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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Apologies if this is old news ! By Yossi Melman Iran has signed a deal with China to buy two squadrons of J-10 fighter planes that are based on Israeli technology, the Russian news agency Novosti reported yesterday. The 24 aircraft are based on technology and components provided to China by Israel following the cancellation of the Lavi project in the mid-1980s. The engines of the J-10 are Russian-made. The total cost of the planes is estimated at $1 billion, and deliveries are expected between 2008 and 2010. The estimated operational range of the aircraft, with external fuel tanks, is 3,000 kilometers, which means Israel falls within their radius of operation. During the 1980s, Israel Aircraft Industries, along with U.S. firms, developed a multi-role aircraft that was considered the most advanced of its type at the time. Following the development of a prototype, the Reagan administration stopped funding, bringing about the cancellation of the joint project. Israel then began selling some of the systems it had developed to various countries, including China. Experts point out that even with these aircraft, Iran's air force is no match for Israel's or even Saudi Arabia's. Some analysts expressed criticism at what they called Israel's "short sighted" and lax export policies. This is not the first time Israeli components were part of weapons systems aimed at Israel. Some reports claimed that China sold Saudi Arabia long-range missiles containing Israeli know-how. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/916335.html
  2. The LCA is just a tad bit behind schedule, as in it'll probably be deployed in strength by the time I have grandchildren.
  3. UBISOFT ! avoid their garbage like the plague. They've managed to completely ruin my beloved Splinter Cell series with their buggy console to PC port job know as SC4:Double agent ,the previous one's were great though.
  4. Fantastic model. Keep up the great work. My favourite stealth of all time. :fans: Some call her ugly but to me she's a looker I actually like her better than the rest of the blended design stealth aircraft's in service.
  5. Please tell me that you plan on posting this beast whenever you think it's ready...are you ?
  6. The HAL Dhruv not good enough ?
  7. Hello all, So I just managed to obtain 3D Max 7 and would like to start modding (yes, yes I would actually like to atleast TRY to contribute in a positive manner rather than BSing on various forum's about stuff and then ending up with warning's and locked topics ). Sooo having said that i have a few question's (bear with me) a) Are model's which are created using 3D max 7 useable with the game ? b) I want to work on the HAL HF-24 Marut (Wind Spirit) MKI aircraft and underdog of aviation, would any of the modder's here be willing to help me out once in a while ? c) Is there any intrest in seeing the aforementioned aircraft coming to fruition ? d) Would anyone be willing to do the skin's for this aircraft ? Thanks, I know I'm asking a lot but what the heck !
  8. You're almost right about the joint Indian and Egyptian part except that was ONLY with regards to HAL's search for engine's that would push the aircraft close to mach 2 with regards to the actual design the aircraft was co-designed by Kurt Tank along with HAL. The engine's that were used for the production MKI Marut were Rolls Royce Orpheous 703's, because HAL, wasn't happy with the result's of the proposed Indo/Egyptian E-300 Brander engine's. The Marut was used roughly (100+) by the IAF till the late 80's. Thank's for the offer to assist when possible.
  9. Thanks Fast Cargo, to be more precise I'm really going to attempt to make the model so that I can contribute in some shape or form to add variety to type's of aircraft available, and if I do succeed then it will defintely be freeware also with regards to help I'm just really looking for pointer's that's all and would appreciate any when available. With regard's to the a/c, I love this bird why ? Because like I said earlier it's an aircraft that not many people have heard of and was also the last aircraft that the famed designer Kurt Waldemar Tank (famed for the FW-190 and it's variant's) helped design and the aircraft for it's size packed a decent punch four 30mm aden cannon's in the nose for example and a retractable 50 x 2.68in rockets launcher and four underwing pylons all of this in the 60's for a country like India with then roughly 13 years of independence. All in all thanks for the reply. There I'm done with my speech...whew !
  10. Halo 3 out earn Spidey on opening day?!

    I agree with you on that, still I'm willing to bet that Halo 3 is a whole lot more entertaining than that god awful Spierdamn 3.
  11. And of course nuking one of the largest landmasses on the planet would be without repercussions ...Typical !
  12. Any aircraft as long as it's not the F-16 or the Super Hornet will be a good choice, personally would love to see Gripen but who know's what will be the outcome of this fiasco.
  13. Ahh John Wayne, so I WASN'T wrong when I called him g@y oh well his movie's sucked, just like him.
  14. Plain stupid, and who's the F@g ? is he "other" gay guy from brokeback ? Or is he in the sequel ?
  15. Iran's latest....

    To play the devil's advocate, a/c wise I think it's a start, not a good one but for a country with several restriction's to high end tech it's still something, won't stand a chance to a F-18 and other modern a/c but maybe we're seeing the growth of an industry that one day might well churn out formidable aircraft....or not, so what ? It just mean's more target's for AMRAAM's, AIM-9X's, R-60's and R-70's.
  16. Not to sound like a d*ck or nothing, but what's up with the nose, it look's kind of "off"
  17. Yeah I know, that aircraft was on my drive for all of two minutes before chucking it where it belonged, the recycle bin.
  18. Official 08' IRONMAN movie trailer

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=vhgzIM-9lfA Look's cool :yes:
  19. Dr Rudolph Titler

  20. Miss South Carolina

    WTF ? Did she form even one coherent sentence ? Sound's like she's that 1/5th of the population, and her answer explains EXACTLY why she can't point out USA on a map.

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