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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. First look at AW-101 in IAF colours Sadly for worthless VIP transport.
  2. Caption This 3

    Jumpmaster to last para "I'm sleeping with your wife"
  3. How do you figure ? That makes no sense. Did Turkey shoot down the aircraft ? No. So its not payback for the F-4.
  4. Announcing Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3

    Those screenshots look Awesometacular !
  5. IAF Chopper crash

    So the Apaches have been cleared for purchase ? Wait, if they can't operate at the altitude of the Dhruv how are they being cleared ? So for high altitudes its the Dhruv ? And what for lower the far more expensive Apache ? How does that make sense. And the Mil-17's in Kargil were not capable of carrying rocket pods and machine guns ? I know that Mil-17 are capable of carrying weapon loads, if they weren't then thats not the helis fault sounds more like the IAF being caught with their pants down and they didn't have time to arm them or didn't have the armament. Heck even Mil-8 carry a very respectable payload.
  6. Check out the awesome low speed high AOA pass starting at 3:08 and the very cool landing. The best Rafale display that I've seen imho. Thank you to whoever the mod was for deleting the extras, apologise but I always seem to have a problem with the Dubai ISP.
  7. Pakistain is number ONE !

    Their ISP's block out the viewing of what they deem "immoral" content which ofcourse includes sex, but that doesn't mean the public cant google the stuff so below are links from newspapers and a video that shows what type of sex :biggrin: they're actually googling and this based on info from Google itself http://www.news.com....0-1225891491204 Ofcourse this is all a conspiracy on behalf of all non-muslim nations to slander the devout state of Pakistan..I kid Pakistan, with love "I" hope I'm not pilling it on. Heres a hilarious video from TYT
  8. IAF Chopper crash

    @ Ghost, good to know that the Dhruv isn't still getting the LCA treatment by the IAF top brass. I still think it's performance req are constantly going to be raised so that it's not purchased in large quanities, why ? Cause the uber corrupt fat politicians you have in India won't get kick backs in foreign currency from HAL. I will gladly admit I'm wrong here when the Dhruv is purchased in quanty along with light attack version (cmon that things not really a gunship ). Planned, shmanned with the IAF till they're actually flying its a matter of fact over fiction.
  9. IAF Chopper crash

    More new Mil's most likely. The IAF higher ups don't seem to like the HAL Dhurv, because it's local and not imported.
  10. Identify this Aircraft

    Cheat (Predator Arnold voice) cmon do it, do it now...
  11. 50 Years of James Bond

    Connery - Goldfinger. Brosnan - Goldeneye Craig - Casion Royale and Quantum of Solace (loved the darker side of Bond in both the movies, giving the guy oil to drink, ice cold, man).
  12. Perhaps I've gone completely comp illiterate but I dont have the embed video option showing up when I start a new topic or reply to one for that matter, did I miss something or this possibly due to my temp location i.e Dubai ? Thanks in advance for the assist
  13. It worked . Thanks so much FC much appreciated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=BLMM_jf6Lwc&NR=1
  14. Much appreciated, thanks Toryu.
  15. Butcher of Mumbai to be hanged

    Burn in hell you vile Pakistani LeT scum !
  16. For those who don't want to wait TopGun 2.......

    Pretty cool and no crappy MiG-28's at that. Hey did anyone notice the Michael Bay like effect when the MiG-29 shattered the windows accompanied by a Transformers like sound effect.
  17. Observation, deduction, consternation

    Broke back movie flashbacks huh ? You poor soul.
  18. The Hatfields and the McCoys

    Did you get that off keypublishing's website by chance ? Just curious since I'm a member and there's actually a post there about Russian a/c with Wester a/c. Here's a cool one IN Bear intercepted by USN F-14
  19. F 16 Oskosh crash

    How much do you wanna bet that he same approach will be applied to the JSF when ineviatable accidents do happen not just in the USA but with any of the client nations. I can't wait to hear the bs that our RCAF inquiry guys will spin so as not make the allmighty JSF look bad and btw the way back home the JSF is already are very controversial political fighter.
  20. Observation, deduction, consternation

    Agreed ! If it really were just two guys and the tent was stolen, the conversation might have been Guy 1: Dude your tent ! Guy 2: Duuude !
  21. Your govt did, our Prime Minister was just someone who could not say no to them,
  22. Identify this Aircraft

    Post away DySko.
  23. Thank you very much Toryu, what a superb documentary. Do you know of or have any more, pehaps on the present day Luftwaffe ?
  24. Caption This 2

    How Viper pilot farts are really disposed of..

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