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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Anyone know if the airworthy Lanc is going to be used even briefly in or for the movie ? If only for the sound of the Merlin engines. Who cares ! Its friggin dog and a stupid Lab at that. Good that he renamed the dog, the "N" word is despicable and offenssive also its omission wont tarnish the movie. It's not like the directors remaking Mississipi Burning (where not using that word would take away from the movie)....
  2. Greetings from Dubai

    Just wanted to say hi from a different part of the world. Got here on the 28th. Strangely, no economic slowdown here, contruction on the worlds tallest building goes on and this place changes so rapidly that I recognise only half of it if that after only being here 2 years ago. Will post pictures of this place.
  3. Greetings from Dubai

    Alochol here is only banned to those who're muslim. Picked up two six packs of HeinK beer for only 8Cdn dollars on my way out of the airport.
  4. Greetings from Dubai

    NOTHING about Dubai suprises me. Dubai is hell for those who know nothing about it and belive only the good stuff and ignore the unpleasant aspect of it. Prior to moving to Canada, I lived in Dubai for eight years. All I meant was it changes ever so often after a relative short period of time. Back in my days every famous hotel had paid companionship available around its locale from the Philipines. These days it's Russians. You can get any flavour of Mother Russia you desire. Dubai is built on the blood (litteraly) and sweat of the poor from the third world. Those who come here expecting to strike big only do so if they have their skills sets in demand if not you're in for a shock. But those expats who have what this country wants, live the bling bling life and live it well. The MODERN architecture is awesome and the cars dude ! Exotic car paradise. In my one day here I've seen three Bugati Veyrons (most people have to google to find out what exotic beast that is). Porsche Cay's are this countries Ford Explorers. Funny that MOST people dont look twice at a Lambo, Ferrari or their type here cause there are just so many here. Good thing that beer here is cheaper than in Canada. But I miss Canada already. Give me my Tim Hortons double-double coffee and a DuMaurier smoke while enjoying the summer on my deck anyday.
  5. J10.JPG

    From the album Pics

  6. I've changed the data of the AAA as discussed here awhile back. While flying through heavy flak and (not sure if this is related to a/c released pre-patch or not) noticed that the a/c actually gets "shook up". Is this a possible post-patch game engine enhancement or just a twitchy pre-patch a/c acting up with the latest patch ? Tried this with several a/c and noticed same thing. Thoughts anyone ?
  7. JSF Data Compromised?

    Budget F-35 look alikes ?
  8. Madgascar Terrain:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=537 You need CA Starys tree mod:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6990 Polaks Sky Mod:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1867 YOU have to see which clouds you like from the sky mod.
  9. The crew chiefs not going to be happy.
  10. IAFMIG-27.JPG

    From the album Pics

  11. China holds landmark naval parade

    Great stuff. Congrats on the 60th anniversary of the PRC navy.
  12. What we should've bought instead of the CF-188. "What-if" CF-14 (Skin from C5 website).
  13. CAF F-14D.JPG

    From the album Pics

  14. A custom pit for the TU-128 that's great news.
  15. Nice one Spinners. BTW, have been motivated to do mucking around with decals after looking at several of your what if screenshots. Have to admit decaling can be frustrating (for me) but really rewarding when you get it right.
  16. Thanks Spillone. The custom sounds really add to the immersion factor. No longer do we have to make do with the Jet engine sound.
  17. Are you "trying" to say something ? EDIT:- If so please do so when you have better command of the english language. Buh Bye now.

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