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Posts posted by Atreides

  1. and you welcome.. glad you liked the Israeli dogfighters.. :biggrin:


    How can any sane person not admire the Heyl Ha'Avir ? Those pilot's have the most air-air combat experience in jet's than any other AF in the world and your pilot training is superb. I've alway's been a fan of the IDF, but your airforce, the pilot's are awesome. Oh btw, one question is it still IDF/AF practice that active pilot's have their face's blurred out on T.V for security purposes ?

  2. Just saw this today, as I just have basic cable I dont get to watch this show other than on the internet, so apologies if this has been posted before. To those who haven't seen it this is with regards to the highest ranking "Jet ace" in the world, Giora Epstein with 17 kill's.


    You just have to see the dogfight between Epstein and an Egyptian pilot in his MIG-21, the pilot had jewel's of iron and even Giora state's that the pilot did thing's with the MIG-21 that he didn't think were possible. :biggrin:


    IAF Dog Fight

  3. Guess some people just dont know how to drive in winter, or dont even bother with snow tire's.



    Grey van, right pocket.. :clapping:




    Check out the dude who bails, abandon ship mon ! :haha:

  4. I hear what you're saying. But, for once I would'nt be suprised if the Indian's did go the Lockheed route specifically because the aircraft being offered to them carries the lethal AESA radar, that alone gives the IAF an edge coupled with the fact that if the a/c could/would be locally manufactured by HAL. Personally in the single engine aircraft dept either the F-16IN or the Gripen are both tempting choices, I think the Gripen might be cheaper. In the twin engined choice the EF-2000, no way can they afford a reasonable number of them, so perhaps the Rafale or even the Super Hornet, which again has a formidable electronics suite.

  5. What if they offer a F-15 IN for sale ? :biggrin: Or a F-15Ck (Canuck) for our AirForce ! That would be cool.


    EDIT:- No chance of there being a Canadian F-15 (just a dream of mine), since Canuck companies have major investments in the F-35, the companies making substantial profits in the F-35 program are Canuck companies, so I for one would like to see how many we get. :smile:

  6. LOL ! F-16IN ? Is that even possible, won't one of America's key "Allies" i.e Pakistan throw a fit, the same way Indian govt throw's a fit of outdated F-16 sales to Pakistan. Then again who know's maybe Lockheed can use the same bribing techniques on the Indians like the one's they used for the F-104 Widowmaker aka Flying coffin to Germany and other Western European countires :dntknw:


    EDIT:- Before someone says what ? a "reputable" company like Lockheed and scandal's, unimpossible, here's a taste of what it involved.


    Bribery Scandal


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