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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. YEYEYE, what changes are included in this latest patch/file ? No using my own PC so cant download it and check. Your input would be apreciated.
  2. Cracked me up

    Too freaking funny.
  3. A very sad week for me (WARNING: RANT AHEAD)

    Mustang, I'm truly sorry about your loss and the terrible action that your friend had to take. That's a terrible tragedy. So sorry, for what its worth may he rest in peace.
  4. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    The UK should just go for the Gripen The aircraft does deserve export sales success.
  5. Bloody Hell that does look like a seriously beefed up 29. Kewl. Cockpit looks pilot friendly too.
  6. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    Would be cool if the Indians considered this bird and provided that it was offered to India for their MMRCA...
  7. It was dropped due to Siskel and Ebert (read rivet counters) comments whenever a new aircraft was released. J/K
  8. I used to hear that during my Hippie days along with Pink Floyds comfortably numb.
  9. I run a subpar rig which is a P4 with 2.4ghz 2GB DDR RAM and a 256 MB AGP Nvidia card and my MIG-29 with the skins resized to 1024 and model set on high with cockpit mirrors on and 8 times AA runs just fine, but while playing I almost always shutdown all the unnecessary process like anitvirus, firewall software etc ofcourse I disconnect my internet connection as well whilst the firewall etc is shutdown, really does help by significantly lowering the load on my CPU. Give that a try, might help. Cheers !
  10. Before I begin with my query, please understand that this is not a negative critique of the MIG-29 A. However, I have noticed that with regards to the 29 I almost always am the unwitting MIG parts supplier, even when I load the IAF 29 with the two ECM pods it fares far worse than the SU-27 albeit that the SU-27 was designed as an air superiority fighter. Just curious. Interesting side note with regards to the IAF 29 is that according to World Air Power Journal the IAF outright refused delivery of "downgraded" 29's which is what delayed the delivery of their 29's. Could it be that the IAF 29's were better equipped in terms of ECM and other avionic improvements as oppossed to those delivered to Iraq and Syria etc ? Thanks in advance.
  11. Keep at it Erik the Fiddler looks superb ! Best of all you're actually taking the time to do a dedicated pit for it, that's a bonus. Thanks in advance for your work.
  12. Much appreciated. Thanks a lot !
  13. Looking good Aleducat ! Good work on both the T-50 and the LCA. Keep it up.
  14. Fantastic (as always) Thank You very much to all involved with this a/c.
  15. I read in World Air Power journal that the BN generally proved kind of disappointing in service. It wasn't till the 27 arrived did the jet sturmovik (sp?) role was filled to satisfaction for the USSR, CIS clients and other favoured customers.
  16. Nice. Now all it needs is a Pakistani Navy skin so it can be shot down by IAF MIG-21s
  17. Yet another thank you owed to you Jug

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