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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Pffffttt whatever you guys are amateurs I got the dreamland supa fortress outside my igloo plenty of room in Canada.
  2. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    Maybe they took inspiration from the first iron eagle crap where the kid listens to music while engaging the enemy ? Cranking up the Beasties while killing American infidels (he he see what I did there ?) Wasn't it oh so high brow ? No ? FINE then. Even without the speed thingy there the design of the aircraft itself is clearly subsonic. Thanks for the laughs Eye-Ran (saying it American style) several last year one of them being your S-300 s which turned out to be barrel dorms welded together.
  3. Worst War Movie Ever...

    Hellz yeah! And Norris still bitches about it ha ha. FU Walker.
  4. Upgrades and Such to CombatACE

    Just wanted to say that I would contribute of I was working but of it helps as of 2011 I haven't been downloading at all. My point being that atleast this way if I can't help in any financial manner then what I can do is not do max downloads or any downloads if i cant help a site tha ive come enjoy very much sonce 2004. When I do start working again I will be subscribe to this site you can count on it. I hope you understand erik. Best of luck.
  5. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    Haha if one is to go by the size of it, it appears that there's no room in the nose for anything but a tiny ranging radar if that. This has got to be a bad propaganda stunt the air intakes won't allow for high AoA. Also if one just googles this "aircraft" then one has to laugh at the google images where the pilot is sitting in the cockpit or should I say on lol ! I knows it's a mock up but even the bird of prey didn't look this ridiculous with a pilot in it or did it, too lazy to google that via iPhone
  6. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    The footage is that of a RC model. More than one way to lock a canopy and it's also one of the features not associated with a wood and fiberglass mockup.
  7. More new Chinese aircraft...

    Not really its having similar requirements and the laws of the aerodynamic gods who are the old malevolent types that the aircrafts end up looking quite similar. But in chinas case at times it's also theft. Not this particular case.
  8. Official Star Wars EP 7

    So J. J Abrams is now officially the director for Star Wars Epispde VII yeah just thought I'd share the good news (hope it's not old) heres hoping that the guy who did an awesome reboot of Star Trek can do the same.
  9. Honest Film Trailers

    Haha I take it you've watched nostalgia critics review of batman and robin ? " rape my childhood " hilarious.
  10. "The Iron Lady" Maggie Thatcher

    Hahaha nice one sir are you a fan of Cameron or do you like him even less
  11. More new Chinese aircraft...

    Disregard all the "Chinese" flankers license built or not they're using predominantly Russian tech and they might like market them as Chinese but they don't even have a power plant of their own that can match the Russian engine outputs. As for JF-17 IMO I doubt well seechina field it in large numbers I'm guessing primary export user/launch customer is the PAF and other me and African countries anyways all the Chinese members on aviation forums praise the JF-17 for having DSI as if that's al that matters but even DSI can't help the JF -17 from being what it is a sub par aircraft even the f-20 tigershark today would outclass it. The Y-20 transport on the other hand is comparable with the latest IL-476 and when the PLAAF gets the domestic designed and manufactures engines for it it will outperform the IL the airframe alone of the Y-20 is superior and China does need a large fleet of transports. Whew typing On a phone is tedious .
  12. Official Star Wars EP 7

    Not saying ST was perfect but IMO I really enjoyed it and I can't stand Star Trek generally am a SW fan boi but EPsiode VII will or atleast I pray will be better than the awful prequels. I guess no joss due him doing avengers 2. Plus Abrams is a huge SW fan and has said so many times with star tram he said he just wanted to do a cool flick with SW being a fan boi as he calls himself it different. Here's hoping. Let's hope they don't pick Michael explosions Bay to write the script haha.
  13. Post random things thread

    Lmfao yes those Aztecs Indians etc were building a sizeable fleet to sail on and invade spain eh ? Thank god for scum like the conquistadors for hitting them first pffft whatever I'm done.
  14. Nightclub fire in Brazil

    RIP. Yes it turns out it was the sound insulation on the ceiling that caught fire when a flare was lit on stage.
  15. Top Gun 3D

    Please do try and keep up MB :) from the CIA it was a Regan wet dream psyop and they would smuggle these into Warsaw pact countries and try to sell it as truth as to how kick ass the USAF was (using an iph so typing is bad) If you want to break up with a girl Nesher watch the rest of them with her. Guaranted hassle free break up. Glad to help, no need to thank me.
  16. Dassault nEUROn

    Yeah but the moment those women end up Greek soil man oh man it's what a full moon is to a werewolf ! (Shudder)
  17. Post random things thread

    Noooo way she looks ok and who would boink god damn Skeletor ? But yeah the inbred looks funny. Must be from South Dakota ! Lol that's funny and sad. Sad cause it's true that the Spainish believe they brought Christ to these so called heathens uugghh and th atrocities..Oh well they got it hard from the Moors. Payback sucks.
  18. Top Gun 3D

    Something so horrid and despicable that the mere mention of it at Gitmo would have those prisoners choose water boarding over having to watch those.....
  19. Caption Competition

    I would but I can only think of filthy captions
  20. "The Iron Lady" Maggie Thatcher

    Forgot to edit/add to the previous post that Mrs Thatcher was a far superior PM than the arse clown the British have now. Especially in matters of defence.
  21. Top Gun 3D

    Naah they all die at the hands of the MiG, the MiG-28 lands on the carrier and Samuel L Jackson steps out of the 28 yelling " I'm a bad mutha***** !"
  22. can you hear the Music?

    Nah Bobs too cool for this crap.
  23. Hunter Docu

    Great find man, love the Hunter. Many thanks.
  24. Dassault nEUROn

    Greece in the neuron program ? Lol what expertise are they bringing to the program ? Hairy women that can shed their body hair by sheer willpower ! Aren't they a failed state yet ? Thought they were supposed to receive a shipment of aid from Somalia !
  25. "The Iron Lady" Maggie Thatcher

    Is it a kinky movie ? No ? Iron lady Maggie sounds kinky.

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