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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Man I hope this aircraft come's to fruition, I alway's loved the B-1, even as a kid when I saw one at an airshow my dad took me to.
  2. Please do try to upload this mod when it's done, it really does look nice.
  3. For the Dawn of War fan's

    No, there won't be any Tyranid's as per Relic in the present Dawn Of War series, at all. Relic has stated in their forum's that they feel the present engine of DOW just doesn't do justice to the Tyranid's and if and when there is a DOW 2 (with obviously new engine) that's when the nid's will make their appearance. I own all three of them but, Winter Assault was just too short and furious, I honestly like DOW and Dark Crusade the most.
  4. Right on. Finally a two-seater MIG !
  5. U.S., India Ink Airlifter Accord

    It would be really cool if the F-15K or is it SK sold to South Korea was on the table for sale to India but, that would never happen as that would mess up the balance of power in the region from the U.S perspective and China and Pakistan would probably cry foul at the very thought of it. Got to love diplomacy.
  6. U.S., India Ink Airlifter Accord

    How current is the purchase figure, ghost, because India Defence quote's the deal for the C-130J's being used pruchased for spec op's for a cost of upto 800+ million, drop that I say and purchase additional transport aircraft's maybe sign a deal for the extremely (though not spec op's capable) C-17, from all account's of the Indo-Pak war's that I've read about the Indian military's Achilles heel has been the lack of sufficient logistical support for it's large army. But I digress (sorry), I'd imagine the Army must require; given the current cross-border threat's, spec op's purchase of these C-130J's. I wonder if they will come equipped with the Fulton gear (or even have that option available) or whether the Indian Army has ever used it when doing exercise's with the U.S armed force's ?
  7. A Legend Dies.......

    Yeah he was cool, atleast he finally admitted after Tenzing Norga's death that Tenzing and NOT he was the first to set foot on the peak.
  8. Movie Lines that make great signatures...

    What ! Not a single Platoon quote ? Personally, I loved the movie cause Bunny finally got what was coming to him and that Sgt Barnes. Got to love Barnes quote though "Elias is a water walker, like them politicians in Washington trying to fight this war with one hand tied around their balls."
  9. Thanks for making this available for us.
  10. Great stuff Erwin, thank you in advance for enriching the sim even further.
  11. Lockheed to supply 18 F-16s to Pakistan

    Actually all of this over a piece of paper that was signed by a prince of a particular faith that Pakistan did not approve of...that's the real reason (considering the tense political or rather religious stand-off between the two countrie's).
  12. Lockheed to supply 18 F-16s to Pakistan

    But the Pak force's continue to try and catch the Indian's napping so as to inflict damage and it's alway's backfire's regardless of what state of the art American equipment they have, they still get their asses whooped, I would imagine that's it's rather annonying to have to beat someone in four war's and to have the Pak force's still think that they can win. Just give up attacking your neighbour, I say.
  13. Lockheed to supply 18 F-16s to Pakistan

    Considering India's population size you would be better off saying a Hindu maority (900 million+or -) country with a large muslim population, some might mistake it for being otherwise.
  14. Lockheed to supply 18 F-16s to Pakistan

    So you're 100% sure that the nuke's could never, ever with inhouse innovation's be wired for nuclear delivery, including the F-16's, ever ?
  15. Lockheed to supply 18 F-16s to Pakistan

    Understood. As you said in reference to the Viper post, that the number of F-16's isn't significant, I believe that it's the number of additional airframe's capable of delivering nuclear weapon's that is a concern to the Indian government and just good ole political posturing and voicing their political blah blah blah.
  16. Lockheed to supply 18 F-16s to Pakistan

    No, USAF, certain countrie's do not have the right to have nuke's, India is NOT an iresponsible, unstable, power hungry country. Like I said they do not even have first strike as their nuclear policy. Did anywhere in my post's I indicate Iran, North Korea, Libya, Syria or their ilk have my support ? NO ! But, India IS different, it does not have an anti-western attitude and itself is a victim of terrorist attack's, more Indian's have been killed by terrorist attack's than all during 9/11 so think again if you think a country that with a Hindu majority, that IS strong, is not hated by radical Islamist's, I'm not speaking FOR any and every country having the right to have nuke's, maybe I should have worded my initial post differently, but as my previous post indiacate's it was support for India and not some radical country.
  17. Both aircraft look sexy.
  18. Lockheed to supply 18 F-16s to Pakistan

    Out of all the countries out there (read non western) I would probably worry the least about the Indian's as they're not a threat to the west, China, I can even see them being a considerable issue inlight of the sabre rattling they've done in the past over Taiwan and probably not take it as just mere sabre rattling, and then there's Iran, personally I don't trust the Iranian leadership and their military as far as I could throw them, with regard's to their nuke weapon program status, those centrifuge's can be started whenever the power's that be want, and this is a country whose leader has time and time again stated that Israel should be wiped off the face of the planet, guess what majority of the U.S.A's key "ally" Pakistan, it's people do agree with that, when India decided to further strenghten it's relationship with Israel, in Pakistan the nutjob's burned Indian, Israeli and American flag's. All that I'm trying to say that in term's of moderation, responsibility, and restraint India is the most reliable country militarily speaking in that region, heck did you know that during the Kargil war, Pakistan had their nuke's assembled and good to go if need be, the status of the India nuke's disassembled, India does not have a first strike nuclear policy, so if they're strenghtening their military , it's really nothing to be concerned about, India is doing that because of Pakistan and also largely due to the fact that the PLA Navy has a very large naval base in Myanmar (Burma) and that serve's now as a major concern for India, if you take a look at the map given the small distance of Myanmar to India, you will understand why India's need's a strong blue water navy, China isn't exactly a good friend of India.
  19. Lockheed to supply 18 F-16s to Pakistan

    Who decide's which country need's what or why ? Blue water navy, That is India's right, if they want a navy with nuclear sub's with nuke's, great, that "RIGHT" is not for just the big power's .Period.
  20. Lockheed to supply 18 F-16s to Pakistan

    The same reason America, Israel and any other country might, to defend itself against foreign threat's !
  21. MIRAGE 2000 hooligan's in Morrocco

    MIRAGE 2000 I wonder what the truck driver they buzzed was thinking.....he probably wasn't.... thinking...probably pooing his pant's.
  22. For the MiG-35 Fans

    Thank's dude !
  23. Happy new year.

    HAPPY NEW year's everyone... peace and all that good stuff to you and your loved one's. Gosh I'm already half in the bag

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