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Sopwith Snipe

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Everything posted by Sopwith Snipe

  1. Burning Sands 1944 v1.0

  2. Squadron Editor

  3. Jasta 18 Raben

  4. Version


    This small mod allows you to use Max188's stylish high resolution summer terrain with Edwards most excellent Flanders map. The installation is a bit involved, but worth the time if you like Max's tiles. What I've actually done is paint nine new tiles based on Max's high resolution originals to replace the new tile types that exist in Edward's set (all the others in Edward's terrain are like-for-like replacements of the original First Eagles set, as are Max's high resolution tiles). Thanks to Edward and Max for the inspiration and hard work that have allowed my small contribution. Enjoy! --Sopwith Snipe April 2007
  5. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4438 File Name: Mod to enable Max 188's Hi Res tiles in Edward's Flander's TerrainFile Submitter: Sopwith Snipe File Submitted: 2 Apr 2007 File Category: Tilesets This small mod allows you to use Max188's stylish high resolution summer terrain with Edwards most excellent Flanders map. The installation is a bit involved, but worth the time if you like Max's tiles. What I've actually done is paint nine new tiles based on Max's high resolution originals to replace the new tile types that exist in Edward's set (all the others in Edward's terrain are like-for-like replacements of the original First Eagles set, as are Max's high resolution tiles). Thanks to Edward and Max for the inspiration and hard work that have allowed my small contribution. Enjoy! --Sopwith Snipe April 2007 Click here to download this file
  6. new terrain

    S! Edward! I'll pull my half-assed stop gap effort now and wait like everyone else for the real deal. --Snipe
  7. new terrain

    Good effort, but there seem to be a number of tiles missing in the Cambrai tileset. Most of Edward's tileset is there, but there are swathes of open countryside which show the stock FE tiles instead, and the discontinuities look odd. Check that you copy all the files in the wwiTerrain folder in the "Common Files" folder into the root wwiCambrai & wwiverdun folder in your First Eagles Terrain folder -- if you don't do this, then you will have the problem you describe (ditto if you don't copy the seasonal files into the wwicambrai & wwi verdun folders). You might also want to check that you are not replacing the whole seasonal folder in the Cambrai terrain taken from the common files folder (nearly 100 files) with just the contents of the much smaller Cambrai seasonal folders (only thirty files -- the new ones needed in the Cambrai terrain that are different to Edward's originals -- these must be added as well as the 100 files already in the folder) when you cut and paste the folders. If that doesn't help, well, at least I tried... --Snipe
  8. new terrain

    You might want to check that you've installed this correctly as all the necessary tiles are in the download...with the cutting and pasting necessary to avoid duplication of tiles and keep the download down to a reasonable size, it could be easy to not copy the Cambrai seasonal tiles into the right folder. I did test this quite extensively and couldn't see any missing tiles but I could've missed them... --Snipe
  9. new terrain

  10. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4688 File Name: Alternative "Widescreen" 1440x900 menus for Johan217's Middle East Wars using WINGS OVER EUROPEFile Submitter: Sopwith Snipe File Submitted: 12 May 2007 File Category: Hanger/Menu Screens Alternative "Widescreen" 1440x900 menus for Johan217's Middle East Wars using WINGS OVER EUROPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Install: -Unzip the contents of this file into a temporary folder or your desktop, -Copy & paste the files from each of the three folders into the indicated destination (hangar files go into the respective aircraft's folder -- be sure the "aircraftname".ini file points to the name of the new hangar screen or it will not show), -That's it! THESE SCREENS ARE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTALLS OF WINGS OVER EUROPE ONLY AND WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY WITH SF OR WOV. To uninstall: -remove all the new bmp & ini files from your menu folder & loadingscreen1.bmp from your flight folder. Thanks to MKSheppard, STWA and Kout the Screen Master for the inspiration and know-how. Enjoy! --Sopwith Snipe Click here to download this file
  11. Version


    Alternative "Widescreen" 1440x900 menus for Johan217's Middle East Wars using WINGS OVER EUROPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Install: -Unzip the contents of this file into a temporary folder or your desktop, -Copy & paste the files from each of the three folders into the indicated destination (hangar files go into the respective aircraft's folder -- be sure the "aircraftname".ini file points to the name of the new hangar screen or it will not show), -That's it! THESE SCREENS ARE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTALLS OF WINGS OVER EUROPE ONLY AND WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY WITH SF OR WOV. To uninstall: -remove all the new bmp & ini files from your menu folder & loadingscreen1.bmp from your flight folder. Thanks to MKSheppard, STWA and Kout the Screen Master for the inspiration and know-how. Enjoy! --Sopwith Snipe
  12. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4592 File Name: Alternative City tiles for Snipe's New Summer Euro WW2 tilesetFile Submitter: Sopwith Snipe File Submitted: 24 Apr 2007 File Category: Tilesets Alternative City tiles for Snipe's New Summer Euro WW2 tiles for Edward & Charles' "War over Europe" terrain To Install, drop in your new Summer Euro WW2 terrain folder and overwrite the existing tiles. These blend in a lot more than the original set. Enjoy --Snipe Click here to download this file
  13. Version


    Alternative City tiles for Snipe's New Summer Euro WW2 tiles for Edward & Charles' "War over Europe" terrain To Install, drop in your new Summer Euro WW2 terrain folder and overwrite the existing tiles. These blend in a lot more than the original set. Enjoy --Snipe

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