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Everything posted by Redddevil911

  1. English TV show

    Take a look at the warm welcome the English city boys got in Alabama! http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=22477 Funny Stuff. I'm English and I would never dream of doing this! that could be why I find it so funny!
  2. Iran situation

    I'm still confused over this whole thing, at which point did the Iranian navy think it's Ok to kidnap British service people. Even if the sailors did find them self’s on the wrong side of an invisible line. What right do the Iranians have to take them captive, if anything it should have been some kind of warning give for the two Zodiacs, tell then to retreat from Iranian waters at once or something of that nature. This whole situation makes me sick; Iran is getting into a pissing match with the wrong kids! That little S.O.D that calls him self the President of Iran in his members only jacket is about to get into a fight! He needs to watch he doesn’t paint him self into a corner! As a Englishman my self I can’t help but get a little pissed, and of course my first reaction was lets just bomb the hell out of then but with people in country that’s not the way to go, I hate to say but we may have to let the diplomats do the job, I would much rather this thing settled at the tip of a sword than a pen, it’s the only thing the thugs running those countries understand! That’s my 2 cents, sorry to rant!
  3. Nice to see the Navy will stop at no expense on the latest weapons systems, while we are involved in the war on global terror! LOL
  4. Put a 50 on the thing or a 40mm nade launcher, then you are in business!
  5. Has anyone every modeled a JDAM for WOE? I know we don't have satellites in the game but it could be laser guided! Nothing like making that dumb bomb smart!
  6. True that, on the later W.German F4's you have to place the pavespike on the A/C. Or if you are using the F15E its already incorporated into the weapons systems
  7. JDAM

    Thanks good to know, I will have to change same dates I'm looking to drop them from the F16.
  8. My question is this, the Tornado has a cluster bomb system that is mounted to the center line station and shoots the bomblets from the sides, as I recalled it was used to litter runways! Has this been done in WOE before? I wish i could give more information but thats all i know about it.
  9. Drawn raid over WP airfield, attacking the runway. Me and my wing are flying Tornado GR Mk. 1A. I have my wing roll in to draw fire. I roll in shortly after, line up on target release weapons I get three out of four good hits, go full AB and start to pull up and out. It's at this time I hear my wing call out "SAM LAUNCH", I look out the left side of the A/C and see the contrail. As we all know if you can see it you can beat it! Drop Chaff, roll her over and pull back on the stick hard right bank, I think the danger has passed when then I hear the SAM exploded near my A/C. Not more than a couple of seconds later I was auto ejected, I could have got my bird home she was not that badly damaged! My A/C was not completely destroyed as I got to watch her fall to the ground using F6. So my question is this why did I get ejected from my A/C, this has never happen before has anyone had this happen to them?
  10. Look Who's 35 Today....USAFMTL

    Congrates Mate, I'll have a beer (or ten) for you later!
  11. Is there away to make the AI tougher, I have everything ramped up to max as far as the difficulty is concerned, but yet I don’t feel challenged by the IA pilots.
  12. Tougher AI?

    That's fine with me see as most time's i only have the wing shoot down planes after i'm all out. I have him cover my 6, staying out the way!
  13. Dumb Wingman

    I have shot a friendly A/C with a sidewinder, locked on to the bad guy fired the missile went out at that moment the friendly A/C crossed between the flight path of the sidewinder and the bad guy, the missile got a new target and CYA! It was that bad guys lucky day! I find the AI wingers could not hit the side of a red barn no matter what weapon is being used!
  14. Auto Eject

    Must of been that golden BeeBee!
  15. Project Reality

    After a 5 hour download time(I was running at 80kb/s), I now have the new PR mod can't wait to get home after work today and fire that thing up!
  16. Project Reality

    I had the old PR MOD, it was good but i soon went back to the reg BF2. I think tonight i will have to see what the new v0.5 is all about!
  17. I would like to help you but I realy don't know what you are asking for!
  18. Has a MOD been done for tandem take offs? If so could some one tell me were to find it. Thanks!
  19. NCAA Tourney '07

    Well UCLA and the VOL's Tank last night so my Bracket has gone to hell! GO VANDY
  20. wings over europe squadrons?

    Same for me i have never been able to get M/P to work, What gives!
  21. Helo Hitting Building

  22. Has anyone ever made a map or plans to make a map for WOE which lets you fly out of bases in England?
  23. I have to get one!


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