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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Dels, just finished bombing MMFD. The new pit rocks. Thank for the effort.
  2. Ver 2.2 SFP1 Oct 2008b. Got the internal gun working for the A using svetlinnh's method (Many Thanks bud). Checked weapons data and saved gunpod through latest weapons editor. Sadly still no gunpod on B or C.
  3. Bloody hell thats why spped typing will get you into hot water if I meant something else I would've have used the cirrect anatomical wording.
  4. Yes its in the objects folder. Screw it I'll just give the A the F-22 gun and use something else for the B and C. Thanks anyways for your assist.
  5. My sticks broken EDIT:- I meant to include flight.
  6. I know that Dave and without sounding beligerent I've been adding weapons, CFT's etc for long enough to not have refer to the KB. If you like I can even post my weapon and gun data enteries. Sorry if I'm royal pain in the arse.
  7. I would rather subject myself to waterboarding than have to picture what FC just said.
  8. Thats it I didn't think I could go more insane but...I've followed all the weapon instructions to the T and still no guns, want me to post what I've done ? I mean seriously lost here this is the first weapon I've added. Anyone willing to help ? Puhlease ? And if so kindly tell me what you require. Bye for now.
  9. F-35 too loud

    Dont the arty boys have a saying that goes"I dont care what you play, as long as you plpay it LOUD".
  10. Didnt change a thing. So any ideas why its doing this ?
  11. Thank you so very much FC. OT ever been to the Dubai airshow? Reason for asking is I will buy any booze of your choice. Price no limit.
  12. You're killing me man. I'm going to start drinking hard till those birds are out
  13. I kinda figured that said mod was the culprit as most of my aircrafts started to do the same. If you're feeling generous could you tell me how to resolve it. Like the idiot I DID NOT backup said file. I really would appreciate your help FC. Thanks in advance. Look what it did to my poor F-35B.
  14. F-35 too loud

    I just thought that with the newer engines they would be a tad bit quieter is all.
  15. Another little simmer has entered Combatace

    Congrats ! Cherish the young years from what I hear they grow up way too quick.
  16. IAF IL-76 PHALCON Lands in India

    Saw the AN-225 at the Paris air show now that is one big mutha.
  17. N Korea issues warning to Seoul

    Its those bloody plaform shoes that'll kill the dear leader and hopefully soon.
  18. Those look damn right righteous (sp?)
  19. So how do I make these plane flyable. Please helpy. 1111
  20. IAF IL-76 PHALCON Lands in India

    IAF= Indian Air Force. IDF/AF=Israeli defence forces Air Force.
  21. IAF IL-76 PHALCON Lands in India

    Very kewl. Now you guys can keep a closer eye on Pakistan and China. Good for you guys.

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