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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Gripens in Swiss Air Force

    Here`s another Swedish link stating the same in english My link
  2. Fantastic ! THE MOST powerful military aircraft in the world. Thanks in advance . Love her.
  3. GTA V trailer released

    Atleast in GTA I get to stick it to the pigs "**** the police, the only good one is one six feet under" Awesome !
  4. Admiral Lord West

    Close. More like a worthy heir to the wheelchair bound cancer, Chenney.
  5. Link NEW DELHI: Exactly 111 days ago, on May 25, there was a low-intensity blast at Gate No. 7 of Delhi high court. It wasn't taken seriously; in fact, it was considered a failed attempt and a sign of the reduced strike power of terrorists. Now, it seems that the attack - whose perpetrators have still not been arrested - was just a dry run for a murderous strike by a band of determined killers. At 10.15am on Wednesday, as Delhi High Court's reception counter near Gate No. 5 milled with people, terrorists detonated a sophisticated improvised explosive device (IED) placed in a briefcase, leaving 11 dead and 91 injured. It was the first major terrorist attack in the Capital in almost three years, though it came less than two months after the serial blasts in Mumbai on July 13. Most of the casualties on Wednesday were among litigants, some as distinguished as Commander Ronald Nagar, who was once Rajiv Gandhi's co-pilot in Indian Airlines, and some as nondescript as a band of hawkers who had come to the court in appeal for a licence to sell their wares. Late at night there was word that the police might have a lead. Sources said Delhi Police was looking for a gray Hyundai Accent car, DL 9CA 6034, which was being driven by a man in white shirt and black trousers - an attire possibly used by the killer/s to pass off as lawyers. A couple of hours earlier, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had revealed on his way back from Dhaka that the investigators already "have some early leads on the blast." He, however, admitted that there were "some weaknesses in the system", although a few "innovative measures" have been put in place post 26/11. He informed that the newly set up National Investigation Agency (NIA) would be handling Wednesday's case. A few hours after the blast, an outfit calling itself Harkat-ul-Jehadi (very similar to the notorious HuJI - Harkat-ul-Jehad Islami) sent an email to a TV channel claiming responsibility for the blast. It demanded the release of Parliament attack accused Afzal Guru who has been sentenced to death. It also threatened to target all major high courts in the country and the Supreme Court. Sources say the email has been sent from Mumbai where a team is being sent for further investigation. Police said the IED used on Wednesday was possibly made with three to four kilograms of ammonium nitrate laced with PETN, shrapnel and an electronic timer device. It was placed in a black briefcase near the reception counter where around 150-200 people had queued up for gate-passes. Sources said the bomb was "very sophisticated and has been made by experts." They added that "such a bomb has been seen after a long time in the last few years". The possibility of RDX being used is not being ruled out as the impact of the explosion was terrific and there was a thick pall of smoke after the blast. The impact left a 4-feet crater with 1-metre diameter. Around it was a horrible mess of blood and flesh. Home minister P Chidambaram said the NIA would investigate the case and a written directive was sent to Delhi Police asking it to assist NIA. By evening, Delhi Police released sketches of two suspects prepared on the basis of description given by eyewitnesses. One suspect is 26 and the other 50. Chidambaram hinted at gaps in the security system when he said that Delhi Police had been given intelligence inputs in July and the attack happened despite the fact that the capital was on high alert. As it was a day for public interest litigations (PIL), there was a higher number of litigants at the reception counter. The explosion took place near the senior citizens' counter, ripping off the reception area. Several persons who were standing near the deadly briefcase were killed on the spot. The injured were rushed to different hospitals - 57 to Ram Manohar Lohia hospital. There were some injured in AIIMS, Moolchand hospital, Apollo, Safdarjung, Ganga Ram and R&R Army hospital. Teams of forensic experts, Delhi Police's special cell, crime branch, as well as the police and NIA brass were at the blast site, carrying out an extensive examination for leads. A NSG team with sniffer dogs was also drafted in the operation. NIA has formed a team of 20 officers to probe the case.
  6. the song explains it all

