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Files posted by Wrench

  1. Libya Upgrade, Targets Hot-Fix

    Targets Fix for Libya Map ver.2.0
    This little fix will remove Gamal Abel Nassar AB from the targets ini, as it's been reported that it was too close to "The Wall", that 80km limit on the map edge. It's been replaced by a 'Military District HQ' at Benghazi (ie: another vehicle depot).
    Included are 3 new versions of the planning maps, with GAN AB removed. NO OTHER CHANGES HAVE BEEN EFFECTED!!!! All other inis remain fully functional.
    This package ONLY includes a new targets, cities ini, and the 3 maps.
    See enclosed readme for super-easy install instructions (for a change!!!)
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  2. WW2 Europe by FNG2K & Edward

    Europe WW2 Terrain for SF, WoE & WoV
    I couldn't find the original readme, so we'll make due with this....
    This is FNG2K and Edward's WW2 Europe terrain, reissued for those that don't have it. It is NOT as released, as I've made some small changes over the years since it's original release, most notably in the area of 'Ground Objects'. I've pulled them out of the terrain folder, and re-created them as GroundObjects. Their main inis have been adjusted, as per Patch 4 to have them show the proper way.
    This is the COMPLETE terrain set, with all the various inis, bmps, tgas, and whatnot needed to ALMOST unzip and fly on. You'll be adding various items to several main game folders, so it is MORE THAN HIGHLY RECCOMENDED THAT THIS TERRAIN BE USED IN A "STAND-ALONE" WW2 ETO/SWOTL GAME INSTALL. For information on how to create one, if you don't know already, consult the Knowledge Base at CombatAce.
    You'll find that information here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=19630
    Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users".
    It is HIGHLY reccomended you have Geo's WW2 Ground Object Pak, for the various and sundry trucks, tanks, AFVs, AAA units and etcs. I've included as many as I can positively ID as coming with the original terrain set, as stated above, now turned into GroundObjects. Hopefully, I've filtered out the permissioned ones. If not, I apologize in advance.
    NOTE: this terrain is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 ETO/SWOTL install based on Wings Over Israel. WoI handles prop flight models in a 'most peculiar way', and you'll experience massive frustration in just trying to fly. It is designed, originally, for SF, but works in WoE and WoV, as long as the proper terrain cat is selected. See below for more detailed instructions
    = NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons & Guns Pak of 6/06 for the proper WW2 weapons and guns!! =
    Although, I HAVE included my GunData.ini and GunData.dat files. These have all the proper WW2 guns and such.
    Be advised, one of the objects I've added is the Nazi Flag. If you live in a country that prohibits it's exhibition, you may wish to delete the "3RFlag" bits.
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed, step-by-step install directions. This complies with MOD Directive of June, 1941 #1058, but is NOT coverd by the Official Secrets Act.
    Good Hunting!
    ps: the screenie above is entitled "For the Folks On the Ground"
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  3. Burma (WW2) Targets Upgrade Pak

    Burma Terrain Upgrade: For WW2 CBI/PTO mods
    This mod is a relatively simple upgrade to Edward's WW2 Burma terrain. What I've done is added LOTS of new targets to the existing target areas, and replaced at least one airfield with a newly repainted "desert airfiled 1", which is now a medium dirt runway. The 'new' target areas are enhancements of already existing ones -- I've just added some more things here and there to make it look a little more populated. There are a couple of new parked planes, based of existing ones, hex-edited and reskinned for their proper users.
    This is a fairly 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also fairly well defended - so watch out for the flak.
    It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line)
    It is suggested, just as an "oh, by the way....", that you install this upgrade into a CBI ONLY version of your PTO game install. Historically, there are many aircraft that are (and should be) "Theatre Specific". Meaning, you shouldn't be seening Zekes over Burma/Occupied Indo-China or China itself after December, 1941. While outside the scope of this mod, there IS a specific plane-set for use in the CBI.
    You can, of course!, install it into a "Full PTO" style game install; you'll just have everybody and their brother flying around.
    You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you CBI/PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- make sure you have the barges (get both, they're needed in the GO folder), the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well. Hinchbrooke has some very nice Royal Navy battleships. <wink>
    It is also reccomended that you have installed CA_Stary's WW2 hangars and buildings. They have a nice worn green wood-ish texture, and look really good in the CBI theatre! Also (more below), the data ini I've supplied is based on using CA_Stary's "Green Hell" tiling mod for WoV's VietnamSEA. -- this mod is highly reccomended. I have, however, included the original data ini; also with it's terrain and water effects activated (Vista user take note!!)
    As stated above, the BOTH data inis has been upgraded to the latest standards. Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users".
    Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems.
    As expected, there are highly detailed, step-by-step install procedures. I'd suggest reading the enclosed "readme" through FIRST before putting all the bits into the terrain folder -that should be standard CYA for any mods to be installed. And the usual Notes and Explinations, Credits and Other Nonsense.
    Good Luck, Good Hunting, and Happy Landings!!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  4. Burma (WW2) Terrain Hot Fix

