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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Question about Apache and Havoc

    Thank you very much FC, the EECH central EEAH key guide really helped. Cheers !
  2. Loking forward to this red bird, Veltro. TIA. :yes:
  3. Welcome back Lindr ! Always appreciate your work on Russian hardware. Thanks.
  4. RIP, prayers and thoughts to all families impacted by this tragedy !
  5. He did say First Flight meaning, WIP, give the guy a chance !
  6. Sorry if this is a repost, Benzo's do a number on memory. The vid is a bit long, but the the first four minutes are well worth it. Hope you all like it. MIRAGE III (Clicky)
  7. MIG-21

    Weeelll, kinda off topic but, the British did manage to go supersonic on land with Thrust (twice if I'm not mistaken).
  8. Looking forward to this with great anticipation. Keep up the good work !
  9. Su-30MKI crashes, pilot killed

    I'll take the bait for that jab. "Never gonna give you up, Never gonna...."
  10. The first Airbus A330-200 for the UK's Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA) programme has been painted in Royal Air Force colours, ahead of being delivered to Airbus Military's Getafe site near Madrid, Spain, for role-conversion work. Pictured on 26 June at Airbus's Toulouse site in France carrying its manufacturer's civil registration, the aircraft is the first of 14 FSTA airframes to be produced. It made its first flight on 4 June. Structured as a 27-year private finance initiative deal, the UK's FSTA project, worth roughly £13 billion ($20.9 billion), will be delivered by AirTanker, a consortium comprising Cobham, EADS UK, Rolls-Royce, Thales UK and VT Group. Deliveries are due to take place from 2011, with the modified A330s to replace the RAF's Lockheed TriStars and Vickers VC10s in delivering tanker/transport services. Flight Global link
  11. Su-30MKI crashes, pilot killed

    Yes I know that was true even ten years ago, but we're talking about the Indian built SU(s) They read HAL do have good quality control. Ask the USAF members on this forum who might have seen the HAL built IAF MKI up close during Red Flag.
  12. Too broke to make the move (unemployed IT guy). Stuck with SFP1 08 patch for now.
  13. Su-30MKI crashes, pilot killed

    Oh give it a rest will ya ! Just cause its Russian doesnt mean its flawed. Look at the F-16, there's a reason they're called lawn darts. Just because its made in the USA does'nt mean its immune to technical failures and or design flaws.
  14. Hey how about using the SU-24 ? But make it less manuverable I mean the TU-160 is the worlds largest and heaviest bomber.
  15. F-22J?

    Besides I'm sure the Raptors if sold to the Japanese (they should actually go shopping somewhere else just like the Indians have decided to broaden their fighter horizons, so that it would serve as a wake up call for those who take any client for granted. The Japanese should go the Western European route) would be sanitized version woopee we got Raptor Banz...oh wait they're nowhere near as capable of the version the USAF is fielding
  16. F-22J?

    Just a shot in the dark but would'nt that partially have to do with the economic situation coupled with the cost factor of each Raptor or B-2 ? Besides if the Raptor is as good as they say then the USAF does not need 500+ of them to deal with majority of the worlds airforces right ? Its supposedly untouchable (cue MC Hammers "Cant touch this" )
  17. Hey folks, anyone else experience this problem with the SU-17 versions where once the brakes are released the aircraft begins to yaw, now I'm guessing while on the tarmac the aircraft because of reheat thrust does require constant rudder input to keep it going straight however with ALL the SU-17-22 versions available here the moment I get airborne it begins to roll and pitch uncontrolably, essentially making it unflyable. I know after the latest patch alot of the older a/c were impacted, but even the way old ground pounder the SU-7 is a rock solid stable platform that makes it a joy to fly the only one so far giving me issues recently is the SU-17-22 model it was flying perfectly even after the 08 patch for SFP1 but as of late has started to misbehave. I've unistalled and reinstalled ALL the version(s) and they all exhibit this. Any ideas as to the cause of this ? Thanking those who reply in advance. Cheers !
  18. That did the trick and the a/c behaves very well. However, instead of the stock SU-7 I used the SU-7BKL flight model from lindrs SU-7 pack, regardless it works. Cheers !
  19. Thank you to all. As always much appreciated.
  20. No prob if I'm not mistaken I can remove it with an .ini edit.
  21. What does AM mean ? Is it mentioned in the KB ? That AM thing is freakin me out !
  22. Looking great :yes: For the MLD can we get rid of the pesky camera ?
  23. First of all thank you for the reply. Yes I tried with symmetric loadouts in both normal and hard flight model prior to posting with no luck. Sorry should have been clear when I said all versions I meant by different users as well, including Gepards(?) SU-22M4. Still the same results with loadouts and choosing normal or hard flight mode. Will give using the SU-7 flight model a try.
  24. Your family rig

    Damn ! I was lucky enough to rent a Charger R/T for a week, when my crappy Malibu LTZ got dinged and loved that car for its sheer Detroit muscle. This thing is a whole different beast. Really looks cool, no make that mean.

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