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Everything posted by OlPaint01

  1. HPW Combined FM and EW mod here!

    HPW, I have already edited the MODS folder with your FM/EW Mod files in the compatiable c:\OBDSoftware root directory structure. Can I PM it to you so it could be posted to the CA Downloads as Lothar has requested? OlPaint01
  2. Lothar, I believe that the WorkShop settings for RegionalAirActivity (Light, Medium, Heavy) are different than the Campaign Activity (Active or Quiet). But I am not quite sure how. Bletchley or Herr Prop-Washe or 33Lima or Buddy1998 may be able to sort this issue out for us. They are the ones whom actually worked with various activity levels in their Realism/Missions Mods. OlPaint01
  3. @Lothar That is indeed a typo, I just discovered it myself. I will edit the Sounds Bundle to change it back to the correct Directory Path "CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields" instead of "CSFWW1...". Dooh! HPW used a different root directory structure for his FM/EW Mod for his MODS folder than I chose. My Root is C:\OBDSoftware. His individual FM/EW Mod Folders for that bundle need to be contained inside the path that I chose as follows: .- OFFMODS ....- HPW Main FM and AI EW Mod 2.1 (individual mod folder) ......- CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields (insert this folder in the directory path) .........- aircraft ............- Alb_DIII_AC1 .................aircraft.cfg .................Alb_DIII_AC1.air ............- Alb_DIII_AC2 .................aircraft.cfg .................Alb_DIII_AC2.air .........- (Continue with the remaining individual DM folders and contents.) ....- FM 2.1 Sopwith Pup 100 HP (another individual mod folder. When activated it overwrites the Main FM for just the Sopwith Pup) ......- CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields (ditto) .........- aircraft ............- Sopwith_Pup_AC1 .................aircraft.cfg .................Sopwith_Pup_AC1.air ............+ Sopwith_Pup_AC2 ............+ Sopwith_Pup_AC3 ............+ (Etc, Etc, Etc) ....+ (The remaining mod folders) ....+ (Etc, Etc, Etc) Your are 100% correct on this point. Since I did not build his FM/EW Mod_v2.0, I did not make his selection of the root. I did not think it appropriate for me, moreover, I was unable to change his files structure. But as I stated above, his FM folders need to be copied into the directory structure with c:\OBDSoftware as the Root to be compatiable and consistant. Just inserting the "CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields" folder in the path as Elephant suggested does the trick. When you start/restart a campaign from the "Leave..Pilot Dossiers..Campaign..." screen by clicking on "Campaign" tab, you are presented a 'Campaign Description' screen. When you read through that narrative, you are given a hint whether you are in an 'active' or 'quiet' sector of the front. You would then have to exit the game, and activate the appropriate 'dated' version of the realism mod that also matches the described activity level for the current campaign. I hope that helps... OlPaint01
  4. @Lothar I have not gotten so fancy as to setup a 'load order' or 'dependencies' list in the JSGME.ini file. I guess I have not studied the full capabilities of this powerful utility. I myself just activate the Mods manually in the JSGME console in an order dictated by my experience since I know some mod files will overwrite other mod files. BTW, I did follow your suggestion and rewrote the ReadMe for the Sounds Bundle to suggest an Activation Order... ReadMe.txt ------------- Here are the files for the Grand Bundle of JSGME-Enabled OFF Sound Mods that I have prepared. I installed JSGME into C:\OBDSoftware directory. I copied each of the Sounds Mod folders into the MOD directory. I activated all of Creaghorn’s Sound Mods from the JSGME console in the order that they were published to guarantee that I had installed the latest versions of the WAV files. Activate each Creaghorn Sounds Mod in the following order: 1) Creaghorn Homebrew Sounds 2) Creaghorn Sound Tweak 3) Creaghorn Sound Tweak II 4) Creaghorn Sound Tweak II Patch Then activate all of Andy73’s Sound Mods from the JSGME console in the order that they were published. 5) Andy73 Aircraft Sounds 6) Andy73 Engine Sounds_1.1 for Sound Tweak II 7) Andy73 Gun Sounds_1.1 for Sound Tweak II 8) Andy73 Albatros DIII Sounds 9) Andy73 Rotary Aircraft Sounds_1.3a Then activate the Spandau Mod last so the gun sound fix is not overwritten. 10) Creaghorn Spandau Mod The ShellMusic can be activate anytime. 11) Creaghorn StartupBritish OR Creaghorn StartupGerman OR Elephant StartupG (the choice depends on which side you are flying) Disregard warning messages that files are about to be overwritten. ------------- Of course, if I were ambitious, I would take the time to merge all the individual Sounds Mods into one Grand Ultimate Sounds Mod to be activated in one stroke. But that is for another day... OlPaint01
  5. File Name: Ultimate Bundle Damage Models JSGME Enabled File Submitter: OlPaint01 File Submitted: 06 June 2012 File Category: Aircraft Models Here are the files for the Ultimate Bundle of JSGME-Enabled OFF Damage Model Mods that I have prepared. Included in the Pack are: HPW UltimateDM_1.25 Buddy1998 Modified DM_2.0 from HPW's files 33Lima ArcMod_1.1 for HPW UltimateDM_1.25 (Fix to adjust 'Arc of Fire' of Observer/Gunner for OFF 2-Seaters) 33Lima ArcMod_1.1 for Buddy1998 DM_2.0 (Fix to adjust 'Arc of Fire' of Observer/Gunner for OFF 2-Seaters) History: Herr Prop-Wasche published his Ultimate Damage Model v1.25 for OFF:HitR_1.47. Buddy1998 modified HPW's DM files into his own Damage Model v2.0. Then, 33Lima assembled a DM fix to correct the 'Arc of Fire' of the Observer/Gunner for all the 2-Seaters in HPW's Damage Model. Finally, OlPaint01 followed 33Lima's example and applied the same Fix to Buddy1998's Damage Model. Installation: I installed JSGME into C:\OBDSoftware directory. I copied each of the Damage Model folders into the MODS directory. I Activate the Mods in the following manner: 1) Choose either HPW's or Buddy1998's Damage Model to activate from the JSGME console, then 2) Activate the matching 33Lima's ArcMod. Disregard any warning message that certain files will be overwritten. A huge thank you to Herr Prop-Wasche, Buddy1998, and 33Lima for these great Damage Model mods. And of course, thanks to OBDSoftware for "Over Flanders Fields:Hat in the Ring" WW1 Combat Flight Simulator. Doyle Painter OlPaint01 Click here to download this file
  6. Version 1.0


