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Posts posted by Atreides

  1. The Nimitz should of ripped that bomber to shreds with it Phalanx gun and show'em whos boss.


    Right.... :rolleyes: Did you even bother thinking of the consequences that would've had prior to posting ? I think not. I'm pretty sure both sides knew what it was, sabre rattling and that's it.

  2. Thanks Streak, but I've noticed that for certain aircraft the value is rather high, I mean for some it's kinda off the chart's, atleast look's like that to an amature like me, is it possible to specify the ceiling in meters or feet ?



    EDIT:- Furthermore, I know, I know I'm digressing, what control's the altitude that an a/c attain's once the jump to next waypoint key has been hit ?

  3. So I was poking around data.ini's of various aircraft's and have a quick question what does the data below with regards's to ceiling represent ? Is it the altitude of the a/c that it will reach after ALT+N has been hit or is it the max ceiling of the a/c in meter's ?













    Ceiling=19900.0 <--------------- :dntknw:


  4. it was a radar ocean surveillance satellite which had a nuclear generator. Usually those were boosted to a high parking orbit at end of life that will last longer than the radioactivity of the nuclear fuel. In that particular case, the boost didn't and it crashed in Canada.


    if this comes down, it will be something somewhat similar in that the toxic fuel will be localized and cleaned up by hazmat teams. If it comes down in the water, the fuel will oxidize and disperse (although if it lands in the resevoir that you get your drinking water from.....)



    I apologise, I didn't know that it was an ocean surveillance satellite (though the only reason I suspect that it perhaps wasnt is why would you need a nuclear generator for a satellite that had purely civi application's) anyways, with regards to the U.S satellite if it were to "ideally" come down in the ocean which is harmless, do they know if it's in area for deep fishing lanes, I mean if the fish ingest that garbage and then people were to consume it... :blink:

  5. I vaguely recall an incident here in Canada where a Soviet military satellite crashed up north in an unpopulated area, I forget what the exact propellant was, either radioactive or some chemical that was quite dangerous, well we made the Soviet's clean up the mess up north, they paid for it and their people had to clean it up.

  6. Fortunately for me I did'nt forget this valentine's day, if I had, I would never hear the end of it, as I still have to listen to her about me forgetting our second marriage anniversary :doh::nono:


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