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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. CFS3 expansion Mediterranean Air War

    So you need the CFS3 firepower addon right ?
  2. New Chinese Stealth Fighter F60

    First flight took place on the 31st 10:32 AM Beijing time, for a duration of 10 mins. Congrats Shenyang ! Going by the pic alone, imho guess that rules out F-22 style side bays and that means F-35 style bay. J-11B chase plane. One more Appears to be larger than teh F-35, wonder what its internal load would be 4 BVR + 2 WVR maybe or just 2 BVR 2WVR ?
  3. Look at the size of that...buyout...

    This is what you can expect from Disney Lucas allowed this to happen and Disney will take ten level higher. The fact that Vader is dancing to Deadmau5 doesn`t make it better. Really like Deadmau5. Hahaha Angry Joe is an awesome hilarious game reviewer and this video is for kicks. Children friendly Star Wars to hell with that crap. Lock the kids in the basement, throw away the keys. Okay I`m done.
  4. Look at the size of that...buyout...

    Dear God ! Nooooo.... Whats worse than Lucas` control freak fueled garbage prequels, is Disney. Disney is notorious for merchandising the s**t out of their franchises. It's likely the new movies will follow in the trend of the prequels. Expect more Jar style characters and the further rape of Star Wars, left to die in a ditch. Star Wars died when the first POS prequel was made. Frak the 3D 2012 re-re-re release Star Wars. Do you really want to see Jar Jar in 3D huh do you :angry: :angry: . Blur studios did an awesome job of what any new Star Wars should be like, check the awesome video below. You will not be disappointed. If they can do it, then why couldn`t Double chin Jabba Lucas, I doubt Disney will. It will be Uber kid friendly. Now I have to take leave and cry in the corner like a girly man. Hope you guys enjoy the video. Edit:- Some of you may have seen just the one part of the video but its the best 15 mins of the franchise which is new. Espcially the Jedi Temple fight. I thought it was just Lucas films and that Lucas Arts is still fat boy Georges thing. Disney will do to Star Wars and Indiana Jones (yes they got that as well since its Lucas films) what George and Spielberg did to Indiana in the South Park video i.e his rape. Btw, 4 billion really ! Pixar sold for roughly 7 billion. One would have hoped Jabba would have milked more out of it. Pity that Star Wars and Indiana were worth only 4 billiion.
  5. Best, worst movie death scene ever

    :biggrin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8RwOUTvVHM
  6. Syrain Helicopter Shot Down

    Thats the MIddle Easts equivalent to waving their arms in the air like they just dont care !
  7. Syrain Helicopter Shot Down

    Yelling thta doesn't make you a terrorist, sorry ! Its just a cultural thing in the Middle East to yell "God is great". They yell Allahu Akbar here at soccer stadiums when a goal is scored, big friggin deal. Thats like saying someone is a religious nutjob a a hockey game for yelling out "Jesus Christ" when a goal is scored during power play thingy. Its the conext in which Allahu Akhbar is used. Btw, get used to hearing more and more of it as soon it will be the new NATO warcry ! BTW...ALLAHU AKHBAR
  8. Not a bad guess for 1977

    Eh ? The Firefox down I've got doesn't say sharp nose unless its cause its revised because he mention how the crew thought it looked like the loch ness anywhoo, mine has this cover.
  9. Love this neast. Infact really love all Saab birds the Draken just looks awesome as well, which combat aircraft from that era looked as sleek the wings on that, I tell you. I'll say it again thank the aircraft gods that Sweden has its own aircraft industry and didn't opt to buy from someone else.
  10. F-15C Eagles from 18th Wing, Kadena conduct an air combat maneuver training mission near the Island of Guam in support of exercise Cope North. COPE NORTH is a multilateral exercise featuring the U.S. Air Force, the Japan Air Self Defense Force, and the Royal Australian Air Force designed to enhance air operations in the Pacific Region. This kind of footage would make Top Gun 2 a better movie than the first. Sadly not one of these hotshots "hit the brakes !" pfffftttt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvunxp5NYEY
  11. Top Gun, minus all the male bonding and skin.
  12. Sorry bout that on multiple viewings I agree about the lacklusterness, in teh future will view twice before a knee jerk posting.
  13. New Chinese Stealth Fighter F60

    Bharat Rakshak. Although Barak Shak sounds way cooler, like a what-if Ehud Barak and Shaq O Neil inspired airforce, the airforce would be loud mouthed (both of them are) mean and not to be messed with.
  14. CSM Plumbley Dies at Age 92

    Classic lines. After surviving the NVA attack "Now its a beautiful morning !" RIP CSM.
  15. The End Of An Era.....

    Arrgghhh ! Just noticed it sorry Sid. Also, really cool vid editing in the vid really enjoyed it. Acutally much better than discovery or history crap videos.
  16. The End Of An Era.....

    Very cool vid. Btw Sid, whats the name of the first song ?
  17. New Chinese Stealth Fighter F60

    Sometimes all of this stealth stuff gets too much hype, people forget there's no such thing as absolute stealth.
  18. Ha Ha ! What a Gangsta shot !
  19. Freakin' Hilraious!

    Gangam style(s) gone viral from the looks of it. US Naval academy presents... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhHufV9g4k4
  20. So... this new PLAAF stealth fighter...

    Whats a "half war" Ghost ?
  21. The Mossie sounds awesome, and looks so freakin cool. Huge props to the resoration team.
  22. Mil funnies

  23. So... this new PLAAF stealth fighter...

    My bad, I was referring to the PakDef forums and whats said on them and dare I say fantasised about.
  24. Cocas Birthday!

    Happy Birthday man !

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