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Everything posted by Redddevil911

  1. SFP1

    BINGO! What a deal, I think I'm been taken on the shipping but what are you going to do. Im still getting the game for less than $8.
  2. More like the guy has a wife like mine, thats always ragging on him about being on the computer all the time! But sometimes i think my wife works for the FED's, that would explain the great Interrogation techniques! Sounds like real life is getting in the way.
  3. Just take the vietnamcat file and rename it to which ever terrain you need, i did this for the Malvinas terrain and all works Fine no issue at all, I have also done this for the Madagascar campaign and again works just fine.
  4. Yep no joke! Then you can fly F14 single missions on the Vietnam map all day long
  5. I know the Malvinas map can be a little lacking i don't recall in being empty of ground objects! What type of missions are you flying? When you downloaded the maps did you put all the objects from the vip into you objects folder?
  6. Seems way to out there for the SF family, i could be wrong. Just has that scifi thing going on!
  7. Air America Huey Question

    http://www.air-america.org/ImageLibrary/ImageGallery9.shtml I found this not the best pic's, but from what can be seen the pit look standard!
  8. Had me hanging on every word! So did you make it home safe?
  9. Looks outstanding what a addon this would make! Great work really!
  10. What FUBAR has said sounds right without DirectX9 the game could CTD!
  11. Arcade games

    Holy C**p i forgot about Lunar Lander that game was so cool!
  12. The "D" file will go in the F14 file which should be in your C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe(or Vietman)\Objects\Aircraft As far as the weapons go it has something to do with the weapons load out or editing. Sorry i could not help more with the weapons, but some kind gamer here should help with that!
  13. Just get low and fast! getting low you get out of the way AAA & SAM's fast so you don't get jumped by the NV airforce!
  14. Arcade games

    PacMan! Love that game!
  15. Get the 7-Zip for the rarfiles, its fast easy and free.
  16. That as some great flying! Did you all notice the pilot checking his map, when he's about 100 feet of the ground!
  17. I'm looking for the desert terrain from SFP1, I would like to make the buring sands mod work but seeing as i don't have SF i don't have the terrain thats needed. Can I find it download section? Any help would be great, thanks guys!
  18. Look for a Terrain

    Thanks USAFMTL, I thought that would be the case!
  19. I need help, last night i add some new maps and a couple new A/C. After which fired up the game when waiting for the mission to load it got to 50% and CTD. Now i think i will be doing a complete reinstall! What can I to save all the A/C i have down loaded, before you all say i know i should have backed up WOE, well i did not and now i'm paying for it. So any help you can give me on what i can do with this would be great!

    Thanks Fubar512, got WOE up and running last night after a couple hours and work and an interruption from Deadliest Catch on Discovery

    Thanks i will be giving that go!
  22. AirBus A380

    This is a great news story from the USAToday. I don't know about the rest of you, but I kind of think of this as a great day in aviation history. I'm an aviation nut so for me this stuff is great! I missed the Moon landings, I wasn't even born yet, but his kind of thing is right up there for me! Make it bigger, better or faster and I'm all for it! This is one bloody big plane and I can't wait until I have to fly over sea's I'm going to use a carrier that has the A380 in the fleet I have to get my ass in one of those seats. I'll be like a kid on Christmas morning! http://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/2007-03-22-a380_N.htm
  23. harrier landings

    Not mastered that my self I have been working on, I will say this to the airaman that do this in RL must have nads the size of basketballs!
  24. Downloaded last night, gave it ago nice A/C, but did not notice anything special! Can you give us a clue what to look for!
  25. Could you list the planes you are unable to see the pave spike in the loadout!

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