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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Su-30K

    Many thanks to all those involved.
  2. Thanks so much for sharing, some truly amazing what-ifs.
  3. Would be nice to see the Gripen get the export success it deserves or for that matter (cant believe I'm saying this the F-16) but one only read readily available documentation regarding the IAF bias towards single engined multi-role aircraft a few types like the SU-7 and MIG-27 excluded since the Soviet did'nt really have multi-engined strike aircraft available. With the entry of the Marut into the IAF service and given their combat experience the upper echelons of the IAF were convinced that for survivability multi-engine was the way to go. Small wonder that the IAF chose the Jaguar for the strike role. Something like a F-15 (IN?) would be superb cant see it happening though.
  4. I just recently noticed this and am not sure if this is a post patch feature or not, tires generate smoke upon contact with the tarmac. Question, does anyone have any idea which file is responsible for this ? I did a search through the effects folder and am still at a loss as with regards to the file. Also looked in the flight folder. And searched the forum with no luck. The reason for asking is whether it would then be possible to create/edit said file according to the aircraft as in bombers generate more of the smoke upon touchdown. Thanks in advance for the assist. Cheers !
  5. Will do. Again, thanks for the assist.
  6. Cold War Was Hot.

    Remember seeing this somewhere, I belive that wreckage is in China, on recon from Taiwan, right ?
  7. Thanks a bunch KB ! So simple...aaarrgghh ! What make it worse is that I did see that entry but thought that was short for machine gun Now the fun begins of mucking around with it. Cheers
  8. Outstanding ! One of my favourite U.S transport aircraft. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Rafale

    That would be great. Look forward to it.
  10. Here's the what I used to get the the rotor working for the Hind, taken from the discussion about this a while back. [Engine3] SystemType=PROP_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=3 SLPowerDry=158834.1 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrustPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrottleRate=0.5 AltitudeTableNumData=10 AltitudeTableDeltaX=7000 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 TSFCM0=0.90 TSFCM1=1.26 SpinnerNodeName=Shaft StaticPropNodeName=Rotors SlowPropNodeName=SlowRotor FastPropNodeName=FastRotor SlowPropRPM=500 FastPropRPM=1000 MaxPropRPM=1200 IdlePropRPM=300 BSFC=0.00298 ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=-1.0681,-0.0000,2.0111 FireSuppression=FALSE ; new entries AnimationID= MaxPowerAnimationTime=-1 MinPowerAnimationTime=-1 PropRotationDirection= ReversePropOrientation=FALSE ConstantSpeedProp= FALSE NumBlades=5 PropDiameter=6.1 <-----Changed from 8 t 6.1 MomentOfInertia=2.25 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableNumData=7 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableDeltaX=0.2 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableStartX=0.0 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableData=0.041,0.40,0.70,0.82,0.78,0.50,0.00
  11. Jones' Big A$$ Truck Rental

    Holy crap !
  12. The nicest looking airplane ever

    One of the best looking birds out there.
  13. @ Jug, that's what propmted my post, as in the same result's as yours to the T.
  14. Is it just me or is the Avionics file missing along with its corresponding entries in the config file ? Or am I supossed to be using one of some older Mirage here ?
  15. Goddamn ! THAT is just superb work.
  16. Freakin Awesome ! Thank you once again Veltro for your never ending aircraft submissions.
  17. Hey!

