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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Post random things thread

  2. Post random things thread

  3. I think he saying that he's sexually aroused at the sight of those Gripens.
  4. Captain......CRUNCH ! Brampton, figures it's a city around 30km from Toronto guess they fly like they ride their motorcycles and I know how bad they ride.
  5. Asteroid Music

    My track would be the panicked screams of people asking their worthless god to save them while running amok complimented with Benny Hill music.
  6. Seriously though no mention of the JF-17, comes relatively cheap, around the 20 million USD mark. Putting aside the bias of it not being "western" for the price it gives potential customers a very decent air-air capability. That being said its probabbly SAAB that can offer some great lease deals with support and maintenance. Forget the F-16 too expensive.
  7. Post random things thread

    Of an impromptu Harlem Shake group or here at CA ?
  8. North Korea Cooks Off a Nuke

    Why do I have this picture in my head of N Koreans generals doing the Harlem Shake ?
  9. North Korea Cooks Off a Nuke

    Sometimes I do.
  10. Best war comedy (or romance)

    Tropic Thunder, Black Addidas, Dr Strangelove, mash and hypshots.
  11. Doomsday Preppers called

    What doomsday are we talking about are you ready for a zombie apocalypse ? Hmmmm ?
  12. HMS Ark Royal Harrier Launch

    Yes JM but one wouldve hoped that since the US was not going at it alone ie several tier 1 partners the programme would not be as behind schedule as it is and with excessive cost overruns not to mention revised performance specs which is an other bull way of saying lowered which is what they really are.
  13. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    An Aussie defence analyst said it best a couple of days ago " looks like it might vibrate and make some noise if you put twenty cents in it" haha.
  14. Post random things thread

    The He-Man is wrong dear invisible, non-existant being up in the sky why ? Cos play gone wrong.
  15. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    LOL WTF ! Ahahaha
  16. North Korea Dream video

    Thanks Dave.
  17. North Korea Dream video

    Dave care to post that vid I think for those members who haven't seen it it would be funny as hell I'd post I but via phone it's frustrating as hell.
  18. North Korea Dream video

    Christ ! Dave, I just azzumed most people especially Americans would get the Mad TV reference you know of dr cho the N Korean nuclear scientist YouTube it, it highlarious.
  19. North Korea Dream video

    Sometimes I do.
  20. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    All joking aside that cassette/cd player is a Garmin GTX-327 transponder.
  21. Do any of you riders here know if a person who already has a motorcyle license and has riden one for many years is allowed to ride a motorcycle wearing orthopedics specifically a foot brace that corrects the condition of drop foot or foot drop. I've tried searching on the web for what the ministry of transportation in Canada has to say about this. I'm not in Canada currently so calling them long distance and being on hold isn't practical. The reason I'm asking those who ride is because I would hope that western countries generally might have similar guidelines. This is a shot in the dark but what the hell. Real hope someone can shed some light on this as the thought of never being able to ride again is terrifying. I really appreciate any helpful responses thanks in advance.
  22. Question for fellow motorcycle riders

    Thanks Mako so braces that don't get in the way. Appreciate it.
  23. Dassault nEUROn

    You mean Greece defaulted on their Somali loan as well ? You know where all of that money went ? Hair removal products thats where.

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