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Everything posted by Redddevil911

  1. Massive Penetrator in development

    That thing sound like a monster
  2. It was never used in combat, it's lighting fast speed was used to run away and surrender to the attacking forces.
  3. A-12 Avenger

    Is this a Navy Bird that never was? I think I read about this A/C once!
  4. I maybe able to help you with the A/C not showing in inventory. Check your file names! I dont recall which A/C's I was DLing but i could not get the A/C in game, after a little looking i found the file name was (for example) F_16A when it should have been F-16A, it was the diff of the little hash mark that made all the diff in the world.
  5. Who Cares?

    WHAT? Who are we talking about?
  6. Well i can do the Engish after all thats where I'm from! It would not be a Hugh Grant English accent as I was not born with a silver spoon and all that. But i could still do my part. T.T.F.N. for now old boy.
  7. Hey B, thanks for this gun fix, i added it last night went on a test flight over dover to check oil pressure (thats what i told the CO anyway) and mixed it up with the Germans I got two 110's before a 109 got in behind me, ended up hitting the silk and getting a ride home from a fishing boat! All's well that ends well, was in the Pub with the lads for a pint, just not looking forward to what the CO has to say in the morning! LOL
  8. WOW WOW WOW, that looks great. Can't wait until you are finished with that project! You are going to put it out for D/L right? PLEASE! Great work, it looks like the old gun cam shots from WWII doco's.
  9. I did have one thing, no visible damage to my A/C I get the heck shot out of me and all that happens is my engine cuts out. No missing parts or bullets holes
  10. Great Camp, I love it. What adds a little something to the mod for me is the use of the music from the Movie The Battle of Britain. That was/is a great touch. If any of you have not seen The Battle of Britain (1969) look for for it or ask at your local vid store its a great movie. Just wish we had some English voice work in the camp, that wouls add a ton the the over all feel. As the idea every been kicked around to make to voice files, that way we could change the flight names to something more WWII sounding.
  11. I will be more than happy to check this when get home, the firewall at work will not let me get at the chatroom!
  12. OOO, this looks like fun. Watch out SAM sites! " I'm in HOT"
  13. A-6B Intruder

    Thanks for the A/C and the back ground on who used the A/C.
  14. Could you add a link to this software, it sounds like it could be the way to go!
  15. I understand the part about the same unmodded gamed, i meant i have have be able to get hyperlobby to work!
  16. I downloaded his WWII A/C pack last night, I'm with you the A/C's he put together a wicked good, did you check out his P38, I swear you can count the rivets on that thing!
  17. I no this is not the topic for it and I know this has been gone over about 100 times, but i have never be able to get online play to work!
  18. Thats your speed man you are going so fast the paint is running! Or it could be setting! But I like the speed thing myself!
  19. Putting Bombs on Target! The Devil way!

    Like I said it works around 90% of the time, from point you pull back on the stick and start the dive you only get about 5 sec's to line up and pickle. Letting 4 500lbs go can sometimes make up for poor sighting.
  20. I would like to increase the roll rate on my F/A-18A, which file/s need to be changed! Thanks Guys, Red.
  21. You should be ok, I put this same mod over WOE with no troubles! remember to back up your install, case the whole thing heads south!
  22. How the heck did you come up with that?

    My online name is to honor my father, he spent 25 years in the British Royal Armies 3rd Parachute Reg, who have the nick name Reddevils. To this day I still got stories from my old man about his days with 3rd Para! He's a cool old guy, made over 500 jumps and has the log book to prove it! I started using this online name way back when MOHAA first came out and I got hocked on online gaming! So this is for my Dad and everyone that wears the uniform in defense of this country or any other, thank you for your service, dedication and sacrifice! I sleep better at night knowing you fine people are standing watch!!!
  23. Back from vaction!

    Just got back from a weeks vacation to Pensacola, while i was in town i made my way to NAS Pensacola and visited the Naval Aviation Museum I have got somw great pic's of some great USN A/C, i will post what i have later when i get the time so keep you heads up! Thanks Red!
  24. USAF A/C

    I was on my way home from St. Louis this weekend after visiting family. Me the wife and kids are just hailing A$$ on Interstate 64E right by Scott AFB in southwest IL, when my wife points out of the car window and say what kind of plane is that? So I take my eye's of the highway for a look and making a fast banking turn to the northwest away from the AFB is what i believe to be a F-5 Freedom Fighter! So my question to you guys is this what was a possible F-5 doing over Scott AFB, I have lived and work in that part of the country for years, had a friend station at Scott for 6 years with his SF squardron and i have never heard of fighter A/C of any kind being out at Scott. It was amazing to see and i did not mind getting slapped by my wife for weaving on the highway! LOL
  25. Roll Call

    I see that this site has over 20,000 members, well its time for a roll call i want to see this post with over 20,000 replies!

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