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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Speilberg and Hanks To Make 3rd WWII Miniseries

    Red tails was horrible JM but, I suppose you'll find out yourself good cast though poor writing.
  2. Speilberg and Hanks To Make 3rd WWII Miniseries

    My following comment is by no means meant as disrespect to the men aforementioned. Spielberg can shove a mighty 8 up his..... Enough of Spielberg WWII movies and his love affair with hanks. I say make a new movie showing the wehrmacht kicking some ass.
  3. Personal Outsourcing? - good idea

    Funny as hell. Say, is this ONNs take on the Verizon employee caught outsourcing his personal work to China (you guys did read aboot that right ?). The slacker was earning six figures.
  4. Let's All Give a Hand to Erik

    Erik, thank you for posting the very tiresome conversations you've had with this Glecko. For what its worth I truly appreciate you running this site the way you and all the mods are on top of having to deal with crap like this. Glecko, its due to the likes of you that there are stricter guidelines for new users. I have to say that you look rather stunning in that bikini top ! Or is that you sis ? Either way
  5. Let's All Give a Hand to Erik

    FTFW editing.
  6. Let's All Give a Hand to Erik

    WTF! Ahahaha !
  7. Happy New Year to everyone....

    2012 was my worst year since 2009-2010. F*** you past horrid years. Heres to a great 2013 ! Happy New Years to all and may this year be a great one for all teh members. Now to continue the drinking to get rid of the hangover.
  8. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1301215--f-35-purchase-to-be-scrapped-by-ottawa Canadian Conservative government formally drops F-35, begins search for alternative. Anyone think the Super Hornet for us Canucks should have won all along ?
  9. Post random things thread

    Look at them bounce !
  10. Probably a gungho member from Combat Ace, those guys are nutz.
  11. Post random things thread

  12. Post random things thread

    @ Nesher, thats hilarious !
  13. Best punch scene

  14. Butcher of Mumbai to be hanged

    Burn in Hell you filthy inbred cesspool scum. Ghost you're correct he will most likely be Martyred in Pakistan unfortunately.
  15. eyebrows shall be raised

    If only the real thing came in so many flavours or tasted that good. I know I'm not the only one who thinks that.
  16. After Ghibli, Pixar and LucasFilm...

    My eyes....curse you STRATOS !
  17. For Remembrance Day...

    For the Canadians....
  18. Best punch scene

    Dave, got to agree Ole Waynes punch was awesome.
  19. New Supa Man 2013 trailer

    Teaser trailer with LOTR music (cant go wrong with that). Christopher Nolan as producer (and co writer along with the guy who wrote Batman begins). This trailer voice over is Russell Crowe as Jor-El. The complete cast is great and comprises of some very talented actors (with the exception of Kevin Costner :P). Nolans said that this wont be like Dark Knight as Superman isnt a dark character so lets see if this director can pull it off with a little help from Nolan. Here hoping.
  20. A Belated Duxford airshow. . . . .

    Thanks a lot for posting some very cool pics.
  21. Sikorsky to begin S-97 protoype construction. http://www.flightglobal.com/news/art...otypes-377868/ Lockheed Sees $1.1 Billion Liability If F-35 Deal Delayed (excerpt) Youngest Boeing B-52 Stratofortress Achieves 50 Years of Service MiG-29K carrier trials for India completed Sorry if this is all old news to most here.
  22. Look at the size of that...buyout...

    Just remembered that Whedon is doing Avengers 2 slated for 2015 so unless he bows out of that (highly doubtlful) someone else will be doing Episode VIII.

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