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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Just a friendly (if there is such a thing in the modding world ?) BUMP
  2. Yes I know that the IAF only used the MF model, but since I mostly fly the MLD thats why I requested the skin for that a/c. BTW both the MIG-23(s) I fly are the Mirage Factory ones.
  3. Firstly thank you so much for agreeing to do them, can I have for the MIRAGE FACTORY Mig-23 MF and one for the same groups MLD ? Please ? Thank you very much in advance. :yes:
  4. So I've pi$$ed off everyone that no one is willing to do this skin eh ! Well, if it helps even the Soviets used a similar colour scheme for their air superiority sqds except the nose cone was just a slightly darker grey as oppossed to the black one seen in the pics above.
  5. Ask any pilot what they "REALLy" think of UCAV's. First UCAV especially the fully automated ones will still be prone to errors, I mean they are/would be flying computers and we all nothing ever goes wrong even with the most sophisticated weapons system Secondly, just since they are a weapons sysem I'm sure some country will figure out how to "hack?" their OS and bring them down or worse hack amd then use them against the original countries troops. **** UCAVS the Predator and the slightly more advanced ones are fine and stick with them.
  6. Mirage 2000D(?) fun in Morocco Mirage F1 fun Tchad
  7. Your Fav Car movie

    Gone in 60 secs and the fast and the furious, and no I did no like any of the rice cars (well except for thr one that the undercover cop blew away the Ferrai with) BUT, the best was the muscle car that Diesel used in the movie and last but not least the car that Weley Snipes drove in BLADE I,II.
  8. Question for FC, the Mirage F1 video clearly shows the engine powering up yet there is a hose attached to it, is it hot refuelimg or a jet starter, hope you reply to this query. Cheers !
  9. Goddamn Dels ! Just awesome work. Thank you very much.
  10. Nice one KB CFB Cold Lake at that ! Oh Canada....
  11. RAAF Super Bug!

    Kinda off topic (ok very much so) lets just hopes the IAF (Indians) dont go for ANY of the Teens. Period !
  12. Afghanistan

    Maybe in the U.S but, not here every once in a while the media does an excellent documentary on the challenges our troops are facing and whenever a soldier falls they pay an emotional tribute to them. Also, here in Ontario whenever a soldier from Ontario is KIA and his body is being trasnported for a military burial people by the hundreds gather over a bridge to show their suport and now that highway over which the bridge is has been called "The Highway Of Heroes".
  13. So I've just installed Lindrs new missile pack on SFP1 08 patched version and noticed this "glitch" any ideas as to why this could be happening ? only happens for some of his missiles. Pointers/advice appreciated. TIA to all.
  14. Could it have been at my end during the download process ? Or do you suspect it could've been messed up from that start, just curious as I have'nt seen any posts from other users regd this. One last question if they are messed up I'm kinda at a loss as to how to go back to the older versions of the same armament. And like a dumda$$ I did'nt back up the originals (guess that serves me right *sigh*) BTW, thank you for your prompt reply.
  15. 16 Reasons

    To all the Motorcycle riders on this forum I'm sure you'll agree that 90 % percent if not more of those apply to bikes vs women.
  16. Bloody hell I'd hate to be the guy on the ground with that many Hinds coming at me if they were in fangs out mode.
  17. Looking really nice. Keep up the great work and look forward to taking her for a spin when released.
  18. Looking great, once again have to say that I'm really looking forward to this bird.
  19. What anti-virus do you use?

    CA (Computer Associates) Internet Security Suite 2008. Beats all flavours of Norton, and I say this after having been convinced Norton was the way to go for the last five years. And along with all the Firewall, anti-spyware etc features, it has I augment it with careful surfing coupled with the BEST firewall when I don't require web access, pull out my high-speeds power cord.
  20. Question about Apache and Havoc

    Hello all, Since we seem to only have a section for thr Commanche and Hokum, thought I'd ask it here (please feel free to move this to an appropriate section) I only have one quick question I have the ORIGINAL game patched up but do NOT have the manual, figured that the installation would come with a read me but was dead wrong any sites that those who are still playing this game can direct me to ? Thanks a million in advance. Cheers Atreides.

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