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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. JM, since you're involved in the field, got a question for you, when an article quotes a price for the sale, does that also include after sales support such as spares, training etc ?
  2. I understand that the J-10 represents a quantum leap for the Chinese aviation industry but, it isnt a true indigenous fighter for one, and I further understand that I surpasses the current Mirage 2000, F-16 and Mig-29. But to state that it can out do the Rafale, Gripen, and the EF-2000 cmon, that's just pure nonsense, if anything it's probably in the SU-30 MKI category. What's next, the next gen Chinese stealth will be touted as surpassing the Raptor ? Remember many year's ago the speculation surrounding the MIG-29 ? I think it's the similar hype with regards to this aircraft, no doubt this aircraft represents substantial increase in the PLAAF offensive capabilites, but also doubt what has been said about its capabilities by some people.
  3. WOW ! Seriously dude, thats just awesome. Keep at it. :yes:
  4. Cool ! I really look forward to somewhat of a "dedicated" SU-7 cockpit. Thanks in advance to all those involved
  5. Even then, like I said there's a good chance the C.10 will be upgraded further, avionics suite and "refurbished" airframe. I'm quite certain the the Israeli's aren't just going to deliver aircraft's with 15 year old avionics, bet you there'll be some new goodies under the skin of these "new" C.10's
  6. The J-10 surpassing the Eurofighter, Rafale and the Gripen ! That'll be the day. The author of the article you read should consider doing stand up comedy as oppossed to writing aviation articles.
  7. Going on what I see in the pics above, looks like the J-10 has a larger nose cone, possibly indicating a larger radar than the Lavi.
  8. Whats Your Favorite Airplane Movie

    Yeah, that movie (633) was awesome ! :yes:
  9. I'd specualte the airframe life would be extended and the avionics suite probably upgraded to the latest standard. Remember the Israeli Elbit (is it ?) company that did amazing job offering upgraded Mig-21.
  10. Each dog has his day.

    I was watching the news here and they're speculating that it could've been Mossad or even they say Lebanese Intelligence which has considerable U.S support, I would'nt have a hard time believing that since the Syrians have been responsible for the deaths of several Pro-Democracy politicians in Lebanon. Payback to Syria for those car bombs by Lebanese Intel, perhaps ?
  11. Holy ! Fantastic as always Kei love the Loadout screen as well. Hey, what terrain is that ?
  12. OWNED !

    One less
  13. OWNED !

    No, no American Dad is a cartoon like the Family Guy, actually made by the same creator, it pokes fun at alot of stuff, theres this one episode where the Director of the CIA finds in the CIA's basement a machine that turns water into Cocaine, so the director and the agent spend an entire week powdering their noses.
  14. OWNED !

    LOL ! Was watching an episode of American Dad yesterday and on it they showed a terrorist/suicide bomber at the gates of heaven and he asks some heavenly dude "allright where are my 72 virgins ?" the heavenly guy turns around and points at a group of 72 computer geeks (all male) asking him do you want to play Tetris, then they show the Terrorist yelling "OSAMA!!!" pretty funny.
  15. This is plain WRONG The guy should be stripped of his citizenship and then sent to his country or just be given ten minutes with our Canadian Force's soldier's in A-Stan, even though I'm ex-CF I suspect my former buddie's could teach him a thing or two in ten minute's. F this.
  16. Seriously WTF, there's free speech and then there's B.S

    I know the type of people you're talking about, when I was in the CF I got chewed out by a group of people for being in the Forces and got called names and no I wasn't even in uniform, funny thing is that I'm left-wing but the stuff that these individuals were spewing was not left-wing it was nut-wing, their garbage made as much sense as the right-wing nutjobs. There's one in every group.
  17. Seriously WTF, there's free speech and then there's B.S

    Liberal atheists (as if everyone who's Liberal is an atheist ) are far better than religious zealots as it is the zealots that preach hatered and use religion as their tool/weapon and all the terrorists attacks have been undertaken by the religious zealots, never heard of an atheist partaking in terrorism, they talk and its hot air but thats about it.
  18. Thank you very much. The more Soviet planes the better.
  19. Seriously WTF, there's free speech and then there's B.S

    I agree with you Alligator about the Moore part, while he may have nothing but contempt for the present occupant of the White House, he doesn't preach violence or hatered toward's members of the Armed Force's, I'm a lefty too, but a lefty doesn't mean communist or anything of the sort, there are degrees of everything, just like extreme degrees of religious zeal.
  20. Seriously WTF, there's free speech and then there's B.S

    I suspect the religious nut is like all religous nuts from other religions, intolarence, ignorance and fear/disdain of that which is different.
  21. Steamvapor Effects #4

    Astounding work Kei ! Hope you share it with us at sometime in the future.
  22. Seriously WTF, there's free speech and then there's B.S

    Sad that he is a UofT (University of Toronto, for you outsider's ) student and is using our education system, to promote his hatered toward's our CF member's to an impressionable audience. Seriously, this guy live's in an area close to me, if I could get away with, I would wear my CF dress uniform , go to his place and give him a mouthfull of bloody chicklet's, :fuk: :fuk: I'm an immigrant to this great country of our's and once I took an oath to protect this country, it was for life, civi or not don't *kin preach hate against my buddie's who wear my country's uniform.
  23. Ultimate Avengers (2006)

    NOTE:- HIGH SPEED CONNECTION IS A MUST. Furthermore, to watch it streaming you MUST have DIVX player or, you can download it and then watch it using VLC or other, personally I haven't ever used Window's Media Player as it suck's...anyway's hope you like it (This show's Captain America and his history and more in the future like Iron Man etc, etc) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Enjoy ! EDIT:- There is NO SPYWARE on this site, just in case...atleast none that I found.
  24. Ultimate Avengers II

    Part 1/3 Part 2/3 Part 3/3 Enjoy

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