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Posts posted by Atreides



    I thought you guys where better than that.



    We are.

    It is just simply obvious that the UK has committed suicide.


    Most popular Google searches in the UK the day AFTER the vote:


    "What does it mean to get out of the EU?"


    "What is the EU?"


    Mind blowing!

    How much of a bet do you want that those searches were done by millennial's with worthless art degrees such as interpretive dance therapy. :biggrin:  

    pulling the "democracy"-card is your best shot?



    And whining that it's not a legit democratic vote is yours.  Do you pull the same shit if your team looses at football match ?  Do you start yelling for a rematch ?

    • Like 1

  2. Not really.

    It's just a sign that old farts have a demographic leverage over the young and will screw the young generation's chances for the sake of living in an over-glorified past.

    WAAAAA ! It's so unfair.  It's not democracy because I disagree with the results, why mommy why ?





    Love the DRPK tweet about the EU.





    :biggrin:  :biggrin:  :biggrin:  :biggrin:



    • Like 2

  3. Good for you UK.  Tumbler and twitter are freaking out with salty liberal tears, it's awesome because they're worried about what this will mean for all those illegals as well.  Liberals have gone as far saying that anyone over 65 should not be allowed to vote as it's not their future, I'm loving the liberal butthurt, can't wait for November when the Trump wins.  I think liberals might just commit Seppuku en masse if that happens. :lmao:

    • Like 3

  4. I got more errr "in-depth" combat footage if you people are interested, as in in your face footage and none of the edited pussy footed CNN type ermagerd there's blood and shit.  Seriously North American media is fucking pathetic when it comes to reporting war.


    EDIT:- I'm not taling about posting ISIS sub-human videos but rather videos of these savages meeting their pedo maker.

  5. I despise these "reality" show's but for some reason youtube shoved this shit in my face so make of it what you will, you might chuckle at it.  Sorry if it's old FFS I'm really drunk I've had 7 non -american beers  !


    • Like 2

  6. you sure it wasn't a government conspiracy? :wink: i really think Tappedops needs to step away from the computer and take a breath. maybe a walk too. clear his head and come back to reality refreshed and mostly sane. 

    No. You're right.  It was Bin Laden that was responsible for them planes flying into the buildings.

    • Like 1

  7. hahahahahahaha I'd love to see it...I'm sure it's as real as a unicorn.

    Hey man, the only reason why unicorns aren't around is because Noah couldn't fit them on the boat. :biggrin:  :biggrin:  Fuck Noah !

  8. Thanks Atreides...I thought id go easy on them instead of posting the leaked footage of the Cruise Missile hitting the Pentagon...

    Is that a reference to the Ted "Cruise" missile :biggrin:  :biggrin: , if so fuck that bible thumping nutjob.

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  9. Atreides, since when the US of A doesn't kiss Saudi Arabia? We all know the rich families in the Middle East are financing terrorists, but at the same time they are our "allies" because we buy oil from them.

      Contrary to what you might think I'm not one for eradication of muslims, that's not what my religion preaches, but as an "infidel" I do know that Islam does preach the eradication of all non-believers.  Like I said if there's any reformation of Islam it has to come from muslims, much like how christians for the most part ignored all the hateful shit in the old and new testament and reshaped it into the way "perhaps" as christ intented it to be.  P.S I don't belong to any of the Abrahamic faiths. 

  10. Yet another touchy whiny liberal. 


    Obama is a muslim or is at least very, very friendly to this religion as he obviously has been educated to some extent within it. 

    And even more, for years he's saying "holy koran" here and there but not "islamic terrorism". No condamnation also of the christian genocide in the middle east. He obviously don't want the slightest critic against what islamism is doing nowadays and use vague "terror" terms whereas when some dude shoot people while shooting islamic slogans and when imams repetedly say that homosexuality should be punished with death, it has everything to do with islam. 


    You can now retreat to your touchy liberal inclusive safe space. 

    I don't think he's a "secret" muslim that's too much of the bible thumping nut job libertarians ideology.  But as to him being sympathetic to Islam, he sure does know how to kiss Saudi ass, just like George Bush Jr.  Let's face it most of your presidents kissed Saudi terrorist ass and they love the oil that squirts from it. 

  11. What the f*ck does his middle name have to do with anything? Does 'Arabic-sounding-name' translate to extremist sympathiser in your book? Next time don't bother trying to be subtle when trying to make a useless, xenophobic statement, we'll all know what you're really thinking.


    May the innocent victims of this terror attack rest in peace.

    Except Obama DOES pussyfoot around Islamic terrorism on the world stage.  The problem is ISLAM anyone else who says otherwise is a freaking liar.  And the "fixing" of the subhuman horrific acts committed is the responsibility of muslims not us.

    • Like 2

  12. Tesla-Model-S-brennt-am-Supercharger-ab-


    A two days old Tesla S after supercharging in Norway on January 3rd 2016.


    Have fun with Tesla! Enjoy it! :blowup:

    Strawman much ?





    And since you quote Top Gear as reliable source.  Here's a fun article


    Richard Hammond was advised to NOT drive his 100,000 pound Porsche.  




    So what's your point, the point is that you just dislike electric cars and have a stick up your ass and think fuel cells cars are the future without actually having spoken to any credible source in the automotive sector about just how unfeasible fuel cell cars are due to the massive amounts of energy required to produce it.


    You've gone beyond embarrassing yourself to just sounding like a philistine, it would be in your interest to stop with the pseudo "facts".



     all hail caveman!

    You Troglodyte ! :biggrin:  :biggrin:

  13. not very impressive


    Compared to that, everything is better. Our only hopes are these spinoffs to at least feel something like SW was. But I want to see it first... before judging too early.

    Bitch , bitch bitch.  Jesus H Christ I'm fucking sick of you nostalgia critics, criticising a movie  before the movie is even out.  Much like Man of Steel "Oh Superman should have his red undies on the outside" really ?  Fuck that.



    No bloody Jedis prancing everywhere in sight ? Fantastic.

    The ISDs look and feel like (unpainted ahem) minis rather than CG ? Cute.

    Wait, is she wearing a TIE Fighter pilot uniform at the end ? Oooh, shiny !


    That certainly look more fun and interesting than any Star Wars movie since the 80's.


    @Palpatine, of course you disliked Episode 7, it's the only one in which you play no part at all.


    Looks great to me.............hope I can get to see it on the big screen.


    Apparently I stand alone. I loved EP 7...


    Amen SW brothers EP7 though a rehash of A New Hope was an awesome cpr of SW franchise and Rogue One looks great.  The director stressed at D23 on the "Wars" part of it, no Jedi's only Sith, i.e Emperor and Vader, can hardly wait.


    I also loved the prequel trilogy


    In that you're all lone I think.

  14. If Iran could make fighters like that, they wouldn't need to keep 40 year old F-14s still flying, would they?

    But it's still oh so glorious so see the old cat flying regardless of which nation she flies for.  Isn't it ironic though that one of the greatest aircraft the US Navy ever had in it arsenal continues to fly for and serve one of her greatest "enemies" ?  I do love the Iranian cat camo schemes though tbh.


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