    WW2 Burma Hot Fix - for SF/WoV/WoE, PTO Modded Installs
    This little package contains redone TFD and HFD files for Edward's WW2 Burma terrain.
    I did an ooopsy, and forgot to include them in the original Upgrad Pak.
    What this will do, is 'flatten' certain target areas, most notably Hanoi Airfield, and the various train stations, so their objects do not appear sunked into the ground.
    It will have NO effect on anything else.
    EASY to follow instructifications in the enclosed readme.
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  5. WW2 China by Edward

    Edward's Original WW2 China Terrain
    I've added an expanded notes and install instructions section to his original readme - as usual, read it! Please!
    kevin stein
    Ps: the screenie should be considered 'generic', as you can see, I've used a different tile set. Just to show a WW2 Chinese aircraft (not yet released, btw - still working out a issue)


       (1 review)



  6. China (WW2) Upgrade Pak

    China Terrain Upgrade: For WW2 PTO mods
    This mod is an upgrade to Edward's WW2 China terrain. What I've done is added LOTS of new targets to the existing target areas, and replaced at least one airfield on each side with a newly repainted "desert airfiled 1", which is now a medium dirt runway (note: IJ forces get MORE than one!). The 'new' target areas are enhancements of already existing ones -- I've just added some more things here and there to make it look a little more populated. There are a couple of new parked planes, based of existing ones, hex-edited and reskinned for their proper users. Also a couple of Easter Eggs...you'll just have to find them for yourselves! New planning maps for all 3 zoom levels are also included.
    This is a fairly 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions (A.S. missions ONLY for the Allied side - there are NO Allied shipping routes for IJ Forces to attack on this map, as is historical). It is also fairly well defended - so watch out for the flak.
    It is suggested, just as an "oh, by the way....", that you install this upgrade into a CBI ONLY version of your PTO game install. Historically, there are many aircraft that are (and should be) "Theatre Specific". Meaning, you shouldn't be seening Zekes over China after December, 1941. While outside the scope of this mod, there IS a specific plane-set for use in the CBI.
    You can, of course!, install it into a "Full PTO" style game install; you'll just have everybody and their brother flying around.
    You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you CBI/PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- make sure you have the barges (get both, they're needed in the GO folder), the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well. Hinchbrooke has some very nice Royal Navy battleships. <wink>
    It is also reccomended that you have installed CA_Stary's WW2 hangars and buildings. They have a nice worn green wood-ish texture, and look really good.
    The data ini has been upgraded to the latest standards. Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users".
    It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 8/29/08 patch WoI. But should work with minimal problems, as long as one of the original terrain folders (SF/WoV/WoE) is residing in you WW2 WoI install. You do, however, use this in WoI at YOUR own risk.
    It has been tested with the stock as-issued terrain tiles, and Bran32s repaints. The new tiles are NOT included. It has NOT been tested with any of the Green Hell mods, as I don't think south-central China is covered in jungle.....
    Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It is HIGHLY reccomended that you read the install instructions all the way through FIRST before performing the procedure. Just to be safe, ya know??
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  7. Isreal2 ver 2.5 by Gepard

