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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Guess its this one. Awesome work Russo.
  2. Like Migbuster said flak is pretty useless. I've yet to be hit by one. Editing the gun data fields that he's quoted is a start, you also might want you go into your groundobjects folder and open up the e.g KS-19 folder and in the data.ini change the burst amount as well. If I'm not mistaken this controls the size of the flak burst.
  3. Continuation of Dune, following after the events that transpire in the novels after Children of Dune (Novel and the Space TV show which was pretty good ). Dont see it hapening, the average movie goer just lacks the attention span for that.
  4. I havn't been following Boeing's military side that closely, but aside from the tanker fiasco what exactly has Boeing been doing "wrong" Since you're in the forces therefore know more about their military business, in what sense has the company been dropping the ball ? (Truly curious)
  5. To quote the anti-hero Lobo "Ya Bastich" :fuk:
  6. Really nice work and big thanks to all those involved.
  7. Good for the Indians, especially with the A-330. After reading various defence mag it's clear that the Russians were taking the Indians for granted (from the customer perspective) once they finally get it that the Indians will shop elsewhere with the change in Indo/U.S relationship and a stronger economy that India can afford to do so they might change their attitude.
  8. That cockpit looks awesome. Really look forward to the end result of all the work that's being done in the making of this aircraft.
  9. I think Allen was referring to the actual recent (Who did it ? ) attack on a Hamas convoy in the Sudan.
  10. Well, I'm sure we all would like to see it in game.
  11. The Person Below Me

    Make it ridiculously political like some of the (recent) military aircraft posts and the person below is sure it will be closed.
  12. The last line states otherwise to a degree as in they really want to go for the Boeing Longbow.
  13. Chinook

    Superb work all around.
  14. The Person Below Me

    The person below me wonders if you're that bored to committ all replies to memory.
  15. Yep, remember his contribution. On a much later date as I just happened to stumble upon CA. Happy Birthday !
  16. Pretty cool anyways. Thanks FUBAR.
  17. Cat s**t One

    Cant belive I missed this. Hilarious.
  18. Su-25SM in Action

  19. True. But the winner is definetly the Boeing EC-135B and N version. Those fuglies should have been blown up the very second they tried to get airborn. EDIT:- BTW great work Veltro.
  20. Su-25SM in Action

  21. cute joke about a salesman in Israel

    Those of us that live or have lived in the Middle East will immediately get it.

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