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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. I TRULY hope I'm not guilty of having jeapordised the chance's of Capun releasing the HAL HF-24 MARUT I don't "think" I did, and I certainly hope I didn't.
  2. Again, the people with the negative/nitpicking comment's are to be ignored. I'd like to see those poster's do even a quarter of the **** that these guy's are doing or have the discipline itself to be able to practise the same move's for hour's on a daily basis (just a guess). I just watch the video's on youtube and TRY my best to ignore people's comment's and yet again it's the video that was cool and screw the moronic rambling's.
  3. As a result of some of the video's posted, especially the "pump it" video by Nesher, I ended up watching some Navy and USMC silent drill video's...awesome... Well, here they are, nothing new for the member's of the U.S armed force's but new to me, enjoy The rifle exchange is just...WOW
  4. That Air Force video was hilarious.
  5. Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy and safe thanksgiving to all.
  6. Really nice, I hope EB Games, or Best Buy or Future Shop end up carrying this title in quantity. Honestly, SFP1 was a hard one to get a hold of here in Toronto.
  7. Well I haven't really "modded" Gerald's MIG except for the fact that I've extended the service year date, so I'm kinda lost here.
  8. The Bear Has Awaked

    You're welcome. :yes:
  9. WOW ! The IAF Hornet really does look purdy. I alway's loved the IAF/IDF aircraft camo scheme's.
  10. The Bear Has Awaked

    Holy **** dude relax ! Pop a Tylenol 3 and chill. Why is it that you assume I'm referring to the U.S when I say "their" . STOP assuming that the WORLD revolve's around the U.S.A...it does'nt. Am I anti-American for saying that....NO, but you certainly are welcome to thinking that. The U.S isn't the only country that is opposed to a stronger Russia you know and if you're quick to jump to that conclusion based on what I've said then I'm sorry, maybe I should have been more clear seeing how some individual's are just so quick to pass snap judgement's. BTW, thank's for the spell check (Guess PROPER ENGLISH SUCKS !). Didn't catch it. PEACE !
  11. Here's what I see when I fly the "Early" model with 2 R-23R's, 4 R-60T's and a UPK-23 gunpack any idea as to why this is happening ? img00001.bmp img00005.bmp
  12. Julhelm, those attack chopper's look sick, dope and all that good stuff. I look forward to fly them one day. Thank's for sharing what you have in the work's
  13. About Downloading files

    I generally average out at approx 400 kbs, and even if it was slower I'm not going to complain, seeing how I have access to it all for free and being a broke student and having a student loan would'nt be able to afford paying
  14. Awesome ! You've made this Soviet/Russian aircraft fan very happy. Thank you. :yes:
  15. Back home at last...

    I really dig the Misawa Samurai Falcon. Awesome pic's though. Thank you for sharing.
  16. I truly hope that when you have the time one day, you can update the MIG-21 Bison
  17. Hey Julhelm, any hint's as to the number of hardpoint's for the goodie's
  18. The Bear Has Awaked

    I'd rather have the BEAR awaken from it's slumber than the dragon. Good for Russia that they're slowly coming back and to hell with those who have the audacity to criticise the Russian's while their own country does pretty much the same. Do as I say NOT as I do seem's to be the current attitude.
  19. Cool. Is it going to VTOL/STOL or regular takeoff ?
  20. Hit with dictionary

    Dont know if all have seen this gem but it's still hilarious CLICK
  21. Very good. Nice to see the MIG's getting the attention that they deserve. :yes:
  22. Damn Julhelm, you ARE running on all cylinder's ! Very, very nice, as always. Valkyrie ?
  23. I was wondering if anyone could give me pointer's of how I'd go about changing the windshield colour of the Lightning to the one in the pic below (taken from C5's webiste) is this possibe ? If so your input would be appreciated. TKIA
  24. Yes, changing the canopy TGA did help. In my case with regards to the Lightning, it only changed the EXTERIOR colour ofthe canopy glass, and not the interior, which suits me just fine as I just really wanted to make a very minor cosmetic change. I wanted to also change the cnopy colour for the MIG-21 serie's aircraft, but I can't find a canopy TGA for them so I don't know what to do there, even the MIG-21 F13 from C5, I was unable to locate the canopy TGA to change the colour.

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