    Isreal 2 Terrain Upgrade for WoI -- Version 2.5
    This update/rebuild is designed to REPLACE the one I released in March, 2008.
    This is an extensive expansion of Gepard's "Isreal 2" full-scale map he made several years ago for Strike Fighters. What this will do, is allow its usage in WoI (or any of the other games, for that matter). There has also been a massive 'cleanup' of several of the additonal airfields as originally issued. I've removed, for the most part, all but one runway where there were mulitples.
    Several new items have been added to the types ini, allowing the 1948-1967 timeframe for Historical missions and Campaigns in the Middle East region. This IS the full terrain =complete with tiles, tods, hm bmps in short, everything needed to correct pre-patch errors, and is designed to replace to earlier version, dated March 2008. This is updated to the latest standards, post 8/28/08 patch for WoI and WoV/WoE. This build repairs the sinking into the terrain, odd elevations and other funny business. Those still using SF will not benefit from this upgrade, and will not get the game generated parked aircraft.
    It has been extensively upgraded, with new movement, targets and types ins. Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users" below.
    Contraindicated: post-patch, the water effects for Vista users seem to be working.
    It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; expecially the Desert skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. The SAMs are pretty important, as there are several batteries that call out for the SA-3 specifically, and the stock in-game SA-2s along the "SAM Fence" at the Suez Canal (although, they should be outside the historical year range I've designed it for this; call it a "backdated map"). As such, this map should be usable in the timeframes of 1948-2050.
    Please note: the ground objects included in the March 2008 build are NOT included with this version.
    It is designed to use either the Bunyap or Mirage Factory Weapons Pak; some of the names for the IDF air defenses (ie: the HAWKs and their associated radars) and their 'arranements', are taken from Nick Bell's 'NATO Air Defense Mod'; these are the names used for the 2 HAWK radars.
    As stated above, it is =specifically= designed for use with Wings Over Isreal. It has -also- been tested in SF, WoE and WoV, but to have the proper feel, use it in WoI only.
    Remember: this terrain IS designed with the 1948-1966 timeframe in mind; although there ARE many target areas still active for later years (ie: Canal SAM Fence, possibly the Cyprus airfields), but the WoI IsraelME terrain works best for 1967 and later years. As it was designed to.
    As always, there's an extensive, highly detailed readme with step-by-step instructions. You all should know what to do by this point.
    A (hopefully) full listing of contributors is in the readme...with my thanks for all their help.
    Happy Landings!!!
    kevin stein


       (5 reviews)



  8. American North West - 4 Seasons Rebuild

    Upgrade for America NorthWest Terrains: 4 Seasons Inclusive Build


    -for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe FE?


    The original America Northwest Terrains; AmerianNW, AmericanNWinter and AmericaNWSpring, were released sometime back in 2003. They are exceedling FUN maps to fly on, as they are full of deep canyons and high mountain ranges. But...with the advent of the 9/08 patch for the entire 3rd Wire series, they can now be combined into ONE terrain, and with a few ini edits, allow for =ALL= 4 season to be present in ONE terrain folder. Seasonal changes are based upon the date a mission is flown, in single mission (month/day - year makes no difference), and probably in campaigns as well
    This package includes ALL 4 seasons for Major Lee's "America NorthWest" series, combined.This package is designed to TOTALLY REPLACE =ALL= the original terrains, with one single install. Editing has been done to the all the inis, as per the latest patch standards. Included are also my targets and movements enhancements, as seen in a 8/07 upgrade, with some additions.
    Included are the "Spring", "Summer" (by CA_Stary), "Thaw" (by Doghouse & Deuces), and "Winter" seasons as new subfolders of this rebuilt terrain. A new 'EnvrionmentalSystem.ini', that is terrain specific, was created that raises the cloud deck OFF the mountains. It's also super easy to edit, to allow for lower clouds, if that is your wish. You'll also find regional specific trees (pine) scattered across the landscape. It looks sooo much better with trees!!! :) For those looking for it, YES, there are more than a couple of Easter Eggs, as you've all come to expect.
    While set in the "What If.." world of the Global Sedition vs the North American Alliance, it's quite usable for just about anything. =EXCEPTING= no anti-ship missions, as there's no large bodies of water for shipping routes. (see my pleas for retiling in the "General Notes and Other Nonsense" section below)
    The movements ini has been expanded for more Armed Recon missions, with additional truck routes for both sides. Additonal targets have been added (one new city, airport and train stations for each side), and new Ground Attack routes for CAS missions. I added an oil field to the Alliance side, to give the Sedition forces something extra to bomb, and Alliance forces something to protect. I figure the story line would be "short on resources, the Global Sedititon is trying to capture the Salmon River Oil Fields and Elk Mountains Uranium Mines for their own". New country flags have been added (the 2 GS and Alliance flags are still here!) for NAA alllies - USA and Canada.
    This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reacharound. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games at your own risk.
    Vista users should also have no problem with terrain effects, as the latest round of patching has apparently cleared up that problem. And the fact that there's no water on this map.....
    Included as well is FastCargo's SON-9A "FireCan" AA control radar, and some ini updates for a few of the stock "Red" AAA units, networking them to the FireCan.
    PLEASE read this entire ReadMe all the way through before installing; there are some issues I've encountered that need some explaining, and this will give you a better understanding of what I've tried to accomplish.
    Good Hunting & Happy Landings!!!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  9. Libya - Version 3.0 Ulitmate Final -

