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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Prometheus

    Saw this last night a really enjoyed it, one thing though to those who have'nt watched it yet and think yeah boyeee, lets go watch Coporal Hicks kick some alien butt while yelling "Marines we are leaving !" Dont ! It's not that kind of flick, it's a movie set in the Alien universe and since there is no "official" story (I forget the proper word to describe history of fiction) to the alien universe as there is in Star Wars or Star Trek. The writers and directors really dont have to follow any strict guidelines, thats what I really liked about it. It leaves it open to to interpretation to what said universe should be like sometimes you win audiences and critics alike and sometimes you lose some and win some, what matters is going with an open mind. Lets face it everyone is a critic and have to critique just like everyones got to fart now and then...
  2. INS Vikramaditya starts sea trials

    The Indians did get screwed over this carrier deal and the sad part is that they knew they were getting shafted but after having coughed up most of the money and having to then pay more to finally get a "new" carrier was smarter than walking away from it without a carrier and billion plus in U.S Dollars already spent. They will have this carrier and the indigenous carrier, which is a year behind schedule, but building a carrier was never easy. The good news is that the Indians appeared to have learnt their lesson of sorts( or one should hope so) with Russia getting the message loud and clear that India can shop elsewhere and shop they did P-8I, C-17's, and lets not forget Rafale, which must have stung. Hopefully the Indians dont get screwed on the PAK-FA/FGFA.
  3. BOOOOO YAAAAAA! Found Jimmy Stewart SAC movie

    SAC turned out to be awesome cant believe I missed that one, and thanks for the other movie postings
  4. Royal Navy and Royal Airforce

    Funny that you mention the Superbug option last December that is exactly what Air Forces monthly had mentioned as well. And I agree that it is the better option.
  5. How about THIS for a model ?

    Talk about dedication to one's hobby.
  6. Royal Navy and Royal Airforce

    Dont forget sign ups to the French Navy as well !
  7. Royal Navy and Royal Airforce

    What a sad day in commercial aviation history, when the Concorde had stopped flying. To date the the most beautiful fusion of engineering and artful design, all other commerical aviation aircraft look like uninspired trash haulers compared to her. Sustained Mach 2 flight, until recently no fast jet (save the SR-71) could keep up with her for two hours plus at Mach 2. Everything looked just perfectly right about her.
  8. For any Fleet Air Arm fans

    Cool stuff. Now play the vid again but this time with your eyes closed and listen to the intro music, picture a crazed dude chasing you with a knife, that's what the freaky music reminds me of , now I'm late for my meds...
  9. Swedish Air Force Show (Pictures)

    WOW ! Jonathan, those pics are awesome thanks so very much for sharing and so many of them for wallpapers ! Love the Viggen and the Draken, my all time favourite SAAB aircraft, like someone said earlier high priases to the Flygvapnet for maintaining its proud history in flying condition. EDIT:- Thank god the Swedes make their own and fly their own fast jets.
  10. James May of Top Gear aka Captain Slow flies in the trainer U-2 pretty awesome. Love the camera footage at 70K ft. I envy that U-2 pilot. He He James May: Thats alot of climb. U-2 Pilot: No Kidding ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJoMDq4AyLc
  11. So very cool, especially the Bostwana paint job.
  12. Superb ! Blackbird, hope you can release it one day.
  13. Prometheus

    I know Promethus will be far better than the last two previous Alien(s) flick. But their space suit helmet, that god damn ugly clear glass egg shaped thingy, you call that a future helmet...really ? That's all they could come up with ? " Let's pick the ugliest design, and... "
  14. Back up

    Wrong, it's probably gone up by twice that since CA is up !
  15. Back up

    Congrats Stary !!!
  16. Back up

    Why are we talking about masturbation, specifically when it involves a male member,no pun intended Nawt !
  17. God DAMN!

    Glad to have CA up and running again, big thanks to those involved ! On a lighter note below is a pic that depicts the expression on most peoples faces when CA was unavailable
  18. Planes That Look Alike

    I didn't mean to offend, apologise if I came across as that, far from it, as I said it looks as it might or is a bit weaker in terms of armour as it (Apache) is older than the latest Mil-28 flavour. EDIT: Doubt that there is an aircraft that comes even close to my all time favourite, the superb SR-71 !

    Favourite Character(s)?: Imperial Stormtroopers. Original and the last new troopers. Favourite Ship: Vaders SSD Executor. Favourite Quote (Sorry not an original one, but from Star Wars Cops): Troops is filmed on location with the Imeprial forces, All suspects are guilty, otherwise they wouldn't be suspects, would they ? EDIT: Here the vid just for those who might not have seen it. The vid shows what REALLY happened to Luke's Aunt n Uncle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MMAoOPa0Pg
  20. The Judge of the Shoe Bombers words

    Awesome sppech by teh Judge. True incident/story, almost 8 years, did not make headlines, was hushed up British Airways flight Capt announces that they're about being descent for Riyadh airport goes through and then states that all passengers should turn their clock back 500 years. Because of what he said he was never again allowed to fly the Saudi route (was most likely what he wanted, who knows) EDIT: @ Exhausteds' last statement,
  21. Holy Sh*t.....

    My great thanks for your insightful reply.
  22. Sometimes I despair at the Human Race

    Didn't Sea World caputre a baby white shark ? Do they still have it, if so I wonder if one day we'll be reading about how a "Tame" great white ate all the instuctors and divers in its tank, and was put down like a rabid dog for being a bad shark.
  23. Planes That Look Alike

    Looking at teh Mil and then the Aphace, the Aphace looks quite fragile in terms of armour.
  24. LCA Tejas- Navy flies for the first time

    HAL/DRDO is addressing the ladder issue, they intend to develop an automatic ejection system in case the pilot slips. This system will launch the pilot to a minimum altitude for parachute deployment.

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