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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Modern Marvel

    Clicky Love the part of the Katana, truly the best sword out there, that if made properly, the blade never needs to be sharpened.
  2. Kuznetsov

    The stockpile of Vodka they have on board will keep those poor souls warm no doubt.
  3. Julhelm, Damn man the old dog look's exactly as Dale described it in the novel....one final word "W-O-W" !
  4. I call shotgun for the admin passwords
  5. Agreed. Old Dog was great too. I absolutely hated the it's sequel though, where they rescue their bud who was captured in the Old Dog book.
  6. :rofl: Sorry couldn't help it. I tried, honestly :scout:
  7. Curse you ! When I saw the entry I was speechless, got my login wrong three times cause I was so eager and then this ... Oh well.
  8. In Mr.Burn's voice...excellent !
  9. Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

    Splinter Cell:Double Agent (worst console to PC port job ever)....They totally *ked up my favourite serie's Almost tempted to say that I won't buy the new Splinter Cell: Conviction game, but, who am I kidding Sam Fisher kicking corrupt government butt and taking down cop's ! Wow !
  10. So have been experiencing this issue with the lightning, sorry if I'm reposting all my "custom"fixe's for a/c's have been lost with the formatting of my HD so here goes this is what I see while on the runway and then while taking off the nosewheel just appear's F61.bmp
  11. Anyone, please, Bueller ? Appreciate it greatly if someone could help.
  12. F-35 or Gripen in Denmark

    What I find amazing is how they justify the F-35 replacing the A-10, is it as survivable as the A-10 ? Heck NO. And to gripe further the F-35 doesn't even have the punch of an A-10. Don't get me wrong the aircraft is good, we (Canadian's) have alot invested in the project and Canadian firm's are seeing an unprecedented return on their investment with regard's to the F-35
  13. I always wondered...

    Also, wasn't the 36 a carrier or supposed to be a carrier of the nuclear powerplant, as in nuclear powered bomber, the problem was radiation shielding for the pilot's weighed a ton, the true winner being the Navy where they took that idea and voila nuclear sub's !
  14. To Gerald's MIG-21 FINAL pack ? When I clicked on the link for downloading from the file annoucement's section, it say's the link was removed ?
  15. Good one But I'm not old enough to know who he was, had to search IMDB for him.
  16. Pity. That truly suck's, couldn't have happened at a worse time, had to format my HD because XP was corrupted beyond repair couldn't even back up anything, now I'm a few Mig's poorer
  17. Kenny Rogers like never before

    Found this (new to me gem) priceless
  18. Downloaded the F-8's last night and have to say, I was speechless. Just fantastic work by the Mirage Factory, you guy's rock and all of it for free, thank you again to all those who made this possible and for sharing this a/c with the community.
  19. For the Dawn of War fan's

    Great news for those of us who can't get enough of the franchise... Soul Storm
  20. I graduated...yeaaa

    So today was my last day at my college, I handed in my Phase IV project where I had (tech speak) to create 100 user's (Window's Server 2003), their respective groups, Organisational unit's (OU's), created Forest root domain, Domain controller's, child domain, implement Group's policie's, implement security measure's AND create email account's for said 100 user's. At the end of the day I swear my face was twiching, and I lost it on someone who asked me for coffee using some colourful language (quite unlike me) handed in my project, took my instructor (who has ten certification's all high level) a hour to mark it AND gave my Exchange Server exam, scored 84%, came out of the exam room, was handed the project and not ashamed to say that after three day's of ten hours a day of working on the project when I saw my project mark 96% I could barely hold back my tear's. Sorry, but I had to share a year and two month's of studying ten hours a day at school and atleast three hour's a day at home, I feel so ecstatic. I'm off within the hour to go with my wife and friend's to get absolutely smashed. :yes: EDIT:- So now I'm a NISS Network Internet Security Specialist...god help them.
  21. To anyone who know's (I've checked the KB and didn't find it) where and how can I edit the position's of the landing light's as in if they're behind the nose gear, move them forward as they should be and add an extra one if the nose gear has two what would I need to edit, furthermore, with regard's to nav light's a lot of aircraft's regardless of which version, have their nav light's all over the place how would I move those to their appropriate position's and also control the rate at which they flash or don't. I thank you all in advance. Cheer's !
  22. Cloverfield

    Damn. That bad, eh ? I had relatively high hope's for the movie. Oh well, yet another Hollywood product that did'nt live up to it's hype, suprise, suprise.
  23. With regards to the quality that someone mentioned, heck I'll take any mod's available since I'm not a modder I consider myself quite lucky to be able to fly new aircraft's, I'm partial to non-mainstream bird's

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