    Here are the files for the Ultimate Bundle of JSGME-Enabled OFF Damage Model Mods that I have prepared. Included in the Pack are: HPW UltimateDM_1.25 Buddy1998 Modified DM_2.0 from HPW's files 33Lima ArcMod_1.1 for HPW UltimateDM_1.25 (Fix to adjust 'Arc of Fire' of Observer/Gunner for OFF 2-Seaters) 33Lima ArcMod_1.1 for Buddy1998 DM_2.0 (Fix to adjust 'Arc of Fire' of Observer/Gunner for OFF 2-Seaters) History: Herr Prop-Wasche published his Ultimate Damage Model v1.25 for OFF:HitR_1.47. Buddy1998 modified HPW's DM files into his own Damage Model v2.0. Then, 33Lima assembled a DM fix to correct the 'Arc of Fire' of the Observer/Gunner for all the 2-Seaters in HPW's Damage Model. Finally, OlPaint01 followed 33Lima's example and applied the same Fix to Buddy1998's Damage Model. Installation: I installed JSGME into C:\OBDSoftware directory. I copied each of the Damage Model folders into the MODS directory. I Activate the Mods in the following manner: 1) Choose either HPW's or Buddy1998's Damage Model to activate from the JSGME console, then 2) Activate the matching 33Lima's ArcMod. Disregard any warning message that certain files will be overwritten. A huge thank you to Herr Prop-Wasche, Buddy1998, and 33Lima for these great Damage Model mods. And of course, thanks to OBDSoftware for "Over Flanders Fields:Hat in the Ring" WW1 Combat Flight Simulator. Doyle Painter OlPaint01
  7. Guesses at Release Date

    Hey, I heard two weeks also. OlPaint
  8. HPW Combined FM and EW mod here!

