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Everything posted by Redddevil911

  1. Helo Hitting Building

  2. A SuperHornet would be Super Nice!
  3. Helo Hitting Building

    The part i found shocking was that on one went running after that thing it hit the ground!
  4. It must be your stick, i have the same one as you and i have no problems with it!
  5. Don't think it makes a bit of difference, i have uninstalled WOV and WOE and later gone back and installed WOE first and later WOV and had no trouble with the merge!
  6. This should work for you i have two hard drives in my machine, and i keep a back up copy of WOV/E on one in case i download a mod or file which cause hell with the game!
  7. OOO are we going to get some CAT on CAT action?
  8. Is this for all NATO and WP A/C?
  9. funny letter to john madden from nfl player

    What I love is the fact that this dope thinks Madden makes the ratings! The only part Madden has his football games is he cashs the EA checks at bank!!!
  10. I have a question i don't own LOMAC, i do have WOV & WOE. How would you guys rate the two?
  11. What's it for! If some one missed it take them out into the street and beat them!
  12. That was a great looking plane, and some nice demo flying as well. Would not say you put her thru her pace's but I think we all got an idea of what she could do!
  13. F-22

    You think the Air Force will write "HEHE you can't see me", on the side of the plane. LOL

    Thanks guys! From that i think i will stick with my WOV/E, I have been playing forever i only found this site last year Love the addons, a at more than what you can get for LOMAC, that the way it seens from the forum pages!
  15. F-22

    Maybe this is not military thinking, but what happen to the old saying if it’s not broken don’t fix it. I’m all for the latest and greatest if it’s needed, but who are we trying to stay a head of? The Russians can’t pay its pilots let alone put new aircraft in the air, China can’t fart without the US intelligence services knowing about it. By and far the US is a head of the game not only with aircraft in service but pilots as well. Do we need this aircraft? Can we live without it? We did not have this aircraft in Desert Strom and the Iraqi AF was bomb back to the Stone Age, I know this only set them back about three weeks and loss’s hit the allied side as well but the loss’s where due to blindly fired AAA, that’s what cause the shooting down of the F117 years ago. Sounds to me like we are putting all our eggs in one basket.
  16. Blackwater's Little Bird

    You can't put down a lot of fire with an M4, wonder if that played a part in the two Blackwater littlebirds that went down last month?
  17. Need to Talk To Someone From Ireland

    My dad did 4 tours of N. Ireland while with the Royal Army for just over 25 years. Of course he only has the prospective of the British solider and not what the daily lives of the residents he was trying to protect. The number one thing for me growing up in England, was the reports on the nightly news of shootings, bombings, ambushes and the kidnapping of police and government officials and the later killing, people being killed on the door steps of homes in front of family members. What I find striking is the reports coming out of Bagdad of much the same thing. It only leaves one thing that Terror is Terror no matter what part of the world you are in. All of this killing done in the name of God, one faction believing my God is better than your God!
  18. I don't seem to have gun sounds for my MIG-29G. Question can i just copy the 29C sounds for the G?
  19. So whats the good word any B2's or F117's, or am i SOL
  20. Nice! Has no one ever made the B2 or the F117 for WOV/E or SF?
  21. Have you ever wanted too!


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