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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Quite honestly I find stealth bombers boring to fly, dont get me wrong the ODS F-117 Cockroach is a great model but, they're almost untouchable. The Spirit probably more so, hardly any threats where's the fun in that ? (Just my opinion).
  2. Really looking forward to these MIG's with great anticipation. Keep up the great work ! MIG's Forever.
  3. Now that is a serious weapons loadout.
  4. Thank you so much. Guys like me who still have SFP1 with the latest patch can finally enjoy this lethal a/c.
  5. The History of Sukhoi and Su-27

    Flies better than either. Besides physics of aircraft requirments dont discriminate the country. What the designers wanted the a/c to do required the "look".
  6. RIP CMSgt. Emmit Ford

  7. Sword of the stranger

    Sorry if its an old post. Awesome action. Sword of the stranger Some admin please delete previous post. Also video starts with credits but continues to main movie.
  8. Iran new helo

    Well if memory serves me right the Swedes still seem to invest in them (mini subs that is).
  9. So we got any Bikers out there....

    Belly what ?Easy there J/K ! Mine is injected. Notice the difference from my carbed GS500F but I dont really mind it, a tad bit more time consuming on the DIY maint side, since I've gotten hold of a great manual and started to get into it.
  10. PIC1.JPG

    From the album Pics

  11. So we got any Bikers out there....

    A tricycle ? Kewl J/K So what do you guys call the CBR600RR ? EDIT:- You got pics of your bike that you can post ? Yeah, I heard that GSXRs are god track bikes too, but I dont want the throttle by wire models for street or track dont like the idea of a comp trying to predict my riding style, prefer the cable so that "I" have direct control over the power output. I mean the throttle by wire is neat tech but, its a bike not an aircraft. (Heading out for a ride on a really nice summer afternoon)
  12. So we got any Bikers out there....

    Tweaked 02 Honda F4i. Looking to buy a used GSXR600 2002 and up (once I find a job again) as a strictly track bike.
  13. What Is Everyone Doing Over the Weekend?

    Well, if you're British dont you guys have graduated C.C type of thing, as in a new rider can only rider upto a specific C.C bike ? Plus as a rider I'm just so envious of what western europeans have in terms of bikes and C.C options. Canada and from what I've read the laws are even more lax in the U.S. In Canada you can be a new rider and get yourself a Honda CBR1000RR cause of the stupid North American mentality that bigger is better, so you have a Rossi wanna be 19 year old who goes "man 600 is so small and uncool got to have a litre bike" rides for a few months and thinks he can ride because he can ride straight and fast and utters the famous last words "Hey ! Check this out!" SPLAT. Only in the past year have we started to get the Kawi and Honda 125c.c sport look like bikes (even then thats upto the rider to choose) so our options (I learned on the Suzuki GS500F, not a sport bike by any stretch) our 125cc, 500cc, 600cc, 750cc(GSXR750),1000cc and 1300cc. I can only speak for sports or sports touring since those are the ones that grab me.
  14. I got offered a job by the RAAF

    Congrats. Don't give up on the pilot thingy though I technically qualified for one for our CAF and my biggest regret is that I didn't listen to the "folks". I say technically because I had everything going for me except the eyesight and they dont accept laser corrected applicants for combat pilots and the "folks" well they always knew I wanted to follow in my uncles footsteps who was a pilot said "dont watch so much of the idiot box it'll ruin your eye sight and you'll never become an airforce pilot" ofcourse I knew better...sigh Didn't mean to jack your thread, just wanted to impress upon you to continue after your dream no matter how long it takes. I wish you the very best.
  15. Awesome. Thanks a bunch. Now perhaps I can do some justice to the a/c that people have worked on while posting screenshots.
  16. What Is Everyone Doing Over the Weekend?

    Good for you. :yes: Ride safe. EDIT:- 600 is enough for me. I'm a wuss.
  17. What Is Everyone Doing Over the Weekend?

    Yup. From the looks of it she still had a decent bit left in her (probably rider issues ) but there's only so much straight track and plus I've never ridden something that demanding physically and mentally, from 245kph got to be down to 60kph or less all in a few secs. The turns on the track are fun though. Scary/unnerving the first day when the rear tire (Tyre for our British members) of the other bike is maybe 25ft or less at times away from your front end.
  18. Favorites/cool pics

    Show off
  19. Or that Moses held on the mount ? EDIT:- Then again I'm one to talk
  20. What Is Everyone Doing Over the Weekend?

    Just got back from two days of doing a course called FAST for my motorcycle. Bone tired but so much fun. Really allows you to learn your bike in safe environment and push it to the limit. Also learned that she will max out at 245 kph.
  21. Grinch, just curious if this is still a WIP or on the backburner due to RL reasons.
  22. As if it wasn't truly Raptor like enough, all I can say is "dayum this is most excellent news". Thanking all in advance for their efforts.
  23. Bobrock, the left intake has eight rivets that are a bit blurred, suggest you redo the entire model J/K J/K. Superb work as always, like the rest of your other ac's. Thank you for your effort and hard work for our enjoyment.
  24. Svetlinnh, word yo ! Thank you so very much, I now have GP's for the B and C models. Thanks again. Cheers.

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