    @Lothar Great Find! The JSGME v2.6 User Guide is now included in the package on CA Downloads. http://combatace.com/files/file/13045-jonesoft-generic-mod-enabler-jsgme/ PS: It sure would be sweet to have the OFFice Utility script the appropriate date-dependant Realism Mods (HPW's Weather, Bletchley' AA, Buddy1998's or Bletchley's Mission). I hope it is doable. Also, managing the active pilot by script? Outstanding! OlPaint01
  9. File Name: JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME) File Submitter: OlPaint01 File Submitted: 05 June 2012 File Category: Modding Tools and Add-on Software The latest version of JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME) Version 2.6.0 can be downloaded from ==Using the Generic Mod Enabler== 1. Ensure that you have a clean, unmodded installation of your game, preferably with the latest patch(es) installed. If you are already running a prior version of the Generic Mod Enabler, disable all enabled mods. 2. Install the Generic Mod Enabler to your game's root folder and run once. You will be asked to enter a mods folder name. Unless your game already uses a folder called MODS, it is recommended that you simply press OK to accept the default MODS name. The chosen folder will be created if it does not already exist. At this point you should take a snapshot of your "clean" game files by selecting the "Generate snapshot of game files" option from the "Tasks..." list. This snapshot can be used to verify the integrity of the game files at a later date, after you have installed and uninstalled mods (see "Further notes on usage" for more information). 3. After downloading a mod, unzip it into a sub-folder under the MODS folder (call the sub-folder what you like, but use something that defines what the mod is). Note that the modder may have already set up the mod to be "JSGME compatible", in which case this step and the following step will be done for you. In such instances follow the installation instructions that come with the mod. 4. Ensure that the unzipped files under the new mod sub-folder replicate the game's folder structure. For example, with Over Flanders Fields you should see something like: '- OBDSoftware ' + CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields ' + WW1Scenery ' documentation ' - OFFMODS ' - The Mod Name <created at step 3> ' - data ' - Menu <etc...> ' + JSGME.ini ' + Support 5. Run JSGME.exe and you should see the mod listed as an available mod. Simply select and press the ">" button, or click and drag from Available Mods to Activated Mods and the mod is installed! That's it! Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each additional mod that you want to install and then simply exit the Generic Mod Enabler and load your (now modded) game as usual. Click here to download this file
  10. HPW Combined FM and EW mod here!

    @Lothar I uploaded JSGME Version 2.6.0 Installer in compressed .7z format to CA:OFF Download Section. I am unable to get a good link to JoneSoft to share. Get the Installer here: http://combatace.com/files/file/13045-jonesoft-generic-mod-enabler-jsgme/ OlPaint
  11. HPW Combined FM and EW mod here!

    @Lothar My 'Great Bundle Realism Mods JSGME Enabled' makes it fairly easy to activate the properly dated HPW Weather Mod inside the JSGME console - as well as Bletchley's AA Mod, and Buddy1998's or Bletchley's Missions Mods. Follow this link: http://combatace.com/files/file/12952-great-bundle-realism-mods-jsgme-enabled/ OlPaint01
  12. OT Going on sick leave

    Well, I guess you and Tranquillo will now have to share Nurse Gladys' attentions. The ward is beginning to fill up. The Red Cross will have to transfer in some more sweet faces in for you guys' recovery. OlPaint
  13. OFFbase: the Barmy Automated Squadron Experience for OFF

    Double Damn, Lothar, your PhD dissertation must have been on OFFBase? This is an absolutely marvelously immersive Mod. I am now even able to remember my squadron mates' names. Something I have never been able to do before! Without writing them down, that is. Each new release brings things closer to how I imagine Squadron Life was in the Great War. OlPaint
  14. It must be close?

    Hey Tranquillo, I will add you to our church prayer chain for your speedy recovery. BTW, I know Nurse Gladys will take extra good care of you while you recuperate. OlPaint
  15. Hello... and wow..

    @OvS Its great to hear from the "Black Baron" again and that life is good. Fire Service is an outstanding and rewarding profession. Our Fire House and EMT Service here in our community are manned by a marvelous crew of dedicated men and women who service with distinction. I count firefighters as part of the "Elite". And I thank you for your decision to follow in the steps of Heros. BTW, please drop by anytime your have a free moment. I really enjoyed your contributions to the OFF community. Gosh Darn, I actually missed you. OlPaint
  16. Setting Up a Blip Switch in OFF

    @Rickity Here is the link that BB is referencing - OP by HumanDrone: http://combatace.com/topic/72363-mixture-control/page__p__569739__hl__mixture__fromsearch__1#entry569739 OlPaint01
  17. A OBD "Bonus" I'd like to see