    Libya Terrain Upgrade, Version 3.0 -- For SF/WoV/WoE and probably WoI/FE/SF2
    Ok, I know, I know...I said I'd NEVER go back to this terrain, but since the 2.0 FINAL was released I've learned a bit more on how to use the Terrain Editor...to wit:
    There has been extensive retiling of many of the major areas on the map, replacing LOTS of mismatched or ill-fitting tiles. The entire coast of North Africa, from Tunisa to the Libyan/Egyptian border and been completely retiled with matching units. Sicily and Greece, and the 'boot' of the toe of Italy have also been extensively retiled. Approximately 75% of the map tiles have been replaced -BY HAND!!!!-, making a much smoother and better looking map. Unfortunately, a couple of the target areas required small location adjusments, so that had to be corrected as well.
    Included in the package are new HFD, TFD, data and targets inis. The data ini has been fully updated to make use of the terrrain effects as per the 9/08 & 10/08 patches. Adjustments to sea level and uping the Alpha Object count have also been implemented in the data ini. Some trees are around, but not as many as I'd like.
    You =MUST= have the orginal Libya 2.0 terrain to make use of the Update Pak. It's available in the CombatAce download section at the following url:
    The targets ini in this pak includes the "Targets Hot Fix", and the new planning maps from that package. So, don't worry if you don't have the Hot Fix pack.
    So, really...consider this the Ultimate Final Version....I'm NOT going back to it again. Promise!!
    = This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reachback. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games (WoI & FE) at your own risk.
    For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own! =
    As usual, there's more relatively simple install instructions in the enclosed readme. So, give it a once over...
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  10. Southern California - Ver 2.0

    Southern California Terrain Ver.2 for SF/WoV/WoE -and possibly FE, WoI and SF2
    This terrain mod is designed to COMPLETLY replace the version I released in 2008; however, you will probably need some of the Ground Objects included in that pak.
    This semi-fictional terrain represents the Southern California region, along with parts of Nevada, Northern California, Arizona, Baja Mexico and various and sundry parts in between. I use the term 'semi-fictional', as for the most part, the cities and airfields are relatively close to their real life locations, but some fictional target areas have been added for playability. As close as I can, I've tried to match the actual positions of cities, air bases, etc, and used their actual names. Considering that I live in Los Angeles, and have been to a LOT of the places depicted.... This is a very heavily populated map, a heavily defended map, with all kinds of eye candy, plus LOTS of "Easter Eggs". A repainted version of airfield 3 (the dirt strip) is also included; ala Fubar's version, it's been paved over.
    I've designed this to be used in the alternative world of the "Global Sedition" vs the "North American Alliance". It is, however, usable in any era from 1940-2040, with minor changes in the targets and types inis.
    It is based on USAFMTL's SCal map from his Top Gun mod from several looong years ago.
    This package contain just about everything you'll need, from new inis, HFD & TFD, tiles -including a whole bunch of new ones, and their associated TODs- LOTS of new fixed terrain objects (destroyed buildings of all flavors).
    It has been -almost- completly rebuilt, with the creation of briefing, movement, a completely NEW targets and types ins, and upgrading the data ini to the latest standards. Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users", below, if you're using an unpatched version(s) of the games.
    It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; either or both the Desert or Euro skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. With such an 'open ended' time frame for use, any and all GroundObjects should be available for use.
    It has been tested in SF, WoE and WoV. It should work in FE & WoI with the correct cat pointer -- this has NOT been tested, however. It should also work in SF2, as long as you adjust the cat pointer lines in the main ini.
    As to be expected, there's a pretty detaile readme enclosed -- so read it first after unzipping and before installing. Vital instructions, and so forth and so on inside that'll make things a bit easier for you.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (4 reviews)



  11. SoCal HotFix

    Hot Fix for Southern California map:
    This little pack contains new TFD and HFD files for my recenlty re-released SoCal Ver 2
    There have been reported issues with some tiles disappearing, or odd things bleeding in the southern central coastal mountain range. These new files contain the data for region, that I've retiled to change the tile types and try to cut down on the oddity.
    While this will not totally fix it (2 days of experimentating, retiling, flying it again and again and again) still show it occuring, this will reduce it's chances. Not totally fixed, but this will ameloriate it's instances. I have absolutely NO idea as to why it's doing it at all.
    Simply, easy to follow instructions in the enclosed readme.
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  12. The Fighter Bowl

