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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Both those skin's look real good. Thank's for sharing !
  2. Hear, hear ! I'll drink to see that beast flying.
  3. The "sad" version is even funnier.
  4. A Little Christmas Cheer

    Much to the relief of the mod's, I'm done.
  5. A Little Christmas Cheer

    Guess you maybe right, I shared my student rez with a majority of Scot's and almost all of them were attracted to sheeps and goats, guess that explain's alot about why they wore skirts with no zipper's. EDIT:- Using your "logic" that mean's everyone in the U.S south, as cartoon's and comedy show's depict MUST be inbred too..eeggadd That explain's it all.
  6. Wouldn't have much faith in it, one need only look at the situation with the Indian Navy acquiring the the former Russian aircraft carrier and then the Russian's doing an about face and demanding more money. In Russia paper agreement mean a lot less than Vodka. DA !
  7. A Little Christmas Cheer

    W-O-W What an enlightened comment , so you're judging an entire nation (i.e India) and it's people based on what ? Their movies ? TV show's ? and maybe the news ? That's akin to me forming my opinion about the U.S.A based on FOX "NEWS " and not ever having met an American citizen or having been to the U.S.A and saying "dem der people de r all da same"
  8. A Little Christmas Cheer

    I agree. Perhaps I should have worded my comment differently.
  9. ^ Ah ! I see, that explain's it. Just out of curiosity, if the tank's can't be jettisoned, just how many "G's" can the aircraft pull in combat while having those on ?
  10. A Little Christmas Cheer

    No I meant it in the sense that the father was probably a right-wing fundamentalist Islamist or a nutjob, well, you have to be kind of both I guess to be willing to strangle your daughter over her refusal to wear the Hijab.
  11. A Little Christmas Cheer

    Yeah, a sad day for the city of Toronto, yet another shining example of the over zealous religious right.
  12. Looking real good, keep it up and thank's
  13. French Air Force MIRAGE F1

    Sorry if it's a repost. If not, enjoy Under radar
  14. HHOOAAAHHH ! BIG thank you to Hrntfixr for finding the time to be able to bring this to fruition. Go Green Knight's ! Thank you !
  15. How could I forget?

    Sorry to have missed the greeting, better late than never, Happy Hanuka. May the big G continue to bless and smile upon you and your family. :yes:
  16. Jetman

    Sorry if this is a repost. Jetman EDIT:- Imagine the S.A.S troop's or JTF2 using this to drop in behind enemy line's (fat chance).
  17. Thank you Marcelo. Merry christmas to you too. :yes:
  18. Aaahh yes, Indian shortsightedness at it's best. Wonderful ! What a bunch of imbeciles. Wow. I like how the admiral stated that India should reduce it's dependance on the Russian's he is 100% correct, the Russian's take India's need of their defence equipment for granted, hopefully India will buy more and more equipment from Western European, (EADS not included) countries, Israel and the U.S.
  19. Remember

  20. the good guys strike back

    EDIT BY ME: BLAH BLAH BLAH Further edit:- Very well said Streakeagle. But, there is one thing @#$% the School Of America's, it's founder's (just to be CLEAR that is directed at the sub-human's who came up with the idea of such an institution and NOT the American populace) and supporter's. Their hand's are just as bloody as the dictator's they "helped" put into power and their goon's.
  21. Thanks for the new skin Wrench, major improvement.
  22. Ok, I must be seriously inebriated, I recall Wrench having worked on the IAF MIG-21's some time back and I can't seem tio find them, anyone know if they were removed ? Or am I still really hung over from last night ?
  23. Aaarrrggghhh Sorry Wrench ! Found it, that will teach me to drink straight Smirnoff with my friend from PPCLI who is on leave from A-Stan.

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