    I Like That Idea! "The Making of Wings Over Flanders Fields" is perfect. I have always wanted to meet that 'Rascally Crew' at OBD. To put a face with a name, not just an avitar, would be so revealing. SimHQ has done great exposes in the past. Maybe something along those lines? OlPaint01
  18. File Name: Grand Bundle Sounds Mods JSGME Enabled File Submitter: OlPaint01 File Submitted: 09 May 2012 File Updated: 16 June 2012 File Category: Aircraft Models Here are the files for the Grand Bundle of JSGME-Enabled OFF Sound Mods from Creaghorn, Elephant,and Andy73 that I have prepared. I installed JSGME into C:\OBDSoftware directory. I copied each of the Sounds Mod folders into the MODS directory. I activated all of Creaghorn’s Sound Mods from the JSGME console in the order that they were published to guarantee that I had installed the latest versions of the WAV files. Activate each Creaghorn Sounds Mod in the following order: 1) Creaghorn Homebrew Sounds 2) Creaghorn Sound Tweak 3) Creaghorn Sound Tweak II 4) Creaghorn Sound Tweak II Patch Then activate all of Andy73’s Sound Mods from the JSGME console in the order that they were published. 5) Andy73 Aircraft Sounds 6) Andy73 Engine Sounds_1.1 for Sound Tweak II 7) Andy73 Gun Sounds_1.1 for Sound Tweak II 8) Andy73 Albatros DIII Sounds 9) Andy73 Rotary Aircraft Sounds_1.3a Then activate the Spandau Mod last so the gun sound fix is not overwritten. 10) Creaghorn Spandau Mod The ShellMusic can be activate anytime. 11) Creaghorn StartupBritish OR Creaghorn StartupGerman OR Elephant StartupG (the choice depends on which side you are flying) Disregard warning messages that files are about to be overwritten. OlPaint01 Click here to download this file
  19. Update Log Version 1.3 is posted. I added Andy73's revised 'Rotary Aircraft Sounds_1.3' to pack that modifies the shutdown sound tracks including LeRhone, Gnome80, Gnome160, Oberursel, and Oberursel_EV engines to support Blip Switch action used for all rotary powered aircraft in OFF:HitR_1.47. Follow this link for a neat discussion of a Blip Switch simulation in OFF... http://combatace.com..._20#entry573685 Version 1.4 is posted. I included Andy73's revised 'Rotary Aircraft Sounds_1.3a' to the sounds package that modifies both the startup and shutdown sequences including LeRhone, Gnome80, Gnome160, Oberursel, and Oberursel_EV engines uses for almost all rotary powered aircraft in OFF:HitR_1.47. OlPaint01
  20. Setting Up a Blip Switch in OFF

    @Lou I have posted a revised 'OFF Sounds Mods JSGME Enabled V1.3' pack to the CA Downloads. It now contains Andy73's revised 'Rotary Aircraft Sounds_1.3' that modifies the shutdown sound tracks including LeRhone, Gnome80, Gnome160, Oberursel, and Oberursel_EV engines to support Blip Switch action used for all rotary powered aircraft in OFF:HitR_1.47. OBTW, I edited my Blip Switch JS button macro to increase the time between the press/release actions. That seems to have solved my issue of it losing its sync. @Rickity I have both Saitek Throttle Quadrant and Saitek Rudder Pedals along with Saitek JS. I have throttle, mixture, and elevator trim mapped to the three levers of the Quad. One particular conflict I had to resolve was that my JS twisty rudder control had to be unassigned in the CFS3/OFF Controls before the rudder pedals would work properly. Also, my JS throttle control had to be unassigned in the CFS3/OFF Controls before the throttle lever on the Quad would work correctly. OlPaint01
  21. @Dave An after-action-report from your host provider would be an interesting read. The tracert that I performed from my location on the Internet showed that either a backbone router or boarder router on Time Warner's Network (RoadRunner) was failing and timed-out without returning a PING. I personally opened a trouble ticket with RR to report that this particular router was down. I don't know if that did any good but it gave me satisfaction that I may have contributed to the service restoration. OlPaint
  22. HPW FM 2.0 is now available!

    @HPW You are right, as always...My recollection was in fact reversed - the Nieuport 16 was so nose heavy that I decided not to fly it anymore. Now N16 is managable with FM 2.0 Fix. OlPaint
  23. HPW FM 2.0 is now available!

    Great catch HPW. Thanks for the adjustments. The last time I tryed to fly N16 with the default FM, I discovered it was so tail heavy that I couldn't...even with the elevator trim maxed out and the stick all the way forward. OlPaint
  24. HPW FM 2.0 with Additional Planes Mod

    HPW says we can fly the new FM 2.0 without the Empty Weight mod. But we are at a disadvantage against the AI enemy craft. OlPaint01
  25. @Olham I feel like a kid in the candy store with a fist full of pennys trying to decide which Forum to go to first. We should consider ourselves so lucky to have two outstandingly great Flight Sims forums that cater to me and my addiction. What is so difficult about sharing loyalties? What is so hard about having two separate hot-links on the desktop? I can hardly wait to get home every evening and see who and what new stuff has been posted on both of them. Double the pleasure, Double the Fun!!! OlPaint

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