going.




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