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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Jug ! The residential CA lighting man. Thank you.
  2. Friggin AWESOME Veltro Thank you for the many pleasant suprises.
  3. Thank you so very much for your work Veltro. Beautiful plane. Thanks again.
  4. Hello all, Prior to posting this topic I did a search on all the three sub sections for SFP1 releases, general and mod and was unable to find anything regarding how to resolve the issue of the annoyingly dark canopy from the interior for the SU-39. I've tried replacing the canopy glass.tga file of the SU with those from other aircraft's (a method that usually works) I've even tried deleting the canoyglass.tga file, but to no avail. BTW I've also tried using the CanoyGlass.tga and ClrGlass.tga from various aircrafts and that proved futile as well. Any insights as to how to resolve this isse from the more experienced people out there would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Cheers !
  5. Good to know. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. Bear over Canada

    WOW ! We actually managed to find airworthy hornets for an intercept ? Yeaaa ! Stupid govt has ruined our once proud CAF.
  7. Thanks for the help Kirbykern. Unfortunately with the dark canopy it appears to be the latter, I noticed that it had the F4E_hudreflection.tga and tried to remove it and replace it with another one and no joy, same case by not having any reflection file present in the cockpit folder. Thank you very much for your help though.
  8. I was just kidding, is all.
  9. Cool ! The largest interceptor ever built keeps getting better and better. Thank you so much for the pic.
  10. With enough thrust plane you fly. Da ?
  11. I'm in love with this a/c :blush2:
  12. Erikgen, I hope you haven't given up on this aircraft love the work and we can always use the F106 pit for it (just a suggestion) cold war aircraft like these are just fantastic. Oh and btw thank you for the mods you've done so far.
  13. Drooling over keyboard. Note to self wear a bib the next time. Looking damn sexy Veltro.
  14. Awesome work Krizis ! I absolutely love cold war era Soviet aircraft and this one is a beauty.
  15. Thanks very much for this beast, takes some getting used to as far as aiming through the side reticule. Fantastic a/c
  16. Can hardly wait for this beauty, Julhelm. Superb as always.
  17. The only gripe that I have with the DS MOD is well , Myself for not having bought WOE and therefore being unable to enjoy it and sadly cant afford to download it either having been laid off recently as I was being "paid too much" in the IT field.
  18. Thank you very much, downloading.
  19. Just downloaded the a/c Thank you very much.
  20. "Universal missle" ? The range is rather limited don't you think ? Do the Brahmos, in the worst case scenario have the nuclear warhead capability for dealing with one of the U.S' most favoured clientele.
  21. Ye-152 MOD

    Oh man I'm really looking forward to this release. Keep it up Blackbird.

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