    Jeb Corliss is the man, real nuts but the adrenalin rush of wingsuit flying..wow !
  7. BAE Adaptive camouflage

    Very cool stuff, most likely a bit fragile and maint intensive ?
  8. BBC Link Electric motor made from a single molecule Researchers have created the smallest electric motor ever devised. The butyl methyl sulphide molecule whips round an axis defined by its single sulphur atom (blue) The motor, made from a single molecule just a billionth of a metre across, is reported in Nature Nanotechnology. The minuscule motor could have applications in both nanotechnology and in medicine, where tiny amounts of work can be put to efficient use. Tiny rotors based on single molecules have been shown before, but this is the first that can be individually driven by an electric current. "People have found before that they can make motors driven by light or by chemical reactions, but the issue there is that you're driving billions of them at a time - every single motor in your beaker," said Charles Sykes, a chemist at Tufts University in Massachusetts, US. "The exciting thing about the electrical one is that we can excite and watch the motion of just one, and we can see how that thing's behaving in real time," he told BBC News. Miniature uses The butyl methyl sulphide molecule was placed on a clean copper surface, where its single sulphur atom acted as a pivot. The tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope - a tiny pyramid with a point just an atom or two across - was used to funnel electrical charge into the motor, as well as to take images of the molecule as it spun. It spins in both directions, at a rate as high as 120 revolutions per second. But averaged over time, there is a net rotation in one direction. By modifying the molecule slightly, it could be used to generate microwave radiation or to couple into what are known as nano-electromechanical systems, Dr Sykes said. "The next thing to do is to get the thing to do work that we can measure - to couple it to other molecules, lining them up next to one another so they're like miniature cog-wheels, and then watch the rotation propagation down the chain," he said. As well as forming a part of the tiniest machines the world has ever seen, such minute mechanics could be useful in medicine - for example, in the controlled delivery of drugs to targeted locations. But for the moment, Dr Sykes and his team are in contact with the Guinness Book of World Records to have their motor certified as the smallest ever.
  9. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Could Chuck Norris throw a punch so powerful that even Chuck Norris could not withstand it ?
  10. Stary, those are amazing, are those from the India/Pak mod ? Which terrain is it. Just fantastic. I believe it's time to purchase SF2.
  11. Thepic atleast shows the different angles of the levcons range of movement.
  12. 2nd PAK-FA ready for flight test

    # 52 in flight And...# 51 and # 52 in formation
  13. Batman Arkham city trailer

    Awesome how the bat kick government butt
  14. Lost a very close friend

    RIP BRO http://winnipeg.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110420/libya-deaths-110420/20110420/?hub=WinnipegHome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agMyo-PbTBc
  15. swiss aircraft carrier

    Hey they stole our carrier http://joe-ks.com/archives_may2005/HMCSJeanChretien.htm
  16. The developers claim that it will be much like the first one, if so this should be awesome !
  17. Canada orders the F-35...

    Our Air Force has been getting screwed by moronic "decisions" since the Avro Arrow, this merely reaffirms that the current thinking is still faithful to those fine times.
  18. Wings TV: Wings of Russia

    Yep watched it on youtube, superb, Mr.militaryaviation (userid) has a fantastic channel with all of them.
  19. Upgraded Indian AF MiG-29B - First Pic!

    That is some serious junk in the trunk. Jokes aside good to see the upgrades on the Baaz.
  20. Happy Birthday Jug

    Happy belated birthday Jug.
  21. I'm back from the cold.............

    Welcome back Jug !
  22. My action photos from the Royal Navy

    Nice pics. Thanks for sharing Gunny.
  23. great video

    Wooooowww I've nevah seen videos of aircombat where the camera goes goes around and in slo mo..
  24. Call of Duty parody!

    Thats funny. Rank up Masters of all staff masters of sergeants !

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