    "The Fighter Bowl" Terrain for SF/WoE/WoV and Probably SF2, WoI & FE
    This little terrain idea came to me, literally, in the middle of the night. It's just a very basic terrain, with only 2 airfields (the Large Runway 4 so anything can operate from it) per each side, a few cities, some rivers and an oceanic feature in the center. It is designed with multi-player in mind, hence it's name "The Fighter Bowl", where opposing Teams can have it out with each other.
    There are also multiple Truck Routes, some Ground Attack (ie: CAS) and shipping lanes across the Saknuseum Sea. Think of this as a complimentary terrain to both The Ranges, only you'll have Opposing Force Air Units to bug you. To add a bit of sci-fi-ishness, on the central island is the "Citatel of the Adjudicators", a Neutral Party that judges the competitions. Think of them as the Referees of Global Confrontation ... whomever wins in The Arena, gains whatever world-goal they were seeking.
    The terrain is supposed to look like an extreamly LARGE impact feature on the earth's surface (ie: a 200+ kilometer diameter crater/caldera), with a central sea. Think of the Manicougan crater in Canada, only several HUNDRED orders of magnitude larger. It's mostly ringed with mountains, but is other wise relatively flat across The Bowl. Also relatively featureless, with only a few deep canyons or other erosive features in the "playing field".
    This is a complete terrain, with everything needed to just unzip and (hopefully) run with no problems.
    There are NO major air defense units, other than those as usually seen around the airbases. A few have been placed at the 'cities', but AAA units ONLY -- to repeat, there are NO SAM batteries emplaced on this map. That would take away from it's intended use as a major Dogfight or Co-Op Arena.
    There is, however, as you've all come to suspect (and/or rather, expect...) one major Easter Egg on this map, and one very small one. They're built directly into the terrain itself, and should be pretty easy to find. If you look for such things...
    I'd also like to apologize for the lously planning maps ... for some reason, the SFMap generator didn't see what was supposed to be "sea" as anything other than land -- that's totally my fault, in a lack of under standing how exactly the Height Field is read. Had to paint the Saknuseum Sea in by hand, so expect some placments to be a bit 'off' on the planning maps. Sorry!
    = This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) There should also be no problems running it in SF or WoV. It should also work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reachback. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games (WoI & FE) at your own risk.
    For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own, but you should have any major problems =
    As per usual, the expected readme with all the (un)necessary information needed to install and blah blah blah balh
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  13. American SouthWest - Ver 2.0

    American SouthWest Terrain, Version 2.0 for SF/WoE/ WoV and probably WoI, FE and SF2
    This is a complete rebuild of the terrain originaly released in Feb 2008. It has been completely retiled, and has had a MAJOR upgrade in the targetization. It is designed to COMPLETELY replace that original version. It has been fully updated to use in the post-patch world.
    This semi-fictional terrain represents Southern Texas and part of Northeastern Mexico (Tampilas/Monterrey) region, along with part of the western Gulf of Mexico. I use the term 'semi-fictional', as for the most part, the cities and airfields are relatively close to their real life locations, but some fictional target areas have been added for playability. I've designed this to be used in the alternative world of the "Global Sedition" vs the "North American Alliance"; it is, however, usable in any era from 1940-2040, with minor changes in the targets and types inis.
    This is a COMPLETE package, with everything needed to just unzip, install, and fly over. All the tiles are included, including several (ie: MOST) repainted to a more 'lush' version. All new TODs have been created, so you'll see lots of trees and small buildings, including the 'skyscrapers' from Polak's city tod. Almost all the original Desert tiles have been repainted to more closely represent the semi-tropical/minimally arid region of the Texas Gulf Coast. Several rivers have been added, and they, for the most part, follow their Real Life ™ courses across the region. The "look" of the terrain should be something between the stock 'Desert' and the overly green of say, Deuces Euro Repaint and/or the GermanyCE terrain. In other words, semi-arid, but with plenty of growing things.
    It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; either or both the Desert or Euro skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. With such an 'open ended' time frame for use, any and all GroundObjects should be available for use.
    It has been tested in SF, WoE and WoV, post 9/08 & 10/08 patch levels.. It should work in FE & WoI (also post Expansion Pak and Post Patch) with the correct cat pointer -- this has NOT been tested, however. It should also work in SF2, as long as you adjust the cat pointer lines in the main ini. Pre-patch users may have some issues due to the new way the Game Engine ™ reads/creates height field measurments. Enough data exists in the CA forums for find the anwsers on how to fix it, if needed.
    As you've all come to expect, there's a HIGHLY detailed readme with all the "data and materials" necessary to get you up and running. I'd suggest reading it first, after unzipping to a temp folder somewhere
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  14. Central Pacific/Mariana Islands for WW2 Installs