    Hey ! So you're also a two wheel junkie like me. Awesome. Ride safe bro. Love the cafe !
  18. Source: DEFPRO New tender gives Boeing's AH-64D Apache a second chance. 09:31 GMT, March 25, 2009 defpro.com | The Indian Ministry of Defence yesterday confirmed the rumors that it has scraped the tender for 22 attack helicopters. According to the Indian Defence Ministry spokesman the tender had to be canceled since the remaining three companies still participating in the tender were unable to meet the military’s requirement. "The Request for Proposals (RFP) for the 22 attack helicopters have been retracted and cancelled, as the three offers received from foreign defence companies did not meet the Staff Qualitative Requirements set by the government,” the spokesman said. In May 2008, New Delhi has begun a competition to procure 22 attack helicopters for its air force. The aircraft are intended to replace the ageing Mil Mi-25 and Mi-35 fleets. India requested a 2.5 tonne twin-engined copter with all-weather and terrain ability. The new copter should also be highly manoeuvrable and able to deploy 20mm turret guns, rockets, air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles. The new attack helicopter should also be able to employ air-to-ground, fire-and-forget missiles with a range of at least seven kilometers. Beyond that it should be equipped with anti-armour capabilities and be capable of operating at high altitudes such as in the Kashmir's mountain borders with Pakistan with day-and-night operations capabilities. With a unit price of $25 million (including armament and equipment), the first two helicopters were intended to be delivered within two years after contract signing with the final copter delivered within 36 months. Initially seven companies participated the tender with their products: AgustaWestland’s AW129, Bell’s AH-1Z SuperCobra, Boeing’s AH-64D Apache Longbow, Eurocopter’s Tiger HAD, Kamov’s Ka-50, Mil’s Mi-28 NE and the national Hindustan Aeronautics’s Light Combat Helicopter. However, at the final stage only three companies (AgustaWestland, Eurocopter and Mil) left over while the US companies as quit the race. Bell, a unit of Textron withdrew its participation since the AH-1Z Cobra is not in production anymore and thus only available through government-to-government Foreign Military Sales (FMS) deals based on the conversion of existing airframes. Boeing decided to refuse to submit a proposal for the Apache since their request for an eight-week extension to the last August deadline has not been heeded. The extension was needed to submit a proposal which meets all the requirements of the Indian Air Force (IAF). The MoD spokesman said that a new tender will be announced soon since the air force aims to modernising the service by the middle of the next decade. However the IAF’s plans to begin with the deployment of the new attack helicopters by 2010 could now be delayed. Other tenders such as the $1.5 billion tender for 384 light utility helicopters are not affected by this cancelation. The attack helicopters are only one part of New Delhi’s overall plan to replace the military helicopter fleet for combat, reconnaissance and surveillance, and naval missions. The entire demand is estimated to be around 400 to 500 aircraft. As it is often the case with the ups and downs of Indian defence procurement, the MoD’s announcement has left observers and analysts completely mystified and unable to formulate a logical explanation. For the Indian MoD to maintain that the three combat helicopters in the final shortlist do not meet their qualitative requirements would effectively imply that these requirements were either unrealistic, or rather tailored for a specific model that however did not made it to the shortlist. Indeed, the only in-service helicopter-launched missile in the world that would offer a range of at least 7km with a fire-and-forget mode is the AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire that equips the AH-64D Longbow Apache. Thus, an educated guess would be that the Indian military was not very happy with the AH-64D having fallen out of the competition. The move to cancel the ongoing process and announce a renewed procurement effort in the near future is clearly intended to offer Boeing a second chance, and the outcome of any new “competition” is already clear. ********** More or less shows how interested the Indians were/are in the Longbow. Would be fantastic to see Indian Army Longbows in some sort of interesting camo. The Apache's with new engines have good high altitude capability as demonstrated in Afghanistan..that may explain the IA's interest in the Apache.
  19. Nice. Much appreciated. Thanks Veltro and those involved.
  20. Babylon 5 fans take a look at this.

    Damn. Thats just awesome. Thanks. Loved B5.
  21. Your Top 10 Games (any Console)

    Only played seven and own the following so far. After a lot of looking into and using both systems at my friends place bought the PS3 from the tech perspective and that it has a superior card and Blu-ray player. 1. Dead Space (Not for the faint hearted - PS3). 2. Kill Zone 2 (PS3). 3. Devil May Cry 4 (PS3). 4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3). 5. Fallout 3 (PS3). 6. Assasins Creed (PS3). 7. Armoured Core 4 (PS3). 8. Splinter Cell Double agent(PS3). Games that changed or really left their mark on PC gaming in the past few years. Half-life and Half-Life 2.

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