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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    Really ? So the MIG-35 is 25 year old tech and I guess the Israelis are placing 25 year old tech in the SU-30 MKI. MIG-29 KUB hardly qualifies as 25 year old tech
  2. Not to sound like a brown noser but, man she looks so elegant. Always loved the lines of the Val. Wonder if the MIG-25PD could catch it when she was doing her all out dash.
  3. Really awesome stuff. Holy I had my butt handed to me by the B.
  4. Video: Su-30MKI at RIAT 07

    A hearty thank you very much.
  5. PS3 vs XBOX 360

    In his defense, atleast he didn't say Bois. EDIT:- PS3 all the way. To heck with M$ crap. Plus since PS3 is Japanese you know the tech is tight , word yo ! Anyone actually seen what Killzone 2 is like. I dont see any of the M$ titles doing that.
  6. Ah, you've got to love the internet....NOT

    Mr Jug, breath of fresh air as always especially from someone who was working during the "red scare". Rather sad and pathetic that there are so many idiots who are deluded enough to think that speaking out against ones own country is unpatriotic. I served my country and am in the process of reup to be doing so again but will continue to speak out against the government and its policies if they act like tards.
  7. Venezuelan Penis Phone

    WTH ? What gives with these traps that "dear" leaders setup for themselves and their poor countries, NK Dong missiles now this.
  8. Sweet two of sexiest BSG women. Thanks FC.
  9. The Man Cave...

    @Rugg. Duhude, thats awesome. Green with envy and a hangover. EDIT:- Just missing an ejection seat.
  10. Hmmmm...good pics

    Thats funny (AMRAAM-10 bit) kinda reminds me of when China sent a Sidewinder to the USSR when one was embedded in their MIG's. Looks like the Chinese keep improving the art of "acquiring" U.S tech they use a MIG to "capture" a winder, a F-8 for some EW tech, internet for the F-35. Whats next ? Probes

    Not heavy metal but definetly one of the most definitive guitar solos ever Click > EDIT:- Haha check out fatso in the white Tee almost dying by just playing the guitar.
  12. This. Is. Gold! "always believe in your so-oul"

  13. Terminator Salvation (4 min trailer)

    Dont know if my previous post was deleted by mistake or not but to answer JD's enquiry about Connor the original script said that Connor was killed by a Terminator and the resistance leadership decides to places the former leaders skin on Marcus making him....John Connor. The idea of John Connor was more important to humanity than the man himself. Ironic isnt it that it called for a machine pretending to be human fighting against the machines to save humanity. EDIT :- Really like this NIN soundtrack trailer ver of the movie Click me Sorry if its a repeat could not watch Silverbolts post from Dubai due to the heavy monitoring by big bro.
  14. Terminator Salvation (4 min trailer)

    Dont get me wrong this is the Terminator movie I've wanted to see since the first one. However, the original script ending would've still been cool unconventional but cool, killing Connor ? Nice.
  15. Terminator Salvation (4 min trailer)

    Speaking of leaks.....Turns out the script of Salvation was leaked out too, that and the fact that the fans weren't at all happy original ending which saw the lead characters demise prompted a rewrite. Silly emotional fans.
  16. Terminator Salvation (4 min trailer)

    LOL ! Not at all unique FC that's not what I was trying to say, that is why some post's require detailed explanations, I was more so referring to it in terms of the leaked movie being unique since you could see the unfinished product where the special effects were missing and could see the wires and the like.
  17. The nose reminds me of the Platypus like nose of the SU-34.
  18. Terminator Salvation (4 min trailer)

    Saw the movie two weeks before it was out in theaters !
  19. Just keeps getting better and better. Awesome stuff.
  20. F-35 Demon Helmet

    Fugly ! Just partial towards the current US helms. Not saying that these aren't at the cutting edge tech wise.
  21. Nice ! Looking forward to it when its done.
  22. All this talk about the Lanc makes me want to re-check out the Lanc in our museum once I'm back in Toronto, sadly its not airworthy.
  23. Awesome ! The more Lion Cubs the merrier.

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