    Central Pacific/Mariana Islands Terrain For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO mods
    This is a brand new terrain, built COMPLETLY from scratch. This is my very first whole terrain, so go easy on me ;) It represents the Mariana Islands approximately mid-1944, at the time of the American Invasion. This is a FULL terrain, with everything included for you to unzip and use, with minimal difficulty.
    This is a fairly 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also fairly well defended - so watch out for the flak. There are also 2 completly NEW ground objects, creating via edits of existing terrain objects. They are now fully funcitonal 'obstacles' for infantry assaults. Also are mods of 2 of Hinchbrook's ships for USN usage.
    You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things may not be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. It's HIGHLY reccomended you have Gepard's "Midway" terrain installed, along with his IJN/USN naval units -- I've made use of them for both Fleets. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well.
    There ARE some historical flaws, which as most of you know gauls the daylights out of me; they are fully detailed in the "Notes & Explinations" section below.
    The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post patch world of 9/08 & 10/08!! The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data included!!! If you insist on using this mod in such an install, expect NO support from me. You're on your own...
    It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 8/29/08 patch WoI or post patch (9/08 & 10/08) SF/WoV/WoE; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Nor is it designed for use in a 'modern era', as the airfields are far too small for field jets from.
    Follow the instructions in the included readme =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  15. Okinawa/Japan - Version 3 (WW2)

    Okinawa Terrain Upgrade, Version 3.0

    For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO modded installs, 06 Patch Levels

    This mod is a extensive rebuild to Edward's WW2 Okinawa terrain, and is designed to COMPLETELY replace any and all eariler versions. This is the COMPLETE terrain, with all tiles, TODs, inis and terrain objects necessary to (almost) just unzip and fly over. YOU, the End User ™ are still responsible to locate the various and sundry Ground Objects and Aircraft needed for you PTO flying pleasure. I've supplied MANY, but more are not included. This map has been re-designed with Operation Olympic in mind, hence the island of Okinawa itself should be consided "nearly" secured; ie American and Allied forces have pretty much taken the island, and are building up for the Invasion of Japan. The time frame I have in mind in Mid-1945 to approx late 1947, or even into 1948 if needed. To that end, expect a Runway 4 (large airfield, albeit -NOT- historically correct) at Kadena for Bomber Operations, and several smaller auxillary fields to 'activate' themselves based on the year flown (ie: 1946).
    Many completely NEW target areas have been added, and the map has been extensively retiled to create a more Japanese looking environment. This retiling 'resets' several cities, adds some rivers, creates clear zones around the various airfields, and corrects some other issues. The targets ini itself has been almost complety rebuilt, adding LOTS of interesting things to look at and blow up. TODs and tgas from "Green Hell" and another terrain project have been used to create forests and such, and several brand new custom TODs and and several new tiles have been created. These are based off the stock VietnamSEA tiling, so these new TODs are usable in ANY map that uses the WoV VietnamSEA tiles, or can easily be imported for any other terrain type.
    This is a very 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also HEAVILY defended - so watch out for the flak. As expected, I added the 'Rising Sun' Japanese flag, and the Stars and Stripes. Several 'new' parked aircraft have been added; you'll see them if you look for them. There are also other bits of 'eye candy' floating around... :) I've included several updated data inis for some ships, as they now have semi-proper effects (IJN DDs now have smoke coming out the stacks)
    You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships. See below in the "To Install" for more information. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well.


    It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 08 patch WoI or post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE; nor has it been tested in the SF2 Series - it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. However, it IS usable ... it's just 98.6% ™ of the aircraft are NOT!
    As always, it's reccomended that you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of this readme.
    Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's =HIGHLY= reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod. In other words -- read this damn thing, or you'll get yourself in a jam!!!!
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    ps: like the recent Solomons V3 pak, there are still a few new parked aircraft that are NOT finished yet, and therefore not included (doh!). When and as they are done, expect a VERY small update.


