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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. So... this new PLAAF stealth fighter...

    The last one has long been determined to be CG. Pak defense is 90 % fantasy 10 % "The Indian Airforce sucks" or is it the other way around.
  2. Very cool stuff ace888, always did like the PAF inventory.
  3. Mil funnies

    The first pic with the two sasquatchs is of Canadian Army Engineers.
  4. Did anyone see a flotilla lately?

    You guys are all skeptics, this flotilla below has already set sail no ETA though.
  5. U.S. Envoy to Libya, Killed in Attack

    Yeah but most likely the extremist that ripped a bible did it knowning that it was a Egyptian coptic responsible for said movie right ? Meh, screw religion.
  6. Finally Laid to Rest

  7. OT but this is Racing... Isle of Man Style...

    Isle of Man has always been insane, those speeds through residential areas as well at times. Yup two wheels rule !
  8. WTF? Not Safe For Kids or Work

    I dont know who to fell more sorry for, the guy with the Airbus Beluga for a wife (brrrr) or the idiot with the tattoo.
  9. So... this new PLAAF stealth fighter...

    Wonder what the real extent of the theft from LockMart was ? I mean it would be interesting to know how much of it was avionics related. For all we know it could just be a 1:1 static test model. Time will tell. I do however enjoy all the silly nonsense spewing on the F-16.net, they've gotten their thongs in a knot. :biggrin:
  10. Middle East problem fix

    Not if we also nuke that island with a a 100 nukes, thereby ensuring that none of the three religions would finally have no land to bitch about.
  11. Telling the story.

    Made my morning, thank you for the laughs !
  12. WWJAWD

    Last one is priceless, cold but priceless.
  13. Sorry dont have access to the book, (not in the country). Gepard I was going by memory. I know about the MLD i.e the chaff/flare launchers and the dogtooth. You know it could be a Soviet MLD stationed in East-Germany. Anyways dont know if you've read http://www.aviationweek.com/Blogs.aspx?plckBlogId=Blog:27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7&plckPostId=Blog%3a27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post%3a1253fb8a-3b45-4f68-b273-fff9b8f2f73darticle by Bill Sweetman. Pretty cool stuff.
  14. Ok I'm a bit confused here cause I have a world airpower journal with a MiG-23MLD in East German air force colours the pic is crystal clear and they state that its an MLD.
  15. New Chinese Stealth Fighter F60

    Whats with the maiden flights during or close to some big U.S officials visit, the J-20 made its maiden flight during the Mr. Gates visit Jan 11, 2011 and now this prototype when Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta will be in China next week. Maiden flight during his visit perhaps ? Picture Mr Hu JIntao telling Mr Panetta " The PRC denies that the aircraft was in any way influenced by data we did not steal about the F-35, it is wholly Chinese designed". I like its F-22 mates with F-35 look though or vice-versa.
  16. Camp bastion Attack

    @ Ghost, Laz does have a point, the IAF ageing MiG-21 record is pretty sad and pathetic sad because of the lives its claimed and pathetic because HAL built them so parts shouldn't have been an issue and if its maint then the fault lies with the IAF. And this isn't just me saying it for the heck of it this is from former IAF pilots. On the other hand though the glorious PAF wwouldn't have all of those new shiny F-16 they got without U.S aid and the fancy bases (and they are fancy) that the teens are based at. And Pakistan also gets money from the Saudis and the U.A.E who have wet dreams about Pakistan since its the only Mullah country to have nukes and is leading the righteous fight against those Hindu infidels like you.
  17. Finally a dog that can walk itself

    Duhude, I'd rather have this thing make noise and get shot at than my bum they're working out the real prob first, doubt that they're not aware of the lawnmower noise factor if they want additional DARPA funding...
  18. Forward the vid to 6:12 so does this shed some light or am I all over the place ?
  19. Lexx didn't the Luftwaffe inherit the MiG-23MLD upon reunification ? Weren't they tested by the Luftwaffe pilots as well. What came out of that ?
  20. Finally a dog that can walk itself

    I thought Boston Dynamics called it Big Dog, anywhoo read about this in Scientific American and the idea behind it is to carry the gear of upto four plus soldiers on terrain where vehicles cant traverse, rucksacks additional ammo etc and other equipment thereby lighten the individual soldiers load. The BBC video doesnt do justice to its capabilities. The video below shows some cool/funny stuff.
  21. Al-Qaida's No. 2 in Yemen killed in airstrike

    Haw Haw you said #2
  22. Al-Qaida's No. 2 in Yemen killed in airstrike

    Boooomm ! One less Jihadi swine.
  23. Yesterday, 40 years ago


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