       (2 reviews)



  16. WW2 Midway Terrain Upgrade/Enhancement Pak

    Midway Terrain Enhancement/Rebuild Pak, For WW2 PTO Installs


    = For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE = for 06 Patch Levels ONLY! =

    This originally started out as a 'quick fix' for some small issues, that for some reason, grew into a Major Overhaul ™!! So, this became an ENTIRE terrain mod, fully equiped with (almost) all items necessary. You'll still need some of the ships supplied with Gepard's Original Terrain ™. Hopefully, you have it around somewheres ....
    The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level at minimum, also usable in 08). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". While not designed for use in 08 or SF2 level games, it is quite easily adaptable with minor changes to the data ini. Consult the CombatAce Knowledge Base or the several hundred threads on the matter.... But, as always, due to the WW2 aircraft "flight model issue", is NOT reccomended.
    The targets ini has gone through a semi-major overhaul as well, combining an eariler version, with Gepards Release Version. Essentlly what I did was scrap several target areas on Sand and Eastern, and then 'filled' in the blanks. This was done to try and control "target area overlap" that made it difficult to move or place objects in semi-historical positions (and it's still not quite right, but closer!)
    A new planning map has been generated (1 level only), and the tiles have been cleaned up a bit. Also several new and edited versions of existing tiles have been created to try and smooth thing out a bit. All new tile-specific _HM.bmps have also been created, to create a 'hard surface' ground. A new 'waternormal.bmp' is also included, as are all the newly added Terrain Objects. And there are now trees...lots and lots of trees on the islands...
    Included are the WW2 Formations ini, and the WW2 Nations ini, as it seems that some folks can't find them
    It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, (mostly my WW2 WoE PTO install - the best version to use, IMHO) using each of their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT been tested in 08 1st Gen SF/Wo* -expecially WoI- or any of the SF2 series. Most likely, it would be unusable due to the airfield size being 'small', and runnning out of runway for jets.
    Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  17. P-51C Skin and Ini Upgrade Package

    USAAF P-51C Mustang Upgrade & Skin Pak for SF/WoV/WoE, WW2 ETO Installs
    This is a re-skin and ini upgrade package for Wolf's P-51C "Mustang" (Malcom Hood). The skin was created from his orginal template, but I've redrawn all the panel lines, added some rivets, made various and sundry enhancements to the skin; made several changes in the data, loadout and cockpit inis. A new N-3 gunsight tga has also been included.
    The skin represents aircraft from 356th Fighter Squadron, 354th Fighter Group "The Pioneer Mustang" unit circa 1944/45 (pre-invasion striped, or post invasion striped -whichever you deceide!). I've heavly researched this unit, and as best I could, tried to match photos of the nose art. Where data was available, the actual serial numbers have been used. All others are C model serials, but I make no claims to if they actually served in 356th. Some of the nose arts are 'interperative'; meaning I did them in the best way I could to get them to fit on the aircraft. Some are in the 99% acuracy range, so I think you all should be pretty happy with them. You'll have squadron codes and individual letters for 26 aircraft
    You'll also find a new "MustangC" hangar screen, I created just for this mod, and ONLY available with it!!!
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions, plus comments and notes that you might find interesting.
    Happy Landings!!!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  18. F-51D Mustang, Generic Natural Metal, Skin & Ini Pak

    P-51D-30, Generic Post-WW2 Skin and Ini Update for SF, WoV & WoE
    A "simple, plain old garden variety" natural metal skin for Wolf's P-51D-30 Mustang, that uses the "P-51D30_V3.LOD", or in other words, the latest version that's available in the "Planes Pak", to be found at CombatAce .
    This is a 'representative' skin for the F-51D Mustang, in the post-1947 era, right after the formation of the US Air Force. I did some experimentation with 'paneling'. I just used various verrry light tones of gray to try and create the differing panel sections. The skin itself was created from Wolf's original template, with cleaned up and redrawn panel lines, my 'interperative' rivets, and a new look for the cowl vent/air filter inlet.
    The tail serial numbers are actual P-51D serials, just so's your tail fin don't look and feel so neeked.
    I've also created the "buzz numbers" so prevelant in the post-war period, and into the Korea War, so this skin set will fit nicely into a "Cold War Gone Hot: 1948" scenario, or even a Korean War one.
    As everybody knows how I hate to waste good decals, and just for fun, I transfered over and positioned a whole bunch of the various nose arts from other aircraft. So there's something to look at; and most surely against the Regs in the post-war era....there may be some partial or semi-nudidity on some some of them.
    A few changes in the cockpit ini, added 2 new sight tgas (K-14 AA and AG sights). Instructions are below, in the "To Install" section.
    And, once again, all the lights have correct positions, colors, and that nice little retractable landing light lens that Wolf provided for us, in now actually the landing light. --- really, this is the last time I'm fixing it!!!!
    A new, WoE style Hangar Screen is also provided, for those wishing to use the aircraft/skin in a CWGH: 48 style install.
    == You MUST also have the latest weapons pak to make use of the WW2 weapons.==
    As stated above, there here highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions -- so PLEASE read them, ok???
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)



  19. Fw-190 JG-26 skin & ini mods

    Slight modification of the original skin for Wolf's Focke-Wulf Fw-190 for JG-26.
    This mod adds individual aircraft numbers, squadron badge, corrects running light positions, adds a new gunsight, and a weathered version of the original skin.
    Note: although the numbers are the correct Blockshirft font, I was too lazy to make the usual border. Enjoy it anyway :)
    Fully detailed, step-by-step instructions are in the enclosed read me -- so PLEASE read it! It'll make everyone's life easier!!
    With thanks to Wolf for releasing the PSD skin template (and the original aircraft as well)
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  20. FW-190A, 7/JG2

    Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs:
    This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A.
    This skin represents Fw-190A from 7/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France.
    It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above.
    It carries the 'Thumb on Top Hat' nose badge, as carried on their Bf-109s as well.
    Easy to follow instruction in the enclosed readme!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  21. FW-190A, 3/JG2

    Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs:
    This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A.
    This skin represents Fw-190A from 3/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France.
    It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above. It carries the 'Chicken Head' (or rooster) nose badge, but not the outlined eagle shape on the fuselage, as this is an earler version.
    Simple install instructions in the readme!
    Simply Skinning..
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  22. FW-109A4, 6/JG2

    Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs:
    This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A4.
    This skin represents Fw-190A4 from 6/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France.
    It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above. No special marking, just a very "Plane Jane" skin.
    This, and all the other skins, can be used on any other versions of the 190, just edit the decals ini to point to the correct aircraft (also repeated in the readme)
    The enclosed readme has simple, easy to follow instructions -- not much to, it's just as skin!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  23. MTO Bf-109G10 JG53

    Messerschmitt Bf-109G10 skin upgrade & ini tweeks for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs:
    This is a rebadging of original Bf-109G10, JG53 skin by Gramps, with basically, new individual number decals added. With thanks to Gramps for permission to modify.
    This skin represents Bf-109G10s from JG53 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Desert/Sicily/Italy; you know, the general MTO area. I make absolutely NO claims to historical accuracy
    Includes inis to upgrade data, cockpit and loadout. Also included is a NEW MTO 109 loading screen, never before released.
    Full instructions in the enclosed readme!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  24. Bf-109T10 (KM) North Atlantic Gray

    North Atlantic Gray/Swirl/Faded Splinter Camo for KM Bf-109T10
    Another skin for my "What If..." carrier based Bf-109T10, modded from Wolf257's original G10. It represents a fictional North Atlantic Gray (ish) swirly pattern, superimposed over the splinter. The splinter has been lightly painted over, so it still should 'bleed' through. The (fictional) squadron represented is JGM100, same as that which came in the Bf-109T10 mod.
    Please read the readme for install instructions, and other notes of interest.


       (1 review)



  25. Ju-87T (KM) North Atlantic 2-tone gray Splinter camo

    North Atlantic 2-Tone Gray Camo for KM Ju-87T Stuka
    Another skin for my "What If..." carrier based Ju-87T, which is modded from Pasko's original Stuka. It represents a fictional North Atlantic 2-tone Gray.
    Since there exists NO available templates to reskin ANY of Pasko's birds (or at least none I could find), I had to use his original splinter camo as a base for this (see the original readme for the Ju-87T). What I wound up doing is creating a multi-layer psd file for the needed skin bmps, and redrawing every single panel and rivet line.
    So, all credit goes to the original skin creator, whoever that might be; but...
    This is a NEW skin (albeit based off stock), from a NEW template, created by ME!!! And let me tell ya, re-drawing all those little buggers is a real PITA!!!
    Please read the readme for install instructions and perhaps some notes of interest, in particular about the unit